Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 28/6/10

University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the C&S Committee

Meeting 12/10


10 AM at, 28/6 2010

Location: Student Resource Room, Union House


1.  Procedural Matters

1.1.  Election of Chair

1.2.  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3.  Attendance

1.4.  Apologies (Shaun Khoo)

1.5.  Proxies (SK to Quinn Oakley)

1.6.  Membership

1.7.  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes

2.1.  30/4/2010

2.2.  7/5/2010

2.3.  12/5/2010

2.4.  26/5/10

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1.  26/5/2010 Office Bearer’s Report

3.2.  RSA Certificates

3.3.  Regulation Amendments (Progress through Students’ Council)

3.3.1.  Recommendations from 14/4/2010

3.3.2.  Recommendation for 5.6.j

3.4.  Jewish Students Society Membership Records & Financial Reporting

3.5.  Orientation

3.5.1.  Invoice

3.5.2.  Sponsorship money from Students Council (OB)

3.5.3.  Wilson Hall Investigation (OB)

3.6.  Student Union Membership of Executive Members

3.6.1.  Russian Club

3.7.  Returning Officers Recommendation for IGM Elections

4.  Office Bearers’ Report

5.  Correspondence

6.  Petitions to Discipline

6.1.  International Engineering Students Society false information

7.  Grants

7.1.  Standard & Semesterly

7.2.  For Discussion

7.3.  Budget Report

8.  New Clubs

8.1.  Recommended for Affiliation

8.1.1.  Performing Arts Students Society

8.1.2.  Women in Science and Engineering

8.2.  Affiliations for Discussion

8.2.1.  B-Boys

8.2.2.  planetUni

8.2.3.  MUR Motorsports

8.2.4.  Turkish Association

8.3.  IGM Extensions Required

8.3.1.  Finance Club

8.3.2.  Club of History

9.  Semester 1 2010 AGM Papers Report

9.1.  Not 2 UMSU (Grant Payments)

9.2.  Missing Papers

9.3.  Training Not Attended

10.  Mid Year Orientation Rostering

11.  Taiwanese Students Association Membership Reporting

12.  4WD Club Grant Payment

13.  Online Food Handling Course

14.  Camp Attendance Lists/Grants

15.  Other Business

16.  Next Meeting (July: when)

17.  Close

Meeting opened at: 10.20PM, by Piper O’Dowd

Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Piper O’Dowd be nominated chair

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Jonathan Donagan


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So acknowledged

1.3  Attendance

Cassie Lutzko, Liam Hedge, Jonathan Donagan, Quinn Oakley, Stephanie Field, Fiona Sanders, Piper O’Dowd

Jonathan Loke (International Engineering Students Society)


Shaun Khoo, Fei Gao, Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope

1.4  Apologies

Shaun Khoo, Fei Gao

1.5  Proxies

Shaun ‘Painful’ Khoo to Quinn Oakley

1.6  Membership

Shana Besanko has left, Stephanie Field joins the Committee.

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: That the agenda be adopted with the addition of 5.1, 5.2 and 15.1

Moved: Chair


Procedural: That 6.1 be moved to immediately after 2.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes

2.1  30/4/2010

Motion 3: That the minutes be accepted

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Piper O’Dowd


2.2  7/5/2010

Motion 4: That the minutes be accepted

Moved: Quinn Oakley Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


2.3  12/5/2010

Motion 5: That the minutes be accepted

Moved: Quinn Oakley Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


2.4  26/5/10

Motion 6: That the minutes be accepted

Moved: Quinn Oakley Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Agenda Item 6: Petitions to Discipline

6.1  International Engineering Students Society false information

Jonathan Loke spoke for IESS, said that it was a mistake caused by the outgoing executive.

Liam Hedge spoke to the club to ensure they understood the seriousness of the situation and that they need to provide accurate information to C&S.

Petition 3: That International Engineering Students Society have their grants suspended for 12 months for providing manifestly false information to gain an advantage (C&S Regulation 6.1.c).

