March – 2018


Daily Promos

Monday – March 5 – Love Really Doesn’t Wait

Monday/tomorrow/today on KEY LIFE, author and Bible teacher, Steve Brown, continues with his series on the book of John. When Mary anointed Jesus’ feet with perfume, she did so because she did not want to wait around to show love to Jesus. She knew that she might not get another chance to show this type of love. Love’s winsome abandonment is contrasted with the cunning nature of self love. Learn more from Steve Brown on KEY LIFE at (Time: ), on

(Station: ).

Tuesday – March 6 – Nobody Killed Jesus. He Did It Himself

Who killed Jesus? No one did! Bible teacher, Steve Brown, takes us through his series on the book of John on KEY LIFE Tuesday/tomorrow/today.Jesus was not killed, but in fact, He decided to die all for us. He knew when He was going to die and how, but He still went to His death. He chose to die because He wanted to forgive us and draw us closer to God. Hear more from Steve Brown on KEY LIFE at (Time: ), on (Station: ).

Wednesday – March 7 – Our Love Is Tainted…Because It’s Not Free

Steve Brown, author and Bible teacher, continues with his series on the book of John on KEY LIFE Wednesday/tomorrow/today. Jesus is called The Lamb of God who was slain. When God created the entire university, the lamb was slain. Jesus chose to die for YOU! That is how Jesus demonstrated real love to each of us by choosing to die for us. Tune in to hear more from Steve Brown on KEY LIFE at (Time: ), on (Station: ).

Thursday – March 8 – If You Look Back Far Enough, You’ll Understand

Steve Brown is our tour guide during his series, “The book of John” this Thursday/tomorrow/today on KEY LIFE. It is hard to know in the moment what God is doing in our lives and we would not be able to understand God’s plan even if we knew it because His ways are not our ways. Distance and time bestows insight! When we let God take over, we will be able to look back at some point and see all the ways He was working. Hear more from Steve Brown on KEY LIFE at (Time: ), on (Station: ).

Friday – March 9 – Q & A

Friday/tomorrow/today on KEY LIFE, Bible teacher Steve Brown & his friend, Pete Alwinson, discuss listener’s questions such as: Does it say in the Bible to pray for the dead? If so, where does it say that? What will Heaven be like? Dive into the word with Steve Brown & Pete Alwinson on KEY LIFE at (Time: ), on (Station: ).

March – 2018


Daily Promos

Monday – March 12 – What’s God Doing? I Don’t Have The Foggiest

Steve Brown, author and Bible teacher, looks through the gospel of John as he leads his series “The Book of John,” this Monday/tomorrow/today on KEY LIFE. There are times where Christians act as if they know what God is doing. But we really do not know what God is doing, because his ways are so much higher than ours. It would be more beneficial for us to honestly say to the world that we are just as confused as everyone else. Tune in to Steve Brown to hear more on KEY LIFE at (Time: ), on (Station: ).

Tuesday – March 13 – Burn Your Timetable

Tuesday/tomorrow/today on KEY LIFE, Bible teacher, Steve Brown, continues his series “The Book of John,” looking at the gospel. People pretend they know what God is doing and they follow their own timetables. Jesus told the Pharisees around him to drop their timetables and follow His! He is telling you the same thing today!Learn more from Steve Brown about the history of the gospel of John on KEY LIFE at (Time:____), on (Station: ).

Wednesday – March 14 – Be Careful Of The Cool Kids

Bible teacher, Steve Brown, discuses the gospel of John in his series “The Book of John” Wednesday/tomorrow/today on KEY LIFE.Be careful when everyone agrees that something is true. It is easy to get caught up in the excitement and pressure of going along with everyone else. Sometimes, the cool kids are way off base when it comes to the truth and you may end up doing something foolish. That’s on KEY LIFE with Steve Brown at (Time: ), on (Station: ).

Thursday – March 15 – Get Out Of The Way! He’s The King

Steve Brown, author and Bible teacher moves through the book of John on Thursday/tomorrow/today on KEY LIFE in his series “The Book of John.” Sometimes we only see Jesus as meek, but He is the King of Kings. He is the ruler of the world! Before you get ready to talk to someone about Christ, remember that you are representing the King of this world and He has given you a message to deliver! Hear more of Steve Brown’s thoughts on KEY LIFE at (Time: ), on (Station: ).

Friday – March 16 – Q & A

Friday/tomorrow/today on KEY LIFE, Bible teacher Steve Brown and his colleague, Pete Alwinson, dive into listeners questions such as: How can God have an intimate conversation with each of his children when everyone is praying and worshiping at once? How young can a child be to understand and receive salvation? Hear Steve Brown & Pete Alwinson’s answers on KEY LIFE at (Time: ), on (Station: ).