Grade – The Most Unwanted Bacteria- Pathogen Project.

Planning for the Final Presentation

1.  At the end of the food safety unit, each team will present their research to the class in a fun, creative way. The presentation should be about 5 minutes.

2.  Since one of the purposes of the presentation is to share what they learned about their bacterium with the other students, each team should prepare a simple fact sheet on their bacterium with the other teams to add to their portfolios. At the end of the presentation each team will have information on all of the Most Unwanted Bacteria.

Ideas for Presentations


·  Perform a skit using your pathogen as the main character.

·  Create a poem, song, dance, or rap about your mighty microbe.

·  Produce a “Jeopardy” or “Who wants to be a Millionaire?” type game show.

·  Put on a news broadcast about a real outbreak involving your pathogen.


·  Prepare a poster or 3-D model of your pathogen to have in the classroom. Use assorted materials, coat hanger, newspapers, balloons, pipe cleaners, etc.

·  Design a food safety calendar with a theme for removing or eliminating your pathogen for each month of the year.

·  Design and prepare web pages that offer photos or facts about your pathogen.

·  Develop an animated slide show, using Power Point slides and clay animation.

·  Design a travel brochure with graphics and text tracing the journey of your pathogen

·  Create an animated flip book about your microbe.


·  Interview your pathogen like Dr. X did in the video.

·  Write humorous comic strips featuring your pathogen.

·  Create a recipe book filled with food safety tips for avoiding your pathogen.

·  Write a moving story about a day in the life of your pathogen.

Create a video.

·  Create a video pertaining to your pathogen using one of the following styles- documentary, newscast, drama, advertisement, or game show.