Please complete all parts of this form to apply for a booth at Bands on Bordeaux so that we may serve you as well as possible. The event will run this year on Thursdays, July 7th, 14th, 21st and 28th from 6:00 – 9:00pm on the 100 block of Bordeaux St.
Terms and Conditions:
§ Non-Profit Non-Food Exhibitors: Free with a 501(c)3, for 10’ x 10’ space. $10 fee for electricity for 1-4 weeks (you must supply your own extension cords). Please be aware of any insurance, tax license, permits or laws that are relevant to your exhibit as The Chadron Chamber of Commerce and Bands on Bordeaux are not responsible for any accidents or theft. Organizations NOT SELLING product, NOT SEEKING DONATIONS but are just providing information or kids’ entertainment will not incur any fee. You are required to bring your own trash cans and bags and haul your own garbage to the dumpsters.
§ Retail Vendors: 10’ x 10’ space with no electricity is $30/wk or $100 for the 4 week series. (Save $20 on the series.) 10’ x 10’ space with electricity is $40/week or $140/series. You must supply your own drop cords. Each retail vendor must have a valid Nebraska Sales Tax License and a Certificate of Liability from your insurance company naming the Chadron Chamber of Commerce and Bands on Bordeaux as indemnified. You are required to bring your own trash cans and bags and haul your own garbage to the dumpsters.
§ Food Vendors: 10’ x 10’ space with no electricity is $40/week or $140 for the 4 week series. (Save $20 on the series.) 10’ x 10’ with electricity is $60/week or $220/series. Food vendors will have exclusivity on one item and the item must be named on your application. (Popcorn, pulled pork, burritos, pizza, etc.) Since we are giving exclusivity, attendance is required on the weeks you sign up for. If you miss a week you signed up for, you relinquish your space without refund. Each food vendor must have a valid Nebraska Sales Tax License, a Certificate of Liability from your insurance company naming the Chadron Chamber of Commerce and Bands on Bordeaux as indemnified, a valid Nebraska Department of Health Food Service License and Inspection. Please be able to provide those if asked. You are required to bring your own trash cans and bags and haul your own garbage to the dumpsters.
§ ONLY the Chadron Chamber of Commerce will be permitted to sell drinks at Bands on Bordeaux as a way to generate a profit to reinvest back into the event this year and in the years to come to alleviate our dependence on local donors and in an effort to be able to give to a need or project within our community. We plan to sell water, soda, beer and Mike’s Hard or similar drinks.
§ No Refunds/No Rain Dates
§ We reserve the right to limit the number of Retail Vendors and also reserve the right to limit duplication of the number of vendors in a particular category. Bands on Bordeaux coordinators may choose to deny a vendor based on appropriateness of products.
§ Setup begins at 4:30pm each Thursday night and tables and tents are NOT provided. The event will be advertised from 6pm to 9pm.
§ Bringing your vehicle in for early tear down is NOT ALLOWED. Bring enough of your product and be able to stay until 9pm when booth tear down begins. If you do need to leave early, you must hand-carry your items out of the event area. Vehicles will not be allowed into the barricaded area until the music has completed for the evening. Any vendor bringing a vehicle into the barricaded area will not be allowed to return and they will forfeit their vendor fee. The safety of our patrons should be the concern of vendors and organizers alike, so your cooperation is mandatory.
§ If your booth IS a vehicle, you will be put on the outer edge of the vendor area.
§ Vendors are responsible for the set-up and clean-up of their space. Vendors cannot impair other booths (i.e. sign or display blockage). Vendors will not be allowed to move booth locations once a space has been assigned without permission of the coordinators. This is a summer event held in the street and direct sun. Please plan accordingly as you will NOT be able to move to sidewalks or against buildings and impede walking traffic.
§ NO PETS will be allowed during Bands on Bordeaux. Please leave all animals at home.
§ Vendors will keep all profits from their booths. No other royalty or percentage fees are charged other than booth rental.
§ For questions or more information, please contact the Chadron Chamber of Commerce at 432-4401.
Vendor Application
Business Name ______
Contact Name ______
Mailing Address______
City / State / Zip ______
Phone Number ______
Mobile Phone ______
Email ______
What type of vendor are you? ______Non-Profit & Non-Food ______Retail ______Food
Do you need electricity? ______Yes ______No
What are you selling? Please give us a short paragraph (3 to 5 sentences) to describe your product(s):
One item of exclusivity: ______
Dates you will join us: ______July 7 ______July 14 ______July 21 ______July 28
Additional Booth requests/accommodation needs? (Near another vendor, etc?)
I have read and agree to follow the guidelines set forth by the Bands on Bordeaux committee.
Signed Date
Please Return this Form to
The Chadron Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 646 – 706 West 3rd Street
Chadron, NE 69337