Name of ASHHRA Chapter
Chapter Program/Fiscal Year - (example - January 1 – December 31, 2006)
1.Chapter is to have a roster of chapter membership that lists the ASHHRA Regional Consultant, the ASHHRA Executive Director, and that indicates which members are also ASHHRA members, and same indicates which officers are ASHHRA members.
Supporting Evidence:
1a.Provide Chapter roster identifying ASHHRA members
1b.Chapter roster includes the name of the ASHHRA Regional Consultant and ASHHRA Executive Director
1c.Chapter roster identified which officer(s) are ASHHRA members.
- The Chapter Officer(s) are ASHHRA members and the Chapter by-laws indicate the officer(s) must be an ASHHRA member.
Supporting Evidence:
2a.Provide the section in the Chapter Bylaws that states the Chapter Officer(s) must be ASHHRA member(s).
3.Chapter establishes committees which serve to meet the objectives and needs of the Chapter in several areas: Membership, Education, Bylaws, Communication and Legislation
Supporting Evidence:
3a.List names of each committee, the name of the chairperson, number on each committee and the objectives based on the Chapter’s needs.
3b.Each committee prepares an annual written evaluation of its objectives and results communicated to the Chapter membership (Submit copy of each committee evaluation)
- Describe the Chapter’s membership campaign program and the results attained.
Supporting Evidence:
4a.Submit a summary of the chapter’s annual membership campaign goal and a year-end report that indicates the results of that campaign.
4b.Provide a copy of material used to promote membership campaign. Evidence could be: (E-mail, letters, brochures, flyer, etc.)
- Describe how ASHHRA membership is promoted within the local Chapter and results attained.
Supporting Evidence:
5a.Describe ASHHRA membership promotion program and submit promotional materials used within the local Chapter (i.e., flyers, newsletters, articles, etc.)
- Chapter is to have held at least two executive committee/board meetings during the year.
Supporting Evidence:
6a.Attach two meeting agendas and the associated meeting minutes of the chapter executive committee/board. Agenda and minutes must reflect the date of the meeting.
7.Chapter is to have written annual objectives. The Chapter President is to have a written report of the results of the Chapter’s annual objectives that has been submitted to the Chapter membership.
Supporting Evidence:
7a.Submit a copy of communication of Chapter objectives reported to the Chapter membership in form of newsletters, minutes, memos, etc.
7b.Submit a copy of communication of Chapter objectives results reported to the Chapter membership in form of newsletters, minutes, memos, etc.
8.Chapter is to have both an annual budget and an annual financial report published for Chapter membership (see Addendum 1 – page 21 – and Addendum 2 – page 22) for samples or you may use your chapter model.
Supporting Evidence:
8a.Submit a copy of the Chapter annual budget. Identify how the budget was communicated to the membership (e-mail, newsletter, and/or meeting minutes). If meeting minutes reflect the annual budget, please indicate the method those minutes were distributed to the members.
8b.Submit a copy of a financial/treasurer report made during the fiscal year. Identify how the report was communicated to the membership (e-mail, newsletter, and distribution method of minutes that may include the financial/treasurer report).
9.Chapter is to have meeting minutes and other Chapter communications, such as informal mailings and meeting notifications.
Supporting Evidence:
9a.Submit (1) copy of meeting minutes and (1) other communication to chapter members, examples: a) e-mail with any attachments, b) fax broadcast memo or letter, c) newsletter, (note mode of distribution)
- Chapter is to submit a letter to the Regional Consultant and the Executive Director of ASHHRA in Chicago, indicating election of Chapter officers.
Supporting Evidence:
10a.Copy of cover letter sent to ASHHRA and Regional Consultant indicating elected officers.
11.Chapter’s letterhead indicates that Chapter is an affiliate of the American Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration.
Supporting Evidence:
11a.Submit a blank piece of Chapter’s letterhead highlighting the affiliation.
12.Chapter is to have conducted four(one-hour) programs. The program(s) must address relevant Human Resources issues. To achieve Four Star, the program(s) must be conducted over a minimum of a 2-day period. Chapter must provide a completed Chapter Program Evaluation for each one-house meeting. (Use Addendum 3, page 23-24 or use your chapter model.)
