
*Please hold CTRL and click on the blue underlined scholarship title to visit the website*

ACT Poster Contest Scholarship

Students can enter the scholarship contest by designing a poster that encourages students who plan to attend college and take the ACT as their college entrance exam. The 1st place winner will receive a $5,000 nonrenewable scholarship. 2nd and 3rd place winners will receive $2,500 and $1,000 respectively. The Official Entry Form and poster must be postmarked by March 28, 2009.

Army ROTC Scholarship

Army ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) is a leadership course that is part of your college curriculum. During classes and field training, you will learn first-hand what it takes to lead others, motivate groups and how to conduct missions as an Officer in the Army. Upon graduation from Army ROTC, you will earn the bar of a Second Lieutenant. Scholarships are awarded based on a student's merit and grades, not financial need.

Association of Asian Indian Women in Ohio (AAIWO) Scholarship

Scholarships are need-based and limited to high school senior students of Asian Indian descent. Deadline for scholarship applications is April 15, 2009

BP Scholarship

The BP Scholarship will be awarded on the basis of scholastic achievement, participation in scientific activities, and community service. This award will recognize commitment and potential achievement in chemistry attained by a young woman at the beginning of her college or university education. Applicants must have a 3.4 GPA. Application materials can be requested by emailing or by contacting NateArtino in the OFHS Guidance Office. The deadline for this scholarship is March 1, 2009

Cleveland American Hellenic Education Progressive Association (A.H.E.P.A) Scholarship

This scholarship is open to students of Greek descent. Applications are available online. Look for Chapter #36 Scholarship Letter and Application. Scholarships are due by April 6, 2009.

Cavaliers/Majestic Steel USA Scholarship

This scholarship is intended for students who plan to pursue a career in manufacturing at CuyahogaCountyCommunity College, LakelandCommunity College or LorainCountyCommunity College. Material must be submitted by March 2, 2009. Contact HollyYanak, at 216.420.2290 or or more information.

Cleveland Foundation Scholarships

The foundation improves the lives of Greater Clevelandersnow and for generations to comeby building communityendowment and offering various scholarships. Visit the website for more info on the various scholarship opportunities.

Cleveland Scholarship Programs

Various Cleveland-Area scholarships. Visit for more information.

Cleveland Society of Professional Journalists Scholarships

Interested applicants should be in the top third of their class. Additionally, students must signify intent to enter the journalism profession upon graduation from college. Please note that the SPJ excludes the public relations and advertising professions. Applications can be requested by contacting OFHS Senior Counselor Nate Artino ( or 440.427.6120). Deadline for receipt of application is April 1, 2009.

Cleveland State University Visual Art Merit Scholarship

Students should be a prospective CSU full-time undergraduate art major. Application deadline is 12pm, Monday March 2, 2009. Please visit the website or contact OFHS Senior Counselor Nate Artino at or 440.427.6120 for more information.

Cleveland Touchdown Charities Memorial Scholarship

This scholarship is for a high school senior who shows need and merit. In addition, the applicant must have participated in his or her high school athletic team programs in a non-athletic manner (manager, statistician, cheerleader, sports writer, team booster, etc.). Please visit the website or contact JosephFornal (216.228.8485, 440.835.1187, ) for more information. Applications must be received by February 21, 2009.

CuyahogaCommunity College Excellence Scholarship

This scholarship is designed for students who have the potential to maintain a 3.0 GPA average or better in college work, reside in CuyahogaCounty and will enroll at CuyahogaCommunity College. Contact OFHS Senior Counselor Nate Artino ( or 440.427.6120) for more information. The deadline for this scholarship April 1, 2009

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday Scholarship

The mission of the MLK Holiday Scholarship Committee is to encourage and to facilitate the celebration of the life and work of Dr.MartinLutherKingJr., to pass on his legacy to the next generation, and to highlight the creative genius of America’s young sons and young daughters from Greater Cleveland and Northeast Ohio.

ESA Foundation Scholarship

There are multiple scholarship opportunities through this foundation. Please visit the website or contact MaryLykins at for more information.

Flourine Chapter Award for Achievement in Science

The Fluorine Chapter Award for Achievement in Science will be awarded on the basis of scholastic achievement, participation in scientific activities, and community service. This award will recognize commitment and potential achievement in the physical sciences attained by a young woman at the beginning of her college or university education. Applicants must have a 3.4 GPA. Application materials can be requested by emailing or by contacting NateArtino in the OFHS Guidance Office. The deadline for this scholarship is March 1, 2009.

Guardian Life Insurance’s Girls Going Places Award

Cash prizes are awarded to community-minded girls ages 12-18 who demonstrate budding entrepreneurship. Visit the website for more information. The deadline for submitting an application is February 27, 2009.

Herb Guild Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to students who have a proposed program of academic study in horticulture, forestry, agriculture environmental science, botany or landscaping. Applications can be requested by contacting OFHS Senior Counselor Nate Artino at or 440.427.6120. Applications must be received by April 1, 2009.

Home & Community Section of Cleveland Family & Consumer Scientists Scholarship

This $500 scholarship is open to candidates who have achieved a 3.0 GPA or higher and are pursing a course related to Consumer Science in a two or four year program. Please contact OFHS Senior Counselor – NateArtino ( or 427.6120) for more information. All applications must be received by April 30, 2009.

Kohl’s Kids Who Care Scholarship

Nominees must be between the ages of 6 and 18 and not yet a high school graduate as of March 15, 2009. Each nominee must be nominated by someone age 21 years or older. Parents may nominate their own children. Applications are due March 15, 2009.

