FERA Meeting 12-April-2012: 19:30


Rendall & Rittner: Caroline Endacott

Board of Directors: David Stephens

Cherri Gilham

Estate Manager: Darren Morris

Falcons Residents Association:

Chair : Andrew Lavelle

Estate Residents.

  1. Agree Minutes, 07-02-2012

Minutes from the previous meeting were agreed to be a fair resume of the meeting which took place, 2012-February-07.

  1. Matters Arising, Matters Arising, 07-February-2012
  1. Andrew Lavelle was appointed Chair of the Residents’ Association.


  1. Distribution of the minutes for 07-02-2012 A. Lavelle

Completed; apologises to those who have not received email copies of the minutes, due to email address translation errors.

  1. Distribution of Section Twenty notice regarding the installation of a new TV aerial system


  1. Bicycle Cull management. Estate manager

A new procedure for the management of bicycles is to be instigated. Residents with bicycles are issued with a colour (changing on a regular basis to indicate the age of issue) coded tag indicating authorisation to leave their bicycles in a secured area. Prior to a managed bicycle cull, all residents’ will be issued with a letter alerting them to the impending cull and the opportunity to renew their colour coded secure bicycle tag.

The cull cycle will be initiated for the first Monday of every month with unauthorised bicycles being removed. The estate office will distribute appropriate notification to all residents, inviting them to register their bicycles to avoid being culled.

It was suggested that light activated motion sensors at the bicycle shed at gate one would be a practical deterrent to causal theft especially late at night when the lights came on; any residents’ observing the lights coming on would be advised to dial 999 to contact he police.

  1. Electrical upgrade progress, completion due end of April 2012. R&R

The upgrade to lighting in the grounds has now been completed. The new security lighting lamps come complete with a twelve month guarantee.

As a result of the installation of the new lighting the directors, in conjunction with R&R are to undertake a review of the wall mounted security lights to establish whether, or not, they are still required to supplement the new security lighting.

A request was made to review the power of the lights at gate four, Sullivan close, to see if they could be ‘powered’ down in order to reduce the light pollution being experienced by the apartments in Hawk House. It was intimated to residents that the lights had an independent power setting.

As a result of the installation of the new security lighting throughout the estate, the directors are looking at the possibility of removing the remaining sodium security lighting from the buildings (Hawk/Harrier/Kite/Kestrel/Peregrine/Osprey/Eagle).

  1. Residential lighting issues Lessees/

Estate manager

Darren has been in contact with residents’, especially Eagle Heights, who have experienced problems with the response of the standby lighting, this has now been resolved and no new incidents have been reported.

  1. Low rise refurbishment tender process R&R

The issued section twenty notice expires on April 29th.

The residents gathered expressed concerns at requirements for the redecoration of the low rise flats (Hawk/Harrier/Kite/Kesterl/Peregrine)



Quality / Colour

Flat Front door:

As defined by the lease is the responsibility of the lessee


To be painted over the existing paper colour scheme or strip back to the wall; seal the walls and then paper/paint. Retain the dado rail; mark resistant paint/easily sourced for ‘touch up’ maintenance.


It was reported by the directors that the installation of false ceilings would be deferred from this program of works

Determination of scheme:

It was agreed by all present that the refurbishment is a big issue; the directors advised that there were two options for the determination of the refurbishment scheme;

- The directors could make all the decisions

- The Residents’ Association could develop a sub-committee to make the required decisions

‘Timeframe’ It was established that the refurbishment would be scheduled to take place ‘a couple’ of months after the completion of the aerial installation.

A sub-committee was established to determine options for the refurbishment of te low-rise buildings.

N. Stewart-Wood/J. Lesschaeve/C. Westood/A. Lavelle

  1. Outstanding works publication


All future outstanding works/issues (Task Tracker) will be distributed with the meeting agenda.

  1. Staff Patrol / Estate office access during peak periods

Estate manager

It is accepted that the estate staff need to review the grounds and the common parts, and thus be away from the office; a notice is displayed in the door window advertising the fact the staff are on their ‘rounds’ but additionally provides advice on how the staff can be contacted.

