Life Sciences Initiative Studentship Application
To support the Life Sciences Initiative (LSI) Centres, the LSI invites applications for PhD projects that fit within the following remits: Bioengineering;Computational Biology; Genomic Health; and Mind in Society.
Each award will support a 3-year PhD studentship with a stipend and research consumables budget per annum, and home/EU fees will bewaived.For more information regarding the award, see supervisors FAQ
The applications should fall within the remit of the above LSI Centres, be interdisciplinary, and use a range of techniques and/or research approachesto investigate a relevant question(s). Applications should build upon current academic and research strengths but bring imagination and new ideasto bear. Interested supervisors should complete the form below (N.B. all in Arial no smaller than point 11, and lines no less than single spaced):
Primary Supervisor / Secondary Supervisor
Email / Email
Faculty/School/Department/Institute / Faculty/School/Department/Institute
Please tick which research centre(s) your project links to
Centre for Bioengineering / Centre for Mind and Society / Centre for Genomic Health / Centre for Computational Biology
Project Details (No more than 3 pages detailing the PhD project. This may be formatted as applicants think best fits to their proposal, but mustbegin with a summary/abstract of no more than 250 words. References/bibliography can be supplied beyond the 3 page limit).
Explain the potential value of the project to the development of research themes of the life sciences centre under which the project falls, and the potential for future external funding (no more than 1 A4 page).
In addition to you application, we will also need confirmation of suitability of supervisors and support for application from department/school/institute (simple email is sufficient). (N.B. These are college funded studentships and local rules may not allow more than one college studentships to be held as primary supervisor at any one time. This should be checked at the time local support is granted).
Completed applications should be sent to
Please supply the PhD supervision records for all supervisors to include list of all PhD students supervised in last 10 years (please indicate primarysupervisor), funding sources, project/thesis title, date of commencement of studies, date of completion of studies. Please include currentstudents.
Application Deadline:
The closing date for applications is Wednesday20thDecember 2017, 5pm.