Choral Leadership Council Responsibilities
President (1)
- Preside over monthly Council meetings, call meetings if necessary, attend Booster meetings
- Oversee other area leaders and work with them to be successful
- Write thank you letters
- Help with set up and take down for all concerts
- Write a bi-monthly chorus newsletter?
- Organize any outreach programs outside the regular concert schedule
- Attend Booster meetings (must find CLC substitute if unable to attend)
VP Public Relations (1-2)
- Attend monthly meetings
- Help with set up and take down for all concerts
- Write thank you letters
- Maintain chorus social media communication via Twitter, Fb, and Instagram
- Post the weekly schedule and record events
- Visit Henderson MS to promote chorus to the 8th grade
- Write/speak announcements about chorus concert and achievements anywhere possible
- Concert invitations (Fall, Gala, Spring) to teacher and admin mailboxes
- Organize any outreach programs outside the regular concert schedule
- Create promo videos
VP Publicity Manager (1-2)
- Attend monthly meetings
- Help with set up and take down for all concerts
- Create posters for chorus concerts, events
- Create programs for chorus concerts, events
- Email program to the director at least one week before each concert
Operations Manager (1-2)
- Concerts: morning of concert, morning of dress rehearsals, “set changes” during concert, clean up at the end of concerts
- Events – any music, booster, or social event needing set up
- Sound, lights, ushers for each concert
- Make sure chorus room is set up for each school day
Secretary (1)
- Attend monthly meetings
- Help with set up and take down for all concerts
- Take minutes at all council meetings, email minutes to council members
Presentations Manager (1-2)
- Attend monthly meetings
- Help with set up and take down for all concerts
- Artistically create atmosphere/aesthetic appropriate for each concert
- Organize volunteer help to decorate the stage for each concert
- Purchase stage presentation materials (and get reimbursed)
Fundraiser Manager (1)
- Attend monthly meetings
- Assist the Chorus Boosters with any fundraising efforts, including the Citrus Sale and other fundraisers throughout the year.
- Organize volunteers to collect money in hats after each concert
- Find other opportunities to raise money for the chorus
Assistant Directors (1 in each chorus)
- Help with set up and take down for all concerts
- Help substitute teachers take attendance, find things, use the sound system, and generally run class when the choir director is absent
- Keep the classroom orderly, organized, and clean of clutter, including the risers, tables, board, chairs, and Small Ensemble Room
- Lead the class in warm-ups on occasion
Librarian (1-2)
- Help organize, clean, and maintain the music library, file extra copies
- Enter music into the database and file music away
Chorus Assistant (1)
- Assist the director before or after school 1 day a week
Special (unlimited)
- If you have a strength or interest that is not listed above, and would benefit the chorus program, please provide a position name and briefly describe your vision for this position. Example – Photographer.