PSESD Clock Hour Application Instructions (for class sponsors)

1. For the fastest response, class sponsors may apply for clock hours online at:

2. A clock hour application must be submitted to Puget Sound ESD at least 10 full working days prior to the first day of the class.

3. Classes approved for clock hours must be a minimum of 3 hours. They may be held over a series of days. Example: A ten clock hour class may be 10 one-hour sessions or 5 two-hour sessions, or 4 two and one-half hour sessions, etc. Meal times and breaks cannot be included in calculating the number of clock hours requested.

4. Clock hours are offered in half hour increments. Example: A class lasting 3 hours and 45 minutes is eligible for 3 1/2 clock hours.

5. Approval cannot be granted for routine staff meetings.

6. Each class approved for clock hours should be evaluated by participants using the Puget Sound ESD online clock hour evaluation.

7. Individuals/organizations requesting clock hour approval will also be responsible for the registration of participants seeking clock hours.

8. A complete application must be submitted for each class offering, and for each subsequent offering of the same class/program/conference.

9. Fees for clock hours are paid by participants registering for clock hours, and are $2.00 per clock hour, $10.00 minimum fee per person.

10. Conferences: (an event having concurrent or breakout sessions) Clock hour applications for conferences cannot be submitted online and must be completed and submitted in hard copy (paper) form. To request conference clock hour application materials, email or call (425) 917-7807 (Seattle), (253) 778-7807 (Tacoma), or 1-800-664-4549, ext. 7807 (western WA). All conference applications must be received 30 days prior to the first day of the conference. Please allow adequate time for mailing. A curriculum vitae or resume will be needed for each presenter to complete the application.

11. Online Classes: Applications for online classes are treated differently than classes with a traditional format. A resume is required for each presenter. All applications for online classes must be received 10 full working days prior to the first day clock hours may be offered for the class. To request online class application materials, call our clock hour office at (425) 917-7855 (Seattle), (253) 778-7855 (Tacoma), or 1-800-664-4549, ext. 7855 (western WA).

12. Puget Sound ESD reserves the right to have a representative from Puget Sound ESD attend any class or conference which has received clock hour approval from this agency. The representative shall attend free of all fees and charges related to the program.

13. Upon approval, materials will be sent to the program coordinator including: instructions, an attendance list and clock hour request forms.

14. Mail applications to: Puget Sound ESD, Attn: Clock Hours, 800 Oakesdale Ave SW, Renton WA 98057

Clock Hour Office: 425-917-7807 – Seattle, 1- 800-664-4549 - Western Washington, 253-778-7807 – Tacoma


Puget Sound ESD Received: ______
Clock Hour Application Clock Hour #: ______
(for class sponsors only)
Class Coordinator Name:
Mailing Street Address:
Mailing City State Zip:
Work Phone: / Home Phone:
Class Title:
Class Date(s):
Class Meeting Time(s):
Total Instructional Hours (excluding breaks & meals):
Expected Number of Participants:
Class Location:
Class Location Address:
Write at least three objectives that will be shared with participants during this class (include what participants will learn and/or be able to do as a result of this class):
Objective 1:
Objective 2:
Objective 3:
For Puget Sound ESD Use Only:
Approved: / Denied:
Date Materials Sent to Class Coordinator:
Topics to be covered:

Information below is required as PSESD no longer keeps resumes on file:

Instructor Name:
Instructor Position:
Instructor Email:
Instructor Street Address:
Instructor City, State & Zip:
Instructor Work Phone:
Brief description that qualifies the instructor to teach the class (1 to 3 sentences). Include academic and/or professional experience:

Mail applications to: Puget Sound ESD

Attn: Clock Hours
800 Oakesdale Ave SW

Renton WA 98057

Clock Hour Office: 425-917-7807 - Seattle

253-778-7807 - Tacoma

800-664-4549, x7807 - Western Washington

Fax: 425-917-7810