There have been no complaints registered about lack of access to the office to collect parcels/contact staff.

Office Hours:

Darren Morris: 07:00 - 16:00

Relief Managers: 08:00 - 16:00

15:30 - 23:30

This shift patterns allows a responsible manager to be available to deal with; contractors arriving early in the morning, problems developing overnight.

At times when the office cannot be staffed, a notice will be placed in the window of the door.

  1. Car break-ins. Lessees

Everyone on the estate is to remain vigilant.

  1. Teleguard progress R&R

As a temporary measure to mitigate the failure of the entryphone system residents’ have been petitioned to adopt an interim solution of allowing the landline telephone numbers to be used to allow guests access to the estate.

The uptake of the teleguard solution has been very poor, approximately 100 apartments have responded in a positive manner.

An invitation to tender for the temporary Teleguard solution should be completed by the end of April, 2012. It is anticipated that a decision will be made during May, 2012, with works starting during June, 2012.

  1. Entryphone Progress Directors/R&R

This is a slow moving but on-going legal process to recover damages for the installation of the enrtryphone system.

A record is being kept of the additional costs to maintain the present system in the hope of recovering the costs from the installation contractors.

As a result of this process; all documentation for future contracts will be maintained and archived by the managing agents, Rendall & Rittner.

  1. Utility survey markings, eradication of markings R&R

The markings for the underground utility map were expected to have washed/worn away before April; it was the general concession of the meeting that physical evidence of underground cabling/conduit/pipe work were probably best left marked above ground until the major, entryphone installation, was completed.

  1. Finance review, volunteers
  2. J. Byramji
  3. T. Kataria
  4. Lavelle
  5. Date of meeting to be confirmed R&R

The review meeting was scheduled for the 14th. May, 2012, at R&R offices at 18:00

  1. Gardens review A. L./R&R
  2. A quorum is needed to ensure an impartial review of the grounds with both the Directors and the Grounds contractors. Invitations have been issued to lessees.
  3. Barthelemeus have responded to comments made, this will be provided for distribution with the next agenda.
  1. Charles Russell Solicitors, communication issues R&R

If lessees are experiencing problems with communications from Charles Russell, documented specific instances will be required to pursue Charles Russell with a view to changing any procedures which are currently in place.

  1. Footpath (Between Harrier and Eagle) tender process R&R

Sadly the quotes receive to date have been deemed far to expensive, the directors/R&R are still trying to find a contractor who provide a suitable estimate of works.

  1. Web page management

Estate manager/C. Gilham

The management of the Falcons estate, , will continue to be largely managed by G. Gilham, with D. Morris providing day to today support for instances of ‘fluid’ notice, for example leisure centre closure, refuse collections, recycle collection, etc…

It was suggested that the ‘Welcome Pack’ be made available on the web site, however, the ‘Welcome Pack’ needs to be updated before publication.

R&R are looking to provide a ‘Web Portal’ solution for all of their clients, it is anticipated that this development will take approximately twelve months at which time the Falcons can determine whether they want to take advantage of this service.

  1. Chris, tools for the job,

Estate manager

Darren spoke with Chris, and while Chris is relatively happy in his work he feels that the new trolley is not adequate for it’s function.

  1. New Developments / Information update on estate matters from the managing agents R&R

·  Leisure centre plant room.

The plant room in the leisure centre is to be refurbished. Consultants have updated the specification for the maintenance of the leisure centre; a number of energy efficient solutions were reviewed before settling on the final configuration.

The refurbishment is planned to take place during the summer months and unfortunately the leisure centre will need to be closed while the works are undertaken.

·  Satellite TV aerial

Contractors have been identified and employed to installation a new aerial system for the Falcons estate: the installation is expected to start 23rd. April. The current cable into each apartment is owned y Virgin media and as such will remain and not be removed during the upgrade of the aerial signal service; an additional cable will be routed into each apartment to the lessees preferred location; additional TV points can be provided by negotiation between the contractor and the lessee.

