Magna Vista High School Cheerleading
Tryout Information Packet
(2015-2016 School Year)
Dear Cheerleading Candidates and Parents/Guardians,
Thank you for your interest in trying out for the 2016-2017 Magna Vista Cheerleading Squad. I appreciate your enthusiasm and interest in our program. This letter is being written to emphasize the commitment that goes along with becoming a cheerleader at Magna Vista. This program is about a lot more than cheering. As a cheerleader, you are expected to be the standard that other students measure by. This standard is based on your behavior, grades, and commitment. Please be advised that being selected as a cheerleader is not just on cheerleading skill alone. It is your citizenship and commitment. You are representing the Warriors and your attitude and choices are going to make a difference in being chosen for this squad.
You must meet certain qualifications in order to try out. All students must turn in the provided forms and have an updated physical before trying out. Please read carefully the cheerleading rules of conduct and performance regarding expectations for the cheer team, Suspension from school, excessive tardiness to class and practice/games, missing practices/games, and any violation of the rules of Magna Vista High School can result in immediate dismissal from the cheer squad. This needs to be addressed before the fact, and not after.
Cheerleading can be the most rewarding experience of your life. It teaches you to balance your time, work with a team, discipline yourself, learn new skills, perfect your skills, and be an ambassador for your school and community. Please be advised that cheerleading requires time and commitment.
Please read the following packet carefully and return all other necessary forms to Coach Boyd or Coach Finney. If these forms are not turned in by the tryout date, APRIL 6, 2016, you will not be eligible to try out.
Thank you & Good Luck,
With Warrior Pride,
Candace Boyd & Winter Finney
Cheerleading Squad Rules
I. Practice Rules
a. To practice you must be wearing practice clothes. This means shorts, sweats, t-shirts, and tennis shoes (no jeans, sandals, or anything you are unable to move in). All shorts must appropriate length. Three non-dresses will be one tardy.
b. Everyone should be at all practices and on time. If you can’t make it, you must tell the coach by a phone call or personally tell him/her face to face. Two unexcused practices will be one unexcused game. If you are late, you will receive a tardy. Three tardies is one unexcused game.
c. There will be no chewing gum, no jewelry.
d. You should be dressed and ready to practice at the designated practice time.
II. Games Rules
a. You are expected to cheer at all the games. If you are going to miss a game, please let the coach know by a phone call or personally talking to him or her. Three unexcused games and you will be removed from the squad.
b. You must wear your uniform/spirit wear to school on a game day and to the game. This means your whole uniform. If you don’t we will count as one unexcused game.
c. There will be no chewing gum or wearing jewelry.
d. If you are late to the game you will receive a tardy.
e. If we are going to perform at halftime, you must be at practice before the game or else you will not be able to perform.
III. Rally Rules
a. You must be at practice before a rally if you are performing. If you are not there, you will be unable to perform.
b. You must wear your assigned uniform/spirit wear to school on the day of the rally.
c. On Spirit Day, as a squad we will vote and decide whether as a squad we will wear our uniform or the specific spirit item.
IV. Parents
a. Please pick your cheerleader up at the proper time after the game. If you are fifteen minutes late, it will count as one tardy towards your cheerleader.
i. 3 non dresses = 1 tardy
ii. 3 tardies = 1 unexcused game
iii. 3 unexcused games = dismissal
V. Discipline
a. If a student receives ISS for any reason, they will be made to sit out the following game and it will be counted as a missed game.
b. Out of school suspensions will result in removal from the squad.
Inherent Risk of Cheerleading
Cheerleading is a sport and as with any sport, there is risk of injury. Cheerleading is an anaerobic/aerobic activity which includes: Jumping, Stunting, Motions, Dance, and Tumbling. All physicals and this document must be filed in the office before the athlete can participate in the sport, practices, competitions or games. Coaches should be informed of any injuries, chronic conditions or any medicines taken, prescribed or over the counter.
Although the probability of injury is minimized if the coach is trained, you have been properly taught and you practice correctly; there is always the possibility of one occurring injuries.
Injuries that can occur in cheerleading include but are not limited to the following:
However if you take certain precautions, the possibility of such injuries may be largely decreased. Be sure to abide by the following:
1. Never stunt or tumble unless a coach is present.
2. Always practice in the presence of a qualified coach.
3. Always do warm up appropriately before cheering by jogging and stretching.
4. Do not attempt a stunt that you do not know how to perform safely and that has not been checked off by the coach. Follow proper stunt progression.
5. Always use attentive spotters when stunting. Back spot must have eyes open on the flyer.
6. Always use mats when stunting during practice.
7. Always cheer in an area free from obstruction.
8. Do not stunt on uneven ground, wet surfaces, and concrete.
9. Never talk, laugh, or clown around when performing a stunt or while learning a stunt.
10. Report all injuries, no matter how small, immediately to the coach.
11. Follow all trainer and doctor recommendations.
12. Lift weights to increase strength and guard against injuries.
13. Always wear shoes and clothing appropriate for cheerleading.
14. Never wear jewelry of any kind. Ex. Earrings, belly button rings (medical i.d. allowed).
15. Never chew gum while cheering.
16. Hair should be pulled away from the face and off the shoulders.
17. Eat nutritious meals and get plenty of rest.
18. Do not stunt or tumble when the ball is in play.
19. If unsure, ask for advice or assistance.
20. Take all cheer activities seriously.
I have read the preceding warning. I thoroughly appreciate and understand the assumption of risks inherent in cheerleading participation. I acknowledge that I am physically fit and am voluntarily participating in the activity of cheerleading.
