- A Bill to Counter Chinese Naval Modernization
1 Be it enacted by the Congress here assembled
2 Section 1. This Congress will allocate an additional $200 million annually to the
3 budget of the navy with the intent of funding naval modernization
4 programs.
5 Section 2. A “naval modernization program” shall be defined as any program that
6 modernizes the US Navy in order to protect against potential threats
7 from China. This includes any program that reforms or improves cyber-
8 security, maintenance, logistics, naval doctrine, personnel quality,
9 education, or training.
10 Section 3. The Department of Defense will oversee the enforcement of this
11 legislation.
12 Section 4. This legislation will go into effect on July 1, 2015.
13 Section 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
- A Bill to Reduce the Federal Debt Exponentially
Section 1: The United States federal government will hereby remove one cent from each dollar spent as an effective method to reduce the national deficit.
Section 2: The United States federal government is defined as all of the organizations within the three branches of government: executive, legislative, and judicial.
Section 3: This congress will oversee the carrying out of this bill, but the leaders of all three branches including the President of the United States, the Speaker of the House, the Majority and Minority leaders of the senate, and the Chief Justice will make sure this bill is carried out.
Section 4: This legislation will take place January 1, 2016, seeing as the leaders of the different branches of government will need time to adjust their budgets.
Section 5: Any and all laws in conflict with this piece of legislation are hereby declared null and void.
- Resolution to Ratify the Kyoto Protocol
1 WHEREAS, The United States has signed, but not yet ratified, the Kyoto Protocol; and
2 WHEREAS, 192 countries have ratified the protocol and follow its guidelines for
3 pollution control; and
4 WHEREAS, The United States must lower pollution and greenhouse gas emission
5 levels for the benefit of it’s citizens, environment, and natural resources;
6 and
7 WHEREAS, These goals may be accomplished through ratification of the Kyoto
8 Protocol; now, therefore, be it
9 RESOLVED, That the Congress here assembled make the following recommendation
10 to ratify the Kyoto Protocol by 2016.
- A Bill to Create a Unified Online Sales Tax
2 SECTION 1. All online purchases will be subject to an online sales tax.
3 SECTION 2. The set online sales tax will be 2% for perishable items and 7.75% for all
4 non-perishable items. An excise tax will be set for all tobacco and alcohol
5 products purchased and will be set at 12.5%.
6 SECTION 3. The Internal Revenue Service will be responsible for implementation of
7 this legislation.
8 SECTION 4. This legislation shall take effect 6 months after ratification.
9 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
- A Bill to Enable Seasteading
2 SECTION 1. All UnitedState water based resources and territory within the Exclusive
3 Economic Zone currently mandated as public land shall be open for sale.
4 SECTION 2. Distribution will occur thusly:
5 A. Coastline and Oceans within 10 miles will be sold, and property will only be
6 considered owned when developed or worked within and utilized for three
8 B. Leasing Options for Oceanic territory over 10 miles will be made available,
9 made in renewable leases of 2 years length.
10 SECTION 3. Land breakdown, sale, and leasing will be managed by the Department
11 of the Interior
12 SECTION 4. This Bill shall be implemented within 6 months of passage.
13 SECTION 5. Right of Way for passing vessels under current US law shall be upheld
14 so long as they do not harm or physically disrupt owned territories.
15 SECTION 6. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
- A Resolution for Equal Standards in the Military
WHEREAS, The restrictions on women in combat has been lifted and woman are projected to be serving in combat in 2016,
WHEREAS, Women currently have to meet nearly half the requirements of men in the military and the military is currently re-evaluating its initial claims that combat-duty standards will be gender-blind,
WHEREAS, The current standards for men in combat are essential for maintaining the most lethal and elite military in the world,
WHEREAS, Most women in the military do not want lower standards based on gender because it causes a lack of respect from their male counterparts,
WHEREAS, The current lower standards for woman in the military further perpetuates female stereotypes,
RESOLVED, The military will no longer have separate standards for women in any branch in order to have equality in the military.
