For Immediate Release

Schools in [Board Name] recognized for environmental excellence

[Board Acronym] is proud to announce ### certified EcoSchools this year.


Students in [region]have worked hard to create environmentally sustainable schools, from minimizing waste to maximizing time spent outside learning in nature.This year, ### schools in [Board name] have certified with the Ontario EcoSchools program.

Established in 2005, Ontario EcoSchools works with 1,720 schools in 55 boards* across the province to nurture student leaders and integrate environmental learning and action into school communities. Each year, schools apply for and receive Ontario EcoSchools certification by demonstrating achievement in the six sections of the program: Teamwork and Leadership, Energy Conservation, Waste Minimization, School Ground Greening, Curriculum, and Environmental Stewardship.

Achievements are assessed based on a provincial standard established by ten years of benchmarking, with an emphasis on student leadership and engagement. Currently, the program certifies 36% of all schools in Ontario and reaches over 882,000 students.

[Board name] is proud to be part of this growing network, and celebrates that participating schools achieved such great green results. For the 2015-16 school year, ## schools achievedBronze level, ## Silver level, ## Gold level, and ## Platinum.

For a full list of certified EcoSchools please visit the online

*Official certification results for 2015-16 will be published in September following the final processing of assessments and appeals.


Quote from [School Board official]

“We encourage schools to tailor the Ontario EcoSchools program to their school community, and students are encouraged to lead, monitor and celebrate change as it takes place. Schools are asked to start small and build on their success so that the program grows to deepen environmental learning over time.” ~Elanor Waslander, Executive Director, Ontario EcoSchools

Quick Facts

●Ontario EcoSchools is an environmental education and certification program for grades K-12 that works to nurture environmental leaders, reduce the ecological impact of schools, and build environmentally responsible school communities.

●Ontario EcoSchools is the largest environmental education program in the province, engaging over 882,000 students. All publicly funded schools can access the EcoSchools program free of charge.

●Ontario EcoSchools is the proud recipient of the 2015 Minister's Award for Environmental Excellence.

●Ontario EcoSchools operates with support from the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Energy, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, TD Friends of the Environment Foundation and is administered by York University.

●Board quick fact (re. Number of schools, mission, etc)

●Board quick fact (green policy, goals, something unique about the board’s EcoSchools focus)

Learn More & Contact Us for more information on the program. For interviews please contact:

Melissa Benner

Communications Manager, Ontario EcoSchools

office: 416-642-5774 ext. 4

cell: 647-740-0803

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