Rajagopalan Balaji
Name of Applicant (printed)Date Received in GraduateSchool
Council on Research and Creative Work
Application for Faculty Fellowship
Consult the latest (August, 2007) Policies and Procedures of the Council on Research and Creative Work before completing this application. Complete all parts of this form and submit one copy to . For this program, use the following file naming convention: FF.(Your Last Name).pdf/doc. (Eg. FF.Jones.pdf.)
DEADLINE: October 12, 20074:00pm
Application Checklist
X_Applicant holds a Boulder campus, tenured appointment, which is half-time or more.
XApplicant will have been (by the beginning of the fellowship) a member of the faculty in regular University duties for at least six years.
XApplicant has participated in regular University duties for six academic years since last sabbatical leave or faculty fellowship and is eligible for a sabbatical in the Faculty Fellowship year.
A copy of a proposal to external funding sources is enclosed, which either is pending or has been denied within the last six months.
XApplicant’s complete curriculum vitae and relevant examples of the applicant's creative work are enclosed. (Please include education, appointments, financial support, scholarly or creative work and service.) If applicable, list previous Faculty Fellowship awards and publications and/or creative work that resulted from the Faculty Fellowship.
XThe project description is no more than three pages, double-spaced in length (12 pt. type).
XChair’s letter.
Application Information
Applicant's Name (please print)Rajagopalan Balaji
Rank/Department___Associate Professor______
Mailing Address (Campus Box #) 428 Telephone2-5968
Title and brief summary of projectIs the Western US Drying Up?______
(Please see attached proposal)
Period of Faculty Fellowship: BeginningJanuary 2008 Ending December 2008
Total Amount Requested $4000
Project Description
Describe in no more than THREE DOUBLE-SPACED PAGES(12 pt. type) the proposed project. Provide sufficient information so CRCW members will understand clearly:
(1) the general nature of the project,
(2) the importance of the project to the field (cite studies in the field relevant to the project),
(3) the methodology/procedures to be followed, and the
(4) expected achievements by the end of the grant period.
CRCW members are drawn from many departments. The description of the research or creative work must be INTELLIGIBLE TO A NONSPECIALIST.
Grant-in-Aid Budget
Expense Category / Purpose / AmountAssistance (please be specific)
Supplies &
Expenses / Books, copying, communication / $1000
Travel (for per diem, contact the Travel Office, 303.315.2818) / Travel to American Geophysical Union conference
To present research results
(Registration, Airfare, Per diem, Ground transportation) / $1700
Equipment / Computational support will be available from NOAA and NCAR
Other (Please be specific) / Software / $1300
Total amount requested: $__4000___
Note: No CRCW grant-in-aid may exceed $7,000 (and is normally for $3000 - 4000). If funds from an outside grant are received and overlap funds awarded by CRCW, the outside funds must be used instead of CRCW funds. Money may be spent only for the categories noted above and in the amounts approved. A request for a change in the approved budget may be submitted to the CRCW administrative member. Explanation of major budget expenses: (Specify duties of assistants precisely. Describe/justify supplies, travel, and equipment. Attach additional sheet if necessary.)
Undergraduate Research Initiative: Are you requesting funding for an undergraduate assistant through UROP? Yes ___ No X Number of hours requested (If applicable, include one paragraph in your project description that details the student's expected participation). If your grant is funded by CRCW, contact UROP directly and attach your award letter when you do. For UROP questions, please contact Larry Boehm at 492-2596.
CRCW Faculty Fellowships
Chair's/Dean's Statement
Submit it
Name of ApplicantRajagopalan Balaji
Title of ProjectIs the Western US Drying Up?
Department Chair/Dean:
Clearly identify the applicant, the project title, and the CRCW program being applied for.
Please evaluate the research experience and potential of the applicant and his/her ability to make significant progress on the proposed research or creative work, and comment on how this work fits into his/her overall research goals. If the applicant is the Department Chair, this statement should be written by the appropriate Dean.
Signature of Department Chair/Dean
JoAnn Silverstein
Typed Name of Department Chair/Dean
CEAE / Engineering