Petitioners: Quinn Oakley, Shaun Khoo

Motion 7: That the above petition (pertaining to IESS) be ratified.

For 1

Against 4


Jonathan Loke left at 10:30am

Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1  26/5/2010 Office Bearer’s Report


3.2  RSA Certificates

South West Training Services requires $10 for the storage of RSA records per certificate (Victorian) and abandon National Certificate. This is acceptable to committee. RSA will run at $30 for union members.

3.3  Regulation Amendments (Progress through Students’ Council)

3.3.1  Recommendations from 14/4/2010

3.3.2  Recommendation for 5.6.j

Both have been recommended to students’ council but are not yet done due to issues with quorum.

3.4  Jewish Students Society Membership Records & Financial Reporting

The Jewish students financial reporting is okay, unfortunately the membership reporting is overall is poor.

ACTION: Tell the Jewish Students Society

1.  To come to the next C&S Committee meeting

2.  To do their own membership forms

3.  To ensure that in the future they have better checking of forms to ensure they are complete and accurate.

3.5  Orientation

3.5.1  Invoice

WIP- Paul Ernst is on leave at the moment

3.5.2  Sponsorship money from Students Council (OB)

Jonathan Donagan is following this up. WIP. He will endeavour to distinguish the cost of sponsors to C&S and then ask for that back from council. Unfortunately Marisa Simunjantuk is also on leave.

3.5.3  Wilson Hall Investigation (OB)

Not Yet Actioned

3.6  Student Union Membership of Executive Members

3.6.1  Russian Club

The department has met with the Russian Club; they will be holding an AGM ASAP.

3.7  Returning Officers Recommendation for IGM Elections


4.3.2 The election procedure of the IGM must be as follows:

a. All IGM elections must be held in open and democratic manner with a representative of C&S as the returning officer.

b. Except in exceptional circumstances the nominations and election will take place at the IGM from among the attendees. The procedure of the election will be determined by the Returning Officer in consultation with the Contacts.

c. If exceptional circumstances exist and the club wishes to take nominations before the IGM:

·  Procedure of the nomination process must be agreed with the Returning Officer before notice is given.

·  Nomination procedure must be advised to all contacts and club members with meeting notice.

·  Nominations submitted before the IGM must be submitted by the nominator or nominee to the C&S appointed Returning Officer.

·  Nominations may not close before the elections.

d. All executive positions must be filled at the time of the IGM election.

Renumber 4.3.2 to 4.3.3

Motion 8: That the recommendation be recommended to students’ council.

Moved: Cassie Lutzko Seconded: Liam Hedge


Agenda Item 4: Office Bearers’ Report

Verbal office bearer’s report given. Mentioned that not much work had been done due to exams and swot vac.

Liam Hedge asked about previous OB report and volunteered to mediate a discussion with a time to be set.

Agenda Item 5: Correspondence

5.1 Physics Student Society

Physics Student Society wants to hold a normal function in WBW, but C&S promo category only allows up to $200 while their event is likely to be more than that.

Motion 9: That the function be funded from the C&S promotional category (up to $200) with any excess from functions if attendance warrants it.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Stephanie Field


5.2 Food Interest Group Payment

Motion 10: That motion 15 from meeting 11 be rescinded and the club payed 100% of entitlement.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Agenda Item 7: Grants

7.1  Standard & Semesterly

Motion 11: That all standard grants be approved en bloc.

Moved: Chair


7.2  For Discussion

Club of Kites

Special Application- Club wishes to go to a LAN

Motion 12: To approve providing they obtain a certificate of currency.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko

CARRIED with 1 against and 1 abstention (Steph Field)

Movie application is Withdrawn by Stephanie Field

Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope arrives at 11.00am

Greek Association


Motion 13: Approved provided there is a certificate of currency submitted and UMSU logo is displayed on a banner.

Moved: Chair


Korean Student Society & Weekly Watches of Wonderful Anime

Copy of Printing

Motion 14: Approved conditionally provided that a copy of printing is submitted and approved by C&S.

