Group 6-13-REV4

Exhibit B

Revitalization Services (Montgomery County)



Special Invoicing and Billing Instructions

Governing Specifications


Liquidated Damages

Traffic Control Requirements

PennDOT’s Strategic Environmental Management Program (SEMP) Requirements

Replacement Material

Item 1 – Watering

Item 2 – Landscape Crew

Item 3 – Warm Season Grass

Item 4 – Bonded Fiber Matrix Erosion Control Blanket

Item 5 – Plant Material Shade Trees

Item 6 – Plant Material – Flowering Trees

Item 7 – Plant Material – Flowering / Evergreen Shrubs

Item 8 – Plant Material – Ground Cover Flowers

Item 9 – Seeding Material

Item 10 – Seeding Mulch Material

Item 11 – Mulch Material

Item 12 – Topsoil Furnished and Placed

Item 13 –Erosion Control Mats and Blankets


Upon the completion of each assigned cycle or work item, the Vendor will submit to the District 6-0 Roadside Unit a Billing Summary Report with along with a Confirmation of Service Form (Form OS-501) and properly completed Form M-609 documentation. Upon the review and verification of all work indicated on the summary, a Roadside Unit representative will notify the vendor of any corrections needed for the approval of the summary. After all corrections have been approved, the vendor will fax a revised Billable Summary Report to the District 6-0 Roadside Unit and will send the official invoice only, not including M-609 documentation, directly to the Comptroller’s Office (the address is indicated on the front face of the Purchase Order).

The Vendor must follow the Purchase Order on the official Invoice, especially in regards to the items indicated by Fiscal Year (i.e. Item 1, Item 2….).

The Confirmation of Service Form (OS-501) and Roadside Activity Report Form (M-609) will be provided to the successful bidder.


This bid proposal is made under, subject to, and governed by Publication 408 Specification Book dated 2011 of the Pennsylvania Department of transportation and the attached special provision and attachments herein as specified.


In accordance with provisions of Act 287-1974, as amended Act 187-1996, identify and contact all utilities having existing aerial or underground facilities located within the limits of work to arrange for marking of the field locations of these facilities prior to performing any excavation, drilling, and or driving. Cooperate with affected utilities and / or municipalities in any adjustment or relocation of their facilities.


Liquidated damages may be assessed in the amount of $250.00 as specified in the IFB in the section titled “Liquidated Damages”. Liquidated damages may be assessed for contractor performance issues.


Conduct maintenance and protection of traffic in accordance with Publication 213 dated April 2010 or the most recent edition. Should the length of operations become excessive or if interruptions of traffic become too frequent, cease all operations in the area until necessary remedial action has been taken as directed by the Engineer. For all operations on Interstates and Expressways, perform no work impacting traffic between the hours of 6 a.m. and 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. If for any reason lanes need to be closed or if there is a major encroachment, the traffic control shall be in accordance with the appropriate Figures from Publication 213 and may require flag a person.

If work is to be done on a freeway or expressway, provide a shadow vehicle with an NCHRP 350 T.M.A (truck mounted attenuator).

If work is done on freeways or expressways, including interstate highways, and other highways with three or more lanes where the legal speed limit is 40 mph or higher, the shadow vehicle must be in accordance with Publication 213.

All maintenance and protection of traffic will be incidental to the cost of the service.

Furnish trained flaggers to control traffic adjacent to and within the work areas. Provide flaggers according to Pub 408, section 901.3(y).


Before the start of any work, the contractor must comply with PENNDOT’ S STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM (SEMP) REQUIREMENTS

The requirements of this program can be found on the PENNDOT’s website at

Go to PENNDOT Organizations/ click on Engineering Districts and County Maintenance Office/click on “6”/click on Roadwork/ click on Maintenance/ click on SEMP.

The contractor is required to submit SEMP Certification and Contractor Roster to the Department prior to starting work.


DESCRIPTION – This work is the furnishing of any materials needed, not listed in items 1-26 above, including but not limited to, additional plant material, landscaping material, and any other materials approved by the Roadside Specialist.

MATERIAL – In accordance with section 703, 802, 808 and 809, all material must be verified through invoices from suppliers.

MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT – A predetermined amount of money (PDA) is indicated in the Invitation for Bid (IFB) Header Text for this work. All material, specialized equipment and subcontractor services not specified in the contract will be paid under this item in the contract through a purchase order for the amount shown in the Invitation for Bid (IFB) Header Text for this service.