·  Leisure centre lighting

New ‘mood’ lighting has been installed in the leisure centre – pool area.

·  Leisure centre gym review

The directors are undertaking a review of the gym area to see if new equipment is needed.

·  Kite House roof repairs

Contractors are being sought to undertake repairs to the leaking roof at Kite house.

·  Pot holes in the hard standing of the car parking areas and at he vehicle gates

The quote received so far for the maintenance of the pot holes in the car parking/drive areas have been unsatisfactory and somewhat expensive. The solution to the surface of the car parking/drive areas remains unresolved.

·  Drought; this is the responsibility of everyone here at the Falcons

Hosepipe bans will have an effect on the maintenance of the grounds. It was noted that we, residents, are all responsible for usage of water in adverse times and we should all try to reduce our water consumption where possible.

·  Door Closure

The door closure mechanism is affected by prevailing temperature, during warm/hot weather the fluid in the damper becomes less viscous resulting in a tendency for the door to ‘slam’ close; similarly in cold weather the fluid in the damper becomes more viscous resulting in the door closing very slowly or not at all. Where the closure of the door is a problem residents are advised to alert the office and the appropriate action can take place.

  1. Fire procedure: How to react to an emergency
  2. Fire

In the event of a fire a fire alarm will be sounded in the common parts; this alarm is not designed to be heard within individual apartments; the fire alarm is automatically linked to the local fire service;

presently the best advice on hearing the fire alarm is to remain in your apartment and wait for the alarm to stop or to be contacted by the fire brigade service; if you found yourself in the common parts when the fire alarm is sounded, make your way to the nearest fire escape or if you are able seek sanctuary in your apartment.

  1. Ambulance

The ambulance service are contacted on an as needed basis; in the event that you need assistance from the ambulance service, provide them with as much as information as possible to allow them speedy access to your apartment.

  1. Police / Community Support Officers

Like the ambulance service, Police and Community support officers are contacted on an as needed basis; in the event that you need assistance from the polive or community support officers, provide them with as much as information as possible to allow them speedy access to your apartment.

  1. Promotion of the Falcons Website

The chair agreed that the Falcons website would be included on all e-mails sent.

  1. Service Charge increases: Especially erratic nature of the car park service charge

There have been a number of changes to the method of determining the car park service charge over a number of years:

·  Policy changes as a result of a change of the board of directors

·  Some lessees do not have a car parking spaces

·  Some car parking spaces have become the ownership of lessees without have the leases to an apartment

·  The reserve fund has been increased to provide for future refurbishing of the hard standing

·  Electricity for the grounds security lighting has been moved in and out of the Car Park service charge account. Electricity for the pedestrian agates and the vehicle gates has to be apportioned over the service charges. A balance has to be maintained between who pays for the pedestrian gates/the vehicle gates (which some lessees use instead of the pedestrian gates)/the security lighting in the common grounds.

·  At the end of the meeting it was requested that the action points be managed by exception, that is only those issues which had not been completed would be brought forward to the next meeting.

Action Points

·  A. Lavelle

Compile and distribute Minutes

·  Residents

By vigilant of strangers on the estate and try to reduce the incidence of ‘tail gating’

Try and be responsible in the usage of water consumption

·  Estate Office

  1. Bicycle cull program, distribute suitable notification and initiate the bicycle cull
  2. Provide suitable notification when the office is closed
  3. D. Morris to provide as required maintenance of the Falcons web site with pertinent information
  4. Investigate the light power options with a view to adjusting the power of the lights at gate four (Sullivan Close)

·  C. Gilham

Maintenance of the Falcons web site with suitable ‘core’ information.

Organise the update of the ‘Welcome Pack’ for publication via the Web

·  R&R/A. Lavelle

To provide a Task Tracker document for distribution with the next agenda

·  R&R

  1. Continue to maintain all contract documentation in a secure fashion

·  Finance Committee / R&R / Directors

Review finance budget Monday 14-May-2012

·  Low Rise Refurbishment Committee

Arrange to meet and review/plan a residents’ view of the refurbishment process and propose a solution.

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