Scoring Guide for Districts
Tenet 1 / Sub-statement Score / SOP Score / Tenet 2 / Sub-statement Score / SOP Score / Tenet 3 / Sub-statement Score / SOP Score / Tenet 4 / Sub-statement Score / SOP Score / Tenet 5 / Sub-statement Score / SOP Score / Tenet 6 / Sub-statement Score / SOP Score1.1a / 2.1a / 3.1a / 4.1a / 5.1a / 6.1a
1.1b / 2.1b / 3.1b / 4.1b / 5.1b / 6.1b
1.1c / 2.1c / 3.1c / 4.1c / 5.1c / 6.1c
1.2a / Turning Sub-statement ratings into SOP ratings
Three sub-statements (A, B, C)
The ratings for the following statements are based on three sub-statements (a, b & c): 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 2.1, 3.1, 4.1, 5.1, 6.1
Districts will earn an individual rating for each of the sub-statements listed above. When the same rating is given for two or three sub-statements of practice, that rating will be given for that SOP (for example: H, H, & E = E or E, I & I =I). If a district receives three different ratings, that district shall receive the middle rating for its SOP (for example: E, I & D = D or H, E and D = E).
Two sub-statements (A & B)
The following statements are based on two sub-statements (a & b): 1.3, 1.5
A school that has received the same rating in both sub-statements shall receive that rating. If the school receives two different contiguous ratings for each of the sub-statements, the school earns the lower of the ratings (for example, H & E = E or D & I = I). If the school receives two non-contiguous ratings, the school shall receive the rating in between these ratings (for example, H & D = E, E & I = D). If a school receives an H and an I, that school shall receive a D for that SOP.
Turning Tenet 1 SOP ratings into an Overall Tenet 1 Rating
The formula to determine the overall tenet 1 rating has been adjusted so that it is more intuitive and based on the ratings for each SOP. For example, a school that receives 3 D’s and 2 E’s within tenet one will always receive a D for that tenet.
The overall tenet rating shall be calculated in a manner that determines the average of the four SOP ratings. To calculate the average of the SOP ratings, use the following scale:
Highly Effective = 4Effective = 3Developing = 2Ineffective = 1
Identify the point value associated with each SOP rating, and then divide by 5. The resulting score shall be rounded to the nearest whole number to identify the Overall Tenet rating. For example:
SOP / SOP rating / Point Value1.1 / H / 4
1.2 / E / 3
1.3 / D / 2
1.4 / E / 3
1.5 / H / 4
Overall SOP Total / 16
Average score (Divide by 5) / 3.2
The Overall Tenet 1 Rating = E
Scoring Guide Quick Reference Chart
The following are all of the possible combinations that a district can receive for their 5 Tenet 1 SOP ratings (in any order). The column to the right of the SOP scores indicates the Overall Tenet 1 Rating when that combination of SOP ratings occurs. / SOP ratings / OverallTenet 1
Rating / SOP ratings / Overall
Tenet 1
Rating / SOP ratings / Overall
Tenet 1
Rating / SOP ratings / Overall
Tenet 1
H,H,H,H,H / H / H,H,E,D,I / E / H,E,D,I,I / D / E,E,D,D,I / D
H,H,H,H,E / H / H,H,E,I,I / E / H,E,I,I,I / D / E,E,D,I,I / D
H,H,H,H,D / H / H,H,D,D,D / E / H,D,D,D,D / D / E,E,I,I,I / D
H,H,H,H,I / E / H,H,D,D,I / E / H,D,D,D,I / D / E,D,D,D,D / D
H,H,H,E,E / H / H,H,D,I,I / D / H,D,D,I,I / D / E,D,D,D,I / D
H,H,H,E,D / E / H,H,I,I,I / D / H,D,I,I,I / D / E,D,D,I,I / D
H,H,H,E,I / E / H,E,E,E,E / E / H,I,I,I,I / D / E,D,I,I,I / D
H,H,H,D,D / E / H,E,E,E,D / E / E,E,E,E,E / E / E,I,I,I,I / I
H,H,H,D,I / E / H,E,E,E,I / E / E,E,E,E,D / E / D,D,D,D,D / D
H,H,H,I,I / E / H,E,E,D,D / E / E,E,E,E,I / E / D,D,D,D,I / D
H,H,E,E,E / E / H,E,E,D,I / E / E,E,E,D,D / E / D,D,D,I,I / D
H,H,E,E,D / E / H,E,E,I,I / D / E,E,E,D,I / D / D,D,I,I,I / I
H,H,E,E,I / E / H,E,D,D,D / E / E,E,E,I,I / D / D,I,I,I,I / I
H,H,E,D,D / E / H,E,D,D,I / D / E,E,D,D,D / D / I,I,I,I,I / I