5.4.e.2 Ag Education Faculty Annual Service Activities
Activity / Description / * / K-12 Students / Credential StudentsFall Career Development Event Workout / FFA Career Development Event practice / H / 100 / 20
Opening and Closing Judging / Three sectional events for FFA chapters / P / 400 / 30
State Staff Meetings / Meeting with the state department of education, Ag Ed unit staff three times a year to coordinate activities and report on projects. / P
Parli-Pro Invitational / Statewide FFA Career Development Event for Parliamentary Procedure / H / 250 / 35
Regional Parli-Pro / Regional FFA Career Development Event for Parliamentary Procedure / H / 100 / 20
FFA Field Day / Statewide FFA Career Development Event / H / 1900 / 50
Ag Day / Ag Literacy activity for K-6 / H / 150
New Teacher Professional Development / Workshop for new (years 1-3) agricultural teachers. A statewide meeting / P
Student Teacher Conclave / A statewide meeting/workshop for all agricultural student teachers / P / 11
CATA Summer Conference / Annual California Agricultural Teachers Association meeting. Introduce new student teachers. / P
CATA Professional Development / Teach professional development workshops for teachers / P
Arbuckle FFA Field Day / Help judging and tabulations / P / 900 / 6
UC Davis FFA Field Day / Help judging and tabulations / P / 2500
Fresno State FFA Field Day / Officiate state finals contests and help with tabulations / P / 2500
FFA State Convention / Put on workshops for FFA members / P / 2000 / 42
Cal Poly FFA Field Day / Officiate state finals contests and help with tabulations / P / 1600
California Ag Teachers Directory / An online directory of secondary and community teachers and programs. / H
CDE Event Registration / An online registration system that supports 10 career development event and registers over 10,000 students per year. / H
Livestock Insurance System / Insurance registration system for SAE animal projects / H
R-2 / FFA Roster system / An online data collection system used for collecting data on 75,000 secondary agricultural students, 700 agricultural teachers, and 370 agricultural programs. Data is reported to the public, state department of education, and used for research / H
FFA On-line Record Book / An online accounting system used for Supervised Agricultural Experience projects / H / 5000
Camp Tehama Chapter Officer Leadership Training / Leadership training for chapter FFA officers / P / 400 / 45
Regional Officer Candidate Training / Leadership training for FFA regional officer candidates / H / 30 / 30
State Officer Candidate Training / Leadership training for FFA state officer candidates / H / 30 / 30
State Officer Training / Training for state FFA officers / H / 7 / 5
* H=Plan and Host, P=Participate and Plan