Transmitted by the expert from Germany / Informal document GRB-65-01
(65th GRB, 15-17 February 2017,
agenda item 4 (a))

Proposal for correction to ECE/TRANS/WP.29/2015/62

The following proposal was made after finding a difference between the links from “sound level limits” inside UN-R51 02 series and its 03 series, which important for a common understanding. The added words are shown in bold.

I. Proposal

Insert the following words into the the text of paragraph 6.2.2:

6.2.2. Sound level limits

The sound level measured in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 3.1 of Annex 3 to

this Regulation, mathematically rounded to the nearest integer value, shall

not exceed the following limits:

II. Justification

UN-Regulation 51 02 series used the same text as the above mentioned proposal at its paragraph 6.2.2. Because of this text the sound limits values were only valid for the measured “noise in motion” and not valid for “stationary noise”. The base of the modifications from UN-R51.02 to UN-R51.03 was the UN-Regulation 540/2014, which has the same “failure” in its Annex III.