Lower Great Lakes Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences Scholarship

This scholarship is for students who plan on attending a four-year college and intend to pursue a career in television or television related fields. Applications must be completed by March 29, 2009.

Making It Count Scholarship

One $5,000 national and five regional $1,000 scholarships will be awarded to seniors who demonstrate the “Winning Characteristics”. Visit the website for more information. Applications must be received by June 12, 2009.

Ohio Association of Career Colleges andSchools Legislative Scholarship

Please visit the Ohio Association of Career Colleges and Schools website for more information. Deadline for submission is April 1, 2009.

Ohio Society of CPA’s ClevelandAreaHigh SchoolEssay Scholarship

Interested applicants must complete an 800 to 1,200 word essay in response to the scenario provided. Please contact OFHS Senior Counselor Nate Artino ( or 427.6120) for more information. The deadline for submitting your essay to Mr.Artino is March 30, 2009.

Ohio PTA Memorial Scholarship

This award is based on student’s achievement, school involvement, leadership qualification, and special family circumstances. The application and all other material must be received by March 1, 2009.

Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship requires students to have a career goal in crude oil and natural gas, or a related energy field. Students must also be planning on attending an Ohio College/University or Vocational School. Please visit the website or contact AaraChapman at 740.587.0410 or for more information. Scholarships will be received through March 31, 2009.

Ohio University Women’s Club of GreaterCleveland Scholarship

The Ohio University Women’s Club of Greater Cleveland will be awarding a scholarship to a high school senior woman who will be attending OhioUniversity in the fall of 2009. Interested applicants should have an unweighted cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a 25 on the ACT or 1140 on the SAT. Applications can be found on the website. Please contact KellyBaylog at 216.513.0482 or for more information.

Olmsted Falls Music Association

Three scholarships will be awarded by the Olmsted Falls Music Association to graduating seniors. See Mr.Strelau or Mrs.Crandall for an application. Applications are due to Mr.Strelau or Mrs.Crandall by March 23, 2009.

Scholar Athlete Milk Mustache of the Year (SAMMY) Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to outstanding student-athletes. The judging criteria are based on: academic performance (35%), athletic excellence (35%), leadership (15%), community service (10%), and milk experience (5%). Applications are available and only accepted online at The deadline for submitting an application is March 6, 2009.

TACCLD Scholarship for LD or ADD/ADHD Students

The Transition and Communication Consortium on Learning and Disabilities (TACCLD) will be awarding five LD scholarships (one of the LD scholarships will be designated as the Hal Hazelett Award for an LD student who is pursuing an education degree and/or a math degree). One ADD/ADHD scholarship will also be awarded. The $1,000 scholarship may be used for payment of tuition, books, or supplies.A minimum of a 2.5 GPA is required.Please contact CharlaMcAbier at (419) 499-4663 ext. 357 for more information.

TACCLD Scholarship for Psychiatric Disability

The Helen and O.C. Kinney Scholarship will be open to any high school senior that has a documented psychiatric disability. Disabilities qualifying under this category would include depression, bi-polardisorder, schizophrenia, anxiety disorders, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Conditions that would not qualify for this scholarship would be Attention Deficit Disorder, learning disabilities, and diagnoses such as gender disorders, compulsive gambling, kleptomania, and pyromania. The applicant must have applied to a trade school, two or four year college or any other post-secondary setting that provides formal training and education.A minimum 3.0 GPA is required. Please contact MichaelKinney at (614) 781-8717 for more information.

TACCLD Scholarship for African American Male with Any Disability

The Transition and Communication Consortium on Learning and Disabilities (TACCLD) will be awarding one $500 scholarship for an African-American male student with any documented disability. The applicant should be a high school senior who plans to attend a post-secondary institution in the fall of 2009. The applicant must have applied to a two or four-year college, trade school, or any other postsecondary setting that provides formal education and training. The scholarship may be used for payment of tuition, books, or supplies.A minimum 3.0 GPAis required.Please contact MichaelKinney at (614) 781-8717 for more information.

The James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation

Through a national competition, the Foundation offers James Madison Fellowships to a select group of individuals desiring to become outstanding teachers of the American Constitution.Applications must be received by March 1, 2009.

Toyota Community Scholarship

One-hundred $10,000 and $20,000 scholarships will be awarded to students for outstanding achievement, leadership and community service.

Up Side of Downs of Greater Cleveland Scholarship

This is a renewableacademic scholarship of $1,000for students enrolled in a 4 year college in the state of Ohio andintendingto become educators in the general education classroom. The scholarship is eligible for residents of Cuyahoga, Geauga, Lake & SummitCounties. The deadline for the scholarship is April 30, 2009.

U.S. Bank Internet Scholarship Program

Thirty $1,000 scholarships awarded in a random drawing. No essays or minimum GPA are required. Apply online and visit the website for more information.

William D. Squires Educational Foundation Scholarship

This scholarship is primarily based on financial need. Applicants must have an Expected Family Contribution (EFC) of less than $8,000. A minimum 3.2 GPA is also preferred. Application deadline is April 4, 2009.

Winners Club Scholarship

This scholarship was established by the Winners Club for students who are pursuing a degree in the field of education.It is based on financial need, academic merit as well as extracurricular activities. Minimum GPA requirements are a 3.5. Applications must be postmarked by April 15, 2009.

Women in Sports and Events (WISE) Cleveland Scholarship

Eligible candidates must be a female student with a minimum 2.5 GPA. Additionally, eligible applicants must be able to show a history of participation in event planning/execution or volunteerism, including with sports teams or sports events, or participation in the business of sports or athletics such as coaching instruction, team management. Applications are available online or by contacting JacquelineSimpson at 216.522.1200 or . Applications must be received by April 3, 2009.