The cost of material, specialized equipment or subcontractor services used will be reimbursable at the actual cost, including applicable tax, shown on vendor’s (supplier’s) invoices. To cover all administration and other overhead costs add 15% to the material cost; 5 % to the specialized equipment cost; and 8 % to the subcontractors services.

Submit Vendor Invoice with the following information:

ü  Company Name

ü  Federal ID Number

ü  Contract Number

Meet requirements of Special Provision section “Special Invoice and Billing Instructions”. Submit separate documentation for each site and each occurrence.


DESCRIPTION – This work is watering all areas as directed.


1. Water. Section 720.2

2. Water tank (truck mounted or towed tank) Ensure the tank is equipped with either a refill pump or a reversible pump with proper check valves. Do not provide a hydro seeder / mulcher for this work.

CONSTRUCTION – Section 808.3(g)7



DESCRIPTION – This work is the provision and use of one (1) two (2) person crew and equipment for weeding, edging and trash, leaf removal and related work to Item 14 as directed.

Personnel – One (1) two (2) person crew

One Person of the crew designated as the foreperson

Equipment –

  1. two (2) gasoline powered string trimmers
  2. one gasoline powered blower
  3. one gasoline powered edger
  4. Miscellaneous hand tools such as pruning shears, shovels, rakes, hoes, loppers, etc.
  5. One truck to transport all personnel, equipment, and material to the work site.

Fuel and Lubricants – Supply all fuel, lubricants and other material required to keep equipment in proper operating condition.

CONSTRUCTION – Including but not limited to weeding, minor mowing, pruning and flower bed preparation and clean up as directed by the Roadside Specialist Supervisor or designee.

MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT – Hour (rate is for all personnel and equipment)


DESCRIPTION - This work is furnishing and placing the following warm season grass mixture as directed at the rates indicated. This mixture is intended for reclamation and stabilization of slopes, and development of meadow-like areas in non-mowed areas.

MATERIAL – Seed mixture from Department approved Sources consisting of the following:

Perennial Grasses

Little Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium) 4lbs per acre

Big Bluestem (Andropogon gerardii) 4lbs per acre

Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans) 4 lbs per acre

Deertoungue (Panicum clandestinum) 4 lbs per acre

Canada Wildrye (Elymus Canadensis) 4 lbs per acre

Cover Crop

Annual Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) 25lbs per acre

Total Perennial Grasses 17lbs per acre

Total cover crop 25lbs per acre

Supplement - No pulverized agricultural limestone (lime) will be used. Fertilizer materials will be 0-46-0 and 0-0-63, or approved nitrogen-free sources of phosphorous and potassium.

EQUIPMENT – Supply one (1) hydroseeder, one (1) operator and two (2) laborers. All equipment (Reference Finn, Reinco or equal with a 1000 gallon minimum hopper), will arrive filled with water for the operation of the unit, and be able to meet the Departments set application rates. The contractor will be responsible to ensure all equipment and operators are in conformance with applicable Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Laws. In addition, the Contractor will be responsible for providing all traffic control measures according to PennDOT Publication 213 dated February 2008 or the most recent addition.

CONSTRUCTION - Furnish and place approved seed mixture at locations as directed between December I and August 1 or as directed by the Roadside Specialist Supervisor or designee.

Place seed prior to application of mulch. Do not incorporate mulch with seed mixture into seed mix.

Add supplements with seed or mulch at the following rates:

0-46-0 200lbs/acre

0-0-63 140lbs/acre


Approved nitrogen-free source of phosphorous and potassium providing equivalent per acre rates of phosphorous (881bs P205/acre) and potassium (881bs K20/acre).

Measurement and Payment – Pound


DESRIPTION – This work is the furnishing and performing the hydraulic application of bonded fiber matrix, along various state highways within Montgomery County, to provide erosion control.

MATERIAL - Bonded fiber matrix comprised of long strand wood fibers held together by a bonding agent which upon drying becomes insoluble and non-dispersible, has no germination or growth inhibiting factors, and does not form a water impermeable crust. In addition, all material is 100% biodegradable materials. Prior to Notice to Proceed, submit product information to the Roadside Unit for approval.

