CProcedures following institutional approval or review
ValAwards_1Validated Awards 2015–2016
CProcedures following institutional approval or review
Copyright © 2015 The Open University
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted or utilised in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from the publisher.
· Contents
· C1Institutional agreement
· C2Information
· C3Relationships with University staff
C1Institutional agreement
C3Relationships with University staff
C1Institutional agreement
Signing an agreement
Following institutional approval or institutional review, a formal institutional agreement (see Appendix 1) must be signed between the University and the institution. This sets out the terms and conditions under which the University agrees to confer partner institution status.
OU requirements
The OU has these requirements regarding the approval and monitoring of partner institutions’ publicity materials/publicly available information:
General requirements
Institutions cannot publish any co-branded publicity materials or produce any materials that imply in any way that they have been approved by The Open University (OU) before the University has confirmed their institutional approval via the formal approval letter.
Once they are formally approved by the OU, all institutions must publicise their relationship with the OU in all the relevant published materials, whether in print or online.
Similarly, partner institutions cannot publicise a programme of study as being validated by the University before validation has been confirmed via the formal programme approval letter. However, where an institutions programme leads to a validated award of the University, this should be clearly stated in all publicly available information and promotional materials whether in print of on line.
Compliance with the OU publicity requirements is a key element of the admin audit and institutional review processes.
Use of the OU logo and wording
Partner institutions of The Open University are allowed to use the Open University logo in accordance with the OU brand guidelines. Brand guidelines and a high-resolution logo can be obtained from the Manager Communications at .
Partner institutions must use the following wording to describe their relationship with The Open University:
[Institution] is approved by The Open University as an appropriate organisation to offer higher education programmes leading to Open University validated awards.
[Institution] is an approved institution of The Open University.
Partner institutions should use the following wording to describe validated programmes/modules:
Programmes/modules in [XYZ] subject(s) have been developed and will be delivered by [organisation]. They have been validated through a process of external peer review by The Open University as being of an appropriate standard and quality to lead to The Open University validated awards of [full title of award(s)].
[Title of programme/This award] is currently validated by The Open University.
Further guidance, as well as additional content regarding The Open University and its validated provision can be obtained from the Manager Communications at .
Sign-off process
In order to ensure the accuracy of all publicly available information referring to its validated provision and in accordance with industry best practice, The Open University must be involved in the sign off of partner publicity materials, as follows:
· Sign off of printed materials: Co-branded publicity materials and any publicity materials referring to The Open University, institutional approval and validated programmes should be submitted for approval via email to the Manager Communications at . Partner institutions are requested to communicate the print deadlines for their prospectuses to the Manager Communications at the earliest opportunity. In addition a minimum seven days’ notice should be given for approval requests to be considered and processed.
· Online information: The OU checks online information at regular intervals and as a result, may ask the institutions to make some amendments, where relevant. Additionally, partner institutions must inform the Manager Communications of any significant changes, for instance where a website is being completely reviewed and redesigned.
Partner institutions must ensure the accuracy of their public information, publicity and promotional activity relating to their relationship with The Open University and the provision of programmes validated by the University. The OU checks partner institutions publicity and marketing material annually to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date in its description of validated provision. Partner institutions may be asked to provide electronic or hard copies of the documents listed below and to make amendments where appropriate, as advised by the OU:
· copies of current prospectus and any publicity materials which refer to validated programmes
· copies of all student handbooks.
Institutions are required to keep a record of all the printed and electronic information produced to describe their validated programmes and their relationship with the University. They must keep this information for the maximum period for which students might be registered on the relevant programmes.
Information about the University to students and staff
Information relating to validated programmes and the nature of the institution’s relationship with the University, including the Handbook for Validated Awards and programme handbooks, must be made available to students, staff and other interested parties. This will include details of the respective responsibilities of the institution and the University.
The Student’s Guide to Studying on a Programme Validated by The Open University is available on the validation website at http://www.open.ac.uk/cicp/main/validation/students-and-alumni and aims to introduce students to the University, as well as explaining what being registered on a programme validated by the OU means to them.
An electronic copy of the guide must be circulated annually to all newly registered students. In addition, the electronic version of the guide must be made available and clearly signposted on the institution’s website. Furthermore, hard copies of the guide must be available in the relevant information points at the institution, including the library.
Where programmes are delivered outside the United Kingdom clear information must be made available about the language of instruction and assessment. Such information must be published in both English and the language of the country where the institution is situated.
Information about engagements with the QAA and professional, statutory and regulatory bodies
In respect of information about engagements with the Quality Assurance Agency, Professional, Statutory and Regulatory Bodies, and other external agencies, partner institutions are required to:
· inform the University of all external audit, accreditation, inspection or review, either of the institution or that will include provision validated by the University
· provide draft self-evaluation documents in good time for the University to consider and offer comment, where appropriate
· copy to the University all communications from the external agency or body following the review, including initial judgements or findings and draft reports;
· provide the University with an opportunity to consider a draft action plan and to make comment, as appropriate
· keep the University informed of progress with the action plan and any further communication with the external agency or body.
C3Relationships with University staff
Following approval, the University will provide advice, guidance, academic support and oversight of quality and standards, as through Academic Reviewers, who support the quality assurance and enhancement of validated provision.
Attendance of University representatives at other key committees
In addition to boards of examiners, at which decisions on OU awards are made, University representatives may attend a sample of key committees and boards such as academic boards, programme committees or quality standing committees or their equivalents. The sample will usually be decided at planning meetings between the University and the partner institutions.
The Institution will provide the OU with all papers of such committees in the year leading up to institutional review.
Terms of reference of University representatives at key committees at partner institutions are to:
· attend board and committee meetings of the institution as per prior agreement
· observe the conduct of the boards and committees in accordance with the institutional procedures
· provide a source of advice on the interpretation and application of University policies and of guidance offered by QAA in the UK Quality Code and elsewhere
· alert the institution and the University to policies, procedures or circumstances which seem likely to impede the effective functioning of the boards and committees or the discharge of their responsibilities
· report to the University, including institutional review panels.
The University representative will prepare a checklist report, noting whether:
· the meeting was competent and quorate to conduct business in accordance with the institutional structure and procedures, and was conducted in accordance with its agreed terms of reference
· an appropriate officer took minutes
· everyone was familiar with and understood the terms of reference for the meeting
· the agenda was appropriate and adequately supported by relevant documentation
· if applicable, minutes and follow-on action from previous meetings were dealt with
· there was evidence of appropriate record keeping
· all participating members present at the meeting were given an adequate and structured opportunity to contribute to discussion.
A copy of the report prepared by the University representative on the conduct of meetings will be submitted simultaneously both to the institution and to the University.
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