Moved: Cassie Lutzko Seconded: Liam Hedge


7.3  Budget Report

The budget is not looking good.

Agenda Item 8: New Clubs

8.1  Recommended for Affiliation

8.1.1  Performing Arts Students Society

8.1.2  Women in Science and Engineering

Motion 15: That Performing Arts Student Society and Women in Science and Engineering be affiliated.

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


8.2  Affiliations for Discussion

8.2.1  B-Boys

Motion 16: That B-Boys be affiliated

Moved: Chair


8.2.2  planetUni

Motion 17: That planetUni be affiliated.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Liam Hedge


8.2.3  MUR Motorsports

Deffered until next meeting

ACTION: Fiona Sanders to contact club

8.2.4  Turkish Association

Motion 18: That the Turkish Association be affiliated

Moved: Liam Hedge Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


8.3  IGM Extensions Required

8.3.1  Finance Club

8.3.2  Club of History

Motion 19: That the Finance Club and the Club of History be given until the 13th of August to hold their IGM

Moved: Cassie Lutzko Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


Agenda Item 9: Semester 1 2010 AGM Papers Report

9.1  Not 2 UMSU (Grant Payments)

Motion 20: Clubs will not receive grants payments if they do not have to UMSU members on their executive. Grant payment will still be made from before their AGM but any grants after their AGM will not be processed.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Quinn Oakley


9.2  Missing Papers

Discussion over the issue of Poker Club’s missing AGM documents

Petition 1: To suspend the Poker Club’s grants under regulation 6.1.h

Moved: Quinn Oakley Moved: Liam Hedge


Motion 21: To direct the Poker Club to meet with Fiona Sanders

Moved: Chair


9.3  Training Not Attended

Discussion over various types of training. For RKR all club treasurers must attend training on one of the next three dates, to be reviewed after that.

Petition 2: To suspend all grants for clubs that have not attended grants training in first semester (C&S Regulation 6.1.r). This suspension will lift on completion of training.

Moved: Stephanie Field, Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope, Cassie Lutzko, Quinn Oakley, Liam Hedge

Agenda Item 10: Mid Year Orientation Rostering

Roster circulated for MYO

Agenda Item 11: Taiwanese Students Association Membership Reporting

Petition 3: That the Taiwanese Students Association be disaffiliated under regulation 6.1a,c,h

Moved: Stephanie Field, Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope, Cassie Lutzko, Quinn Oakley, Liam Hedge

Agenda Item 12: 4WD Club Grant Payment

Motion 22: That in the future 4WD club events in which the club applies for petrol will be treated as a function and therefore payment will be based on attendance.

Moved: Quinn Oakley Seconded: Gindi Hovenga-Wauchope


ACTION: To review the event/function funding for attendance

Agenda Item 13: Online Food Handling Course

Discussion over various requirement models for SFH. Committee reaches the following consensus;

-  If done previously (ie. Attended C&S run training), 1 certificate is needed

-  SFH training will continue to run

-  If a club wants to use an online system, all executives must do it.

ACTION: That the form be changed to reflect the changes and the regulations be updated.

Agenda Item 14: Camp Attendance Lists/Grants

Motion 23: That Engineering Music Society and Juggling Club be funded as a percentage of attendance. Therefore EMS 62%, Juggling 45%.

Moved: Jonathan Donagan Seconded: Quinn Oakley


Motion 24: That Student Exchange Society be funded 50% of entitlement.

Moved: Stephanie Field Seconded: Jonathan Donagan


Motion 25: That Arts Student Society be funded 100% of entitlement

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 15: Other Business

15.1 Key for Jonathan Donagan

Motion 26: That payment for a key for the office (due to loss) will be paid for from the line 03 60 605 3389 with eventual reimbursement by Jonathan Donagan

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 16: Next Meeting

Next meeting on: 16th July 12pm

Agenda Item 17: Close

Meeting closed at: 12:10 PM

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:

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