CONSTRUCTION - Have the bonded fiber mix hydraulically applied. Use a hydroseeder and place at a rate of 3000 pounds per acre.

MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT - Pound - Measured by the number of pounds of bonded fiber matrix actually incorporated into the work, at the application rate specified.


DESCRIPTION - This work is the furnishing and placing of the referenced material below at a location in Montgomery County as determined by District Roadside personnel.

MATERIAL – Balled and burlapped nursery stock in accordance with Section 808.2

a.  October Glory red Maple – (1 ½ “ Cal. B&B)

b.  Queen Elizabeth Hedge Maple – (1” Cal. B&B)

c.  Commemoration Sugar Maple – (1” Cal. B&B)

CONSTRUCTION – Furnish and place the above referenced material or approved alternative in accordance with section 808.3.



DESCRIPTION - This work is the furnishing and placing of the referenced material below at a location in Montgomery County as determined by District Roadside personnel.

MATERIAL – Balled and burlapped nursery stock in accordance with Section 808.2

a.  Cumulus Serviceberry Treeform – (1” Cal. B&B)

b.  Pioneer Dotted Hawthorn Treeform – (1” Cal. B&B)

c.  Sugartyme Crabapple Treeform – (1” Cal. B&B)

d.  Chanticleer or Cleveland Select Callery Pear (1” Cal. B&B)

e.  Summer Snow Japanease Lilac Treeform (1” Cal. B&B)

CONSTUCTION – Furnish and place the above referenced material or approved alternative in accordance with section 808.3.



DESCRIPTION - This work is the furnishing and placing of the referenced material below at a location in Montgomery County as determined by District Roadside personnel.

MATERIAL – balled and burlapped nursery stock in accordance with Section 808.2

a.  Kousa Dogwood – (5’ Height. B&B)

b.  Washington Hawthorn – (6’ Height B&B)

c.  Snowdrift Crab – (1” Cal. B&B)

d.  White Pine (5’ Height. B&B)

CONSTUCTION – Furnish and place the above referenced material or approved alternative in accordance with section 808.3.


ITEM 8 – PLANT MATERIAL – Ground Cover and Flowers

DESCRIPTION - This work is the furnishing and placing of the referenced material below at a location in Montgomery County as determined by District Roadside personnel.MATERIAL – container or bare root nursery stock in accordance with Section 808.2

a.  Rugosa Rose (18” Height B.R.)

b.  Daylilies SSP 1 Gallon Container

CONSTUCTION – Furnish and place the above referenced material or approved alternative in accordance with section 808.3.



DESCRIPTION – This work is furnishing and placing the following formulation of seed mixtures as directed by the Roadside Specialist Supervisor or his / her designee.

MATERIAL - Seed mixture from Department approved sources consisting of the following

1. Formula B

2. Formula D

3. Formula E

4. Formula L

Supplement – Pulverized agricultural limestone (lime) can be used. Apply slow-release Nitrogen fertilizer.

EQUIPMENT – Supply one (1) hydroseeder, one (1) operator and two (2) laborers. All equipment (Reference Finn, Reinco or equal with a 1000 gallon minimum hopper), will arrive filled with water for the operation of the unit, and be able to meet the Departments set application rates. The contractor will be responsible to ensure all equipment and operators are in conformance with applicable Pennsylvania Motor Vehicle Laws. In addition, the Contractor will be responsible for providing all traffic control measures according to PennDOT Publication 213 dated February 2008 or the most recent addition.

CONSTRUCTION - Furnish and place approved seed mixture at locations as indicated by the dates in Section 804.3 or as directed by the Roadside Specialist Supervisor or Designee.

Place seed prior to application of mulch. Do not incorporate mulch with seed mixture into seed mix.

Add supplements with seed or mulch at rates indicated in Section 804.3.

Measurement and Payment – pound


DESRIPTION – This work is furnishing and placement of the following types of mulch used for seeding operations as directed by the Roadside Specialist Supervisor or his/ her Designee.

MATERIAL – Mulch mixtures of the following types:

1. Straw

2. Wood Fiber

CONSTRUCTION - Furnish and place mulch type at locations as indicated by the rates and conditions in Section 805.3

Measurement and Payment - Ton


DESCRIPTION – This work is the furnishing and placement of the following types of mulch as directed by the roadside specialist supervisor or designee.