In School Youth RFP Questions
- If high school juniors are enrolled in 2016-2017, will their enrollment in the subsequent program year (2017-2018) when they are high school seniors count as a new enrollment for 2017-2018? Response: That depends on the Contractor’s plan. A Contractor may propose to serve one cohort of Juniors in the first program year and continue serving them as Seniors in the second program year. Alternately, a Contractor may elect to serve a cohort of Juniors in the first year, and a cohort of Juniors plus Seniors in the second year. This is part of the program design and up to the Contractor.
- Can programs segment a year into distinct modules and achieve Enrollment and Performance Goals per module? For example, some youth participate in a July and August summer module, but not in a September –June after-school module. Would the youth in the summer module count toward Total Enrollments for the fiscal year? Response: The overall program may be segmented. The count toward the Total Enrollments will be dependent upon the Contractor’s program design.
- How are high school juniors evaluated for Performance Goals at the end of the program year since they would most likely not achieve ‘Attainment of Degree’ or ‘Placement in Employment/Education?’ Response: Performance requirements are established by the WIOA legislation. The program design may include continuing the students from Junior to Senior year to ensure performance objectives are met; alternately, the Contractor may elect to serve Seniors only.
- Since 11th graders are now eligible for the ISY Program is the WDB hoping that the 11th graders will remain in the program for both 2016-17 and 2017-18 school years? Response: The WDB is hoping to serve the largest number of students – effectively – with WIOA funding.
- How will placement numbers be tracked if 11th graders are in the program for just their 11th grade year since they will not be placed in jobs/college? Is it going to hurt our placement numbers if 11th graders are in the program just one year? Response: The Contractor should plan on providing services until Performance Requirements are effectively met. Please note: Regardless of the program design, every student must be provided follow-up services for one year following individual exit from the program.
- If students are only in the summer work experience but not in the year-long portion of a program will they be required to TABE test? Does there need to be an academic component to a summer work experience? Response: Yes. Yes.
7.What do you expect as average cost per student/placement? Response: The BCWDB does not provide an average cost per student/placement as this may vary depending on the program design.
8.Could 21st Century help with student referrals? What age group? Response: Enrollment is the responsibility of the Contractor. Any/all referral and partnerships are encouraged that result in eligible students.
9.May all charts, tables and graphs and timeline information be included in an appendix to the RFP response? Response: Yes.
10.Would certifications other than a high school diploma (such as NRF) suffice as attainment of a degree?Response: We have contacted the state and are awaiting guidance on this as it is not clearly defined in WIOA legislation.
11.What are the requirements when using gift cards as an incentive or reward in the program? Response: It depends on your program design. The BCWDB can only be invoiced for eligible, enrolled participants.
12. Can the program be run during the school day? Response: Yes.
13. If 11th graders are in our proposed program and stay for just the first year and we help them obtain a part time job can we exit them with that as placement?Response:No.Likewise, if an 11th grader stays only one year and we are able to get them a certification of some sort can that count instead of a diploma since they won’t be graduating?Response:We have contacted the state and are awaiting guidance on this as it is not clearly defined in WIOA legislation.