MEETING:Regular Monthly Call
1-215-446-3657 or 1-888-363-4735. Access code: 3202826. (Host: 5547 – Jenni will dial that in)
PURPOSE:Regular Monthly Teleconference
Meeting Date: / Location: / Start Time: / End Time:
1/26/2015 / Teleconference (# above) / 12:00 Noon / 1:00 PM
Facilitator/Lead: / Jennifer Loging / Minutes Prepared by: / Becky Litwaitis
ATTENDEES (checked in attendance)
Jennifer Loging / Katrina Wojciechowski / Kristi Cooley / Cheryl Davies
Amber France / Barb Sheldon / Angela Roltgen
Becky Litwaitis / Janice Landisch / Abbie Loos
Items/Actions to Be Discussed / Outcome/Notes / Action Items & Person Responsible
Welcome, introductions.
- Review of last meeting minutes. (Becky)
- March 2015 NWA Conference
- Katy Murphy and Katrina Wojciechowski areattending on the $750 scholarship.
- Still have the free registration coupon – could give to one of the board members going to decrease expenses?
- Katrina has four appointments set-upwith members of Congress in Washington DC.
- Bylaws
- Is working on setting up a work sharing (email template) on WICShare to work on the Bylaws.
- NWA Magazines
- Nancy Castro has not been able to provide information/insight on the magazine order.
- She is working with Mary Beth Emmer and Nancy Castro on banking issues.
- Will wait for more information before deciding whether or not to go forward with another magazine order.
- Membership Drive
- The Membership Letter went out in November. So far we have received membership dues from 12 projects.
- The region with the greatest WWA membership by 3/31/15 will receive a $100 donation to the charity of their choice.
- Communications:
Newsletter- Angela /
- Website now has PSAs on them for WIC projects to use--announced in the 1/16/15 FMR.
- The WWA newsletter will be sent out in Friday’s FMR.
- Treasurer’s Report (Barb)
- Barb has not received a bank statement, because the account has not been changed over to her yet.
- There have not been any expenses.
- WIC Advisory Update (Barb)
- Professional Development (Janice)
- Dr. Bennett from Duke University is the proposed speaker. We would want him to discuss his research and how WIC Nutritionists could apply his findings when they are working with WI WIC participants.
- Nutrition Matters will donate $1000-$2000 for the speaker.
- Will not invite WWA to present this year.
Jenni will talk to Judie Fedie about speakers on NAS.
- Advocacy (Cheryl D.)
- Members are encouraged to keep checking the NWA website for advocacy information. If NWA is asking for action, encourage members to take part in it.
- WALHDAB update (Cheryl D.)
No report
Adjourn. Thank you! / Barb moved and Janice seconded to adjourn the meeting at 12:37 pm. Motion passed
Next meeting: / February 23th Monthly Teleconference 12 pm-1 pm
H:\_WIC\WWA\Minutes and Agendas\Agendas\8 25 2014 WWA Meeting Agenda.doc