Supporting Evidence:
12a.Provide a brochure, flyer or email notice of one educational program to include all of the following: program title, speaker; education objective(s). (This request must be submitted for each program presented.)
12b.Provide a random sample (1) completed Program Evaluation for above program. (This request must be submitted for each program presented.)
12c.For program presented, submit summary total of individual evaluation collected. Summary must include total number of evaluations collected. (This request must be submitted for each program presented.)
13.Chapter is to have conducted orientation program for new members. Describe the Chapter’s orientation program and the evaluation results obtained.
13a.Submit new member program agenda and include copies of new member orientation materials provided
13b.Submit an evaluation of the orientation program. (The evaluation can either be: a Chapter Orientation Evaluation form, or an individual member written comments/suggestions submitted by E-mail or letter/memo.)
14.Chapter President and/or designated representative of the chapter attended the Annual ASHHRA Leadership Conference in 2007. The chapter has a policy to provide funds for the President and/or designee to attend.
Supporting Evidence:
14a.List the name of the individual in attendance at the ASHHRA Leadership Conference.
14b.Submit a copy of the policy or statement in the Chapter Bylaws or a copy of the Chapter annual budget, or a monthly financial/treasurer report where the ASHHRA Leadership Conference expense is noted.
15.Chapter nominated an ASHHRA Outstanding Chapter Achievement Award recipient for the Anaheim, CA awards program.
Supporting Evidence:
15a.Submit a copy of the nomination form or a copy of the congratulatory letter from 2007.
- Chapter has distributed a minimum of two newsletters to Chapter membership.
Supporting Evidence:
16a.Submit copies or print electronic version of each newsletter.
- Chapter conducted/sponsored Human Resources programs or projects, such as salary surveys, benefit surveys, legislative activities, skill inventories.
17a.Submit copies and/or summary of the program or project with objectives and follow-through.
- Show interaction between your Chapter and other Chapters within the region. Samples include: joint program, joint venture, etc. (joint membership does not apply).
18a. Submit copies of letters, minutes, program, etc.
- Chapter member(s) contributed to ASHHRA’s national activities, other than attendance at educational activities (i.e. served on an ASHHRA committee, served as a legislative liaison, volunteered for an ASHHRA Task Force, submitted an article to an ASHHRA publication.)
19a.Submit copies of programs, minutes, ASHHRA rosters and/or correspondence.
- Chapter or chapter members actively participated in legislative activities on a state and federal level. Participation can include contributing to a political action committee, communication with state and federal representatives, inviting legislative representatives to speak during meetings, etc.
20a.Submit documentation of activity (i.e., letters, programs, budget location, etc.)
- Show documentation of interaction with other allied health care or professional organizations (i.e., American Nurses Association, National Association of Social Workers, American Physical Therapy Association, FHMA, SHRM, state professional associations, etc.).
21a.Submit copies of letter, minutes, programs, etc.
- Chapter officer and/or members have attended ASHHRA-sponsored programs such as senior executive forum, audio/web seminar, and/or annual meeting or regional workshops/conferences. (See Addendum 4 or model, page 25 or use your chapter model).
22a.Submit individual’s name, date, program and location.
- Chapter conducted a scholarship/internship or other related professional enhancement program for its members or those who aspire to the human resources profession.
23a.Submit a description of the program.
- Chapter conducted or sponsored additional programs or projects that have not been covered under other categories (i.e., research projects, community service projects, awarding of CEU’s).
24a.Submit documentation of the projects, including objectives for each.
- Chapter President and/or designated representative of the Chapter attended the ASHHRA annual conference. The Chapter has a policy to provide funds for the President and/or designee to attend the annual ASHHRA meeting.
25a.List the name of the individual in attendance at the ASHHRA Annual Conference.
25b.Submit a copy of the financial/treasurer report where the ASHHRA Annual Conference expense is noted supporting the allocation of expenses to attend the annual conference.
- Chapter nominated an ASHHRA Outstanding Chapter Officer for the Anaheim, CA awards program.
26a.Submit a copy of the nomination form or congratulatory letter from 2007.
- Chapter members participated in human resources activities outside the Chapter activities (i.e., teaching, seminar leaders, task force, committees other than ASHHRA, etc.).
27a.Submit copies of programs, minutes, and/or correspondence.