- A Resolutionto Protect America’sHomeless Population
1 WHEREAS, At anygiven time over 3 million Americansare homeless;and
2 WHEREAS, Homelessnessis oftenthe result of a suddenand traumaticlife
3 experience rather than as aresult of laziness or incompetence; and
4 WHEREAS, Crimescommitted against individuals because of their status as
5 homeless aregrowing in quantity and ferocity; and
6 WHEREAS, Homeless victims of crime are oftentargeted specifically for their
7 status as homeless;and
8 WHEREAS, Current Federal law continues to ignore thisgrowing epidemic of
9 violent crimes motivated byextreme animus against homeless
10 individuals;now, therefore, be it
11 RESOLVED, Thatthis Student Congresshere assembled amend the Violent Crime
12 Control andLaw Enforcement Act so as to include the homeless in the
13 definitionssectionof hatecrimes.
- A Bill to Clarify the Cyber Battlefield
2 SECTION 1. The War Powers Resolution of 1973 shall be amended as follows:
3 “Sec. 3. The President in every possible instance shall consult with
4 Congress before introducing United States Armed Forces into hostilities
5 or into situations where imminent involvement in hostilities is clearly
6 indicated by the circumstances, and after every such introduction shall
7 consult regularly with the Congress until United States Armed Forces are
8 no longer engaged in hostilities or have been removed from such
9 situations. The president shall also in every possible instance consult
10 with Congress before initiating offensive cyber operations, or before
11 initiating other forms of unconventional warfare that are not outlined
12 in this Resolution. All applicable preceding and proceeding limitations
13 placed upon the introduction of United States Armed Forces into the
14 aforementioned situations also applies to the usage of offensive cyber
15 operations or other unconventional forms of warfare not previously
16 outlined in the Resolution.”
17 SECTION 2. Unconventional forms of warfare are defined as any attack or attempted
18 attack against a nation, group, or individual not involving the introduction
19 of US Armed Forces into hostilities. Offensive cyber operations are
20 defined as any hostile action taken by the US government against a
21 computer system or network that is destructive in nature, or an action
22 hard disk of a computer.
23SECTION 3. The Department of Defense shall oversee the enforcement of this
24 legislation.
25 SECTION 4. This law shall take effect immediately upon passage.
26 SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and void.
- A Bill to Ban Private Prisons
1.Be it enacted by the Congress here assembled that:
2.SECTION 1. The formation of private prisons shall be banned, and all existing private
3. prisons shall be shut down.
4.SECTION 2. A. Private prisons are prisons that gain profit and are controlled by
5.individuals or corporations, rather than the government.
6.B. All current private prisons shall be reformed to be government owned. Owners of
7.private prison facilities will be reasonably compensated for properties converted for
8.federal use.
9.SECTION 3. The Federal Bureau of Prisons shall oversee the implementation of this
10.bill. Funding necessary for this legislation shall be allocated to the BOP as Congress
11.sees fit.
12.SECTION 4. Implementation of this law will begin in January 2015, with full
13.implementation by 2025.
14.SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby declared null and
10. A Bill to Promote High-Speed Rail Systems
1.Be It Enacted By The Student Congress Here Assembled That:
2.Section 1:That the United States shall promote the construction of high-speed rail systems for 3.transportation and freight hauling.
4.Section 2:“High-speed rail systems” define all rail systems with a minimum speed of 155 miles per 5.hour specifically built for high speed travel. “Freight hauling” is the carrying of goods between areas.
6.Section 3:A $15 dollar “carbon tax” shall be levied on all domestic airline passenger tickets for flights 7.under 400 miles. A $150 dollar tax on all freight for every 100 pounds shall also be levied. Monies 8.gathered from this tax shall directly fund the construction of high-speed rails.
9.Section 4:The Department of Transportation shall seek private-public partnerships for the construction 10.of such railways.
11.Section 5:This legislation shall be implemented by the Department of Transportation, the Internal 12.Revenue Service, and all other necessary government entities.
13.Section 6:This legislation shall take effect two years from date of passage.
14.Section 7:All legislation in conflict with this bill shall be declared null and void.
- A Bill to Regulate Broadband Internet as a Public Utility
3SECTION 1. Broadband internet will be placed under Title II of the
4 Telecommunications Act
5 of 1996 and will be regulated accordingly.
6SECTION 2. Broadband internet refers to any high-speed internet
7 data delivered via coaxial
8 cable, optical fiber, twisted pair, DSL local telephone networks or
9 wireless network.
10 SECTION 3. The Federal Communications Commission shall oversee 11 implementation andenforcement of this law.
12 SECTION 4. This will go into effect on June 1, 2015.
13SECTION 5. All laws in conflict with this legislation are hereby 14 declared null and void.