As per March 2nd MYAA Board meeting the soccer program has decided to join a new travel program. This was decided based of the failure of the current NNJSL travel program. Below is a snap shot of what to except if you and your child are thinking about playing travel soccer.
Northern Counties Soccer Association http://www.ncsanj.com/
Parent/Player commitment to Maywood Travel Soccer starts end of August through End of November. If you have any vacation plans during this time you MUST notify Maywood Soccer of your plans, this will be considered in the tryout process.
Your child is expected to attend each and every practice and game. If your child cannot attend then you are expected to notify the manager as soon as possible.
Maywood Soccer will provide a new uniform for any player that is new to the program.
If you child needs a new uniform top it will be supplied a la carte.
For fall soccer, expect at a minimum:
· Practice 1-2 days a week starting as soon as fields are playable
· Games 1-2 per week
· Additional tournaments
The desired number of players for each team is as follows:
14U 18
12U 14
10U 14
The fee for fall is still TBD. Factors that will affect it will be uniforms, number of players per team, additional tournaments.
Depending on the number of children trying out, cuts may be needed. It will be based 1/3 on MYAA Coaches input and 2/3 on the evaluation of a neutral third party. MYAA Coaches will be asked to rank the players in each tryout group based on their prior experience with the player. The neutral third party will grade the player's ability in the following areas:
· Dribbling
· Passing
· Game Knowledge
The players will receive a score of 1-5 (with 5 being the highest score) for each of the five areas. Scores will be totalized and the player with the highest total score for the team they are trying out for will be ranked #1, and so on. The third party evaluation will make up 2/3 of the final ranking. This will be done by doubling the ranking of the third party, adding the ranking of the MYYA coach and then dividing by total by 3 to obtain an average. For example, if the MYAA coach ranks a player #3 and the third party ranks the player #6 then the final ranking will be #5 based on (2x6)+3 =15/3 = #5
Maywood Soccer Travel Teams will be allowed to fundraise to help offset the costs for additional and out of state tournaments. Since MYAA insurance will be required, all fundraising events need to be approved by the MYAA and all of the funds will be turned into the MYAA.
Maywood Soccer will not institute a minimum playing time requirement on the managers. Maywood Soccer is requiring prior notice of the intent to not play a child for disciplinary reasons. Parents may engage a manager to discuss any issue but it must be done properly. The 24 hour rule is in effect and no parent will be allowed to approach a manager until it is 24 hours after a game or practice. The manager, if engaged properly, has to respond to any issue within 24hours of being contacted. Do not approach a coach or manager on the field or immediately after the game. Violations will be turned over to the code of conduct committee.