Cheerleader Date
Parent/Guardian Date
Cheerleading Contract and Constitution
Cheerleaders must:
· Maintain a quarterly GPA of 2.5 or greater
· Turn in signed contract and application
· Meet the eligibility requirements set forth by VHSL/HCPS Handbook
· Turn in medical release and physical for the current year of participation
· Have current medical insurance coverage through the school or privately held insurance
Academic Responsibilities
A. Being a MVHS “Student Athlete” means being a STUDENT first!
B. Each cheerleader is required to maintain at least a 2.5 GPA each quarter.
C. Grades will be monitored by the head coach. Grade checks will be made at interims and report cards.
D. In the event of a failing grade in any subject at the time of a grade check:
a. Parents will be notified by the head coach
b. The cheerleader will be placed on Academic Probation until the grade is remediated
c. Academic Probation includes suspensions from games, practices and extracurricular activities
d. When the grade is remediated, participation may resume.
E. Being on Academic Probation more than two times will result in dismissal from the team.
A. Tryouts will be held in a fair manner conducive to allowing each candidate to show their best abilities and potential
B. A tryout will consist of performing designated skills in front of judges and coaches in small groups.
C. Judges are typically from outside the school community and are chosen on the basis of their expertise in cheerleading.
D. Skills that will be judged include, but are not limited to: cheer technique, voice, motions, jumps, dance, rhythm, tumbling, and overall spirit. All skills will be judged on a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest.
E. All material necessary to tryout will be taught at the tryout clinic. Attendance at the clinic is mandatory.
H. The coaches reserve the right to make preliminary cuts before the final judged tryout.
I. Acceptance of a candidate shall be on the basis of ability, the coaches’ agreement, acceptance of the team rules, and without prejudice of race, creed, or color.
Cost of Season/Fundraising
A. The cheerleader is responsible for purchasing individual items including but not limited to: camp, uniforms, cheer shoes, warm-ups, briefs, body liners, ribbons, socks, practice clothes, game day shirts, and competition expenses. A cheerleader may have additional expenses throughout the year.
B. All cheerleaders will participate in fundraising projects during the year.
C. Money earned is used for individual accounts.
D. All fundraising activities MUST be approved school approved.
E. All funds raised must be turned in a timely manner.
A. Cheerleaders should conduct themselves appropriately both in and out of school.
B. There should be no public displays of affection, especially in uniform, at school or any school related functions.
C. No posts, videos, or pictures containing explicit content should be displayed on any social media sites.
Cheerleader Application Form
Student’s Name: ______
Cheer Preference: (Please Check on for each category)
First Choice: _____ Football _____Basketball _____Both
Second Choice: _____Football _____Basketball _____Both
Parent/Guardian’s Name: ______
Home Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Home Phone: (_____) ______Work Phone: (____) ______
Emergency Contact & Number: ______
Allergies: ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Physician’s Name: ______
Current Grade Level (2016-2017 Year) ______Do you have a job? Yes No
Will your job interfere with practice and games? ______
I have read all of the rules and regulations for cheerleading as set forth by coaches. I promise to cooperate and follow instructions of the cheerleading coaches.
Student Signature: ______Date: ______
I give my daughter/son permission to try-out for cheerleading. I have read all of the rules and have explained any of the rules my daughter/son my have not understood. I understand by the very nature of the activity, cheerleading carries a risk of physical injury. No matter how careful the participant and coach are, how many spotters are used, or what landing surface is used, the risk cannot by eliminated. I agree to abide by the final decisions of the judges. In addition, I am also aware of the financial commitment required for cheerleading. Further, I have been informed that stunt clinic and cheer camp are mandatory events.
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______Date: ______
Emergency Release Form
I hereby give my consent for my son/daughter to represent his/her school as a cheerleader. I also give my consent for him/her to accompany the cheerleading team to other schools and activities. This is to give my consent and authorize the school or its representative to obtain through a physician of its choice such medical attention as reasonably necessary for the welfare of the student, if he/she is injured or ill while oin the course of school activities. I understand that the school is not financially responsible for any injury which may occur.
Student Name: ______
Address: ______
City: ______State: ______Zip: ______
Home Phone: (____) ______
Emergency Phone: (_____)______
Name/Relation: ______
Mother’s Name: ______
Employer: (_____)______
Work Phone: (_____)______
Cell Phone: (______) ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Father’s Name: ______
Employer: (_____)______
Work Phone: (_____)______
Cell Phone: (______) ______
E-Mail Address: ______
Primary Insurance Company: ______
Name on Insurance: ______
Policy Number: ______
Secondary Insurance (if any): ______
Policy Number: ______
Does your son/daughter have school insurance? ______Yes ______No
Signature of Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______
**Please attach a copy of your child’s insurance card and birth certificate for our files**