To care for one another and be the best we can be

BishopstonPrimary School

Charging & Remissions Policy

BishopstonPrimary School

Charging & Remissions Policy


1.1No charges are made for any activity deemed to be an integral part of the school curriculum.

2.Voluntary contributions

2.1 There are occasions when the curriculum would be enriched by:

  • school trips or outings
  • visiting professional groups or individuals.

2.2 In these instances parents will be invited to make a voluntary contribution towards the costs. Children whose parents are unable or unwilling to contribute will not be excluded from the activity or treated differently from any other child. Communication to parents will make it clear that contributions are voluntary

2.3 If the school does not receive sufficient voluntary contributions the trip or visit will be cancelled and all contributions received will be returned.

2.4Pupils entitled to Free School Meals (FSM) will be exempt from the contributions, other than transport costs for residential visits.

3.Residential visits

3.1All pupils who are entitled to FSM will be exempt from any associated costs, other than transport to and fro the venue.

3.2Bishopston Primary is proud of the experience that Year 5 and 6 children are offered to participate in out of school residential weeks. Parents are asked to pay the costs of food and accommodation for their child. The costs do not include additional salary costs of any staff who accompany the children, which will be metby BishopstonPrimary School. In order to enable all children to participate a saving scheme is offered. The children who do not choose to participate will be provided for within school.

3.3Where there are difficulties in meeting the contribution for the trip, the school will ask for a lesser amount, initially one half of the total cost, but less again if circumstances dictate. The remaining cost will be met from school funds or sponsorship from outside of school. If a large number of children are unable or unwilling to attend, then the visit may need to be cancelled.


4.1Swansea LEA offer the school a course of swimming lessons for Year 3 and Year 2pupils. This is an integral part of the school PE curriculum, so the transport costs are therefore paid from the school budget.

5.Music tuition*

5.1In Swansea, West Glamorgan Music Service provides peripatetic music teachers for tuition in a range of musical instruments. These teachers visit Bishopston in school hours. Parents will be asked to subsidise these lessons by an amount determined by the school’s Governing Body. Parents will be asked to contribute an annual cost, payable up-front to encourage them to learn for an extended period, rather than give up early in the year.

6.School clubs*

6.1Some members of staff run lunchtime or after school clubs. We are grateful to the staff for doing this in their own time and no financial contribution is sought from parents.

6.2 Where there is a need to provide materials for extra curricula clubs (e.g. Art/ Craft resources), then parents may be asked for a contribution to cover these expenses

7.Other after school activities*

7.1 The school encourages outside organisations to hire the school premises to run a variety of programmes, outside of school hours, for primary school age children. The school does not determine the fees charged to participants.

8.Lost or damaged school property

8.1 If school property, including books,is wilfully damaged or lost through negligence, parents may be asked to pay the cost of repair or replacement.

9.Copies of school documents and policies

9.1A charge may be made for copies or photocopies of school documents to cover printing costs.

10Where there are difficulties in meeting any costs then the school will seek to offer reductions as appropriate in order that pupils are not disadvantaged because of their family’s financial circumstances.

Agreed by Finance: January 2014

Agreed by FGB: February 2014

Investor in People
2003, 2006, 2009, 2012 / Rights Respecting School
2011 / Quality Award
2006, 2010 / Healthy Schools Award
2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, 2010 / Eco-Schools Green Flag
2008, 2011

BishopstonPrimary School

Charging & Remissions Policy