W-13 Test Chapters 15 and 17

Multiple Choice

Identify the letter of the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question.

____1.Hawaiian honeycreepers are a group of birds with similar body shape and size. However, they vary greatly in color and beak shape. Each species occupies its own niche and is adapted to the foods available in its niche. The evolution from a common ancestor to a variety of species is an example of _____.

a. / divergent evolution / c. / vegetative propagation
b. / cross-pollination / d. / convergent evolution

____2.The flying squirrel of North America closely resembles the flying phalanger of Australia. They are similar in size and have long, bushy tails and skin folds that allow them to glide through the air. The squirrel is a placental mammal, while the phalanger is a marsupial. These close resemblances, even though genetically and geographically separated by great distances, can best be explained by _____.

a. / convergent evolution / c. / spontaneous generation
b. / divergent evolution / d. / vestigial structures

____3.Within a decade of the introduction of a new insecticide, nearly all of the descendants of the target pests were immune to the usual-sized dose. The most likely explanation for this immunity to the insecticide is that _____.

a. / eating the insecticide caused the bugs to become resistant to it
b. / eating the insecticide caused the bugs to become less resistant to it
c. / it destroyed organisms that cause disease in the insects, thus allowing them to live longer
d. / the pests developed physiological adaptations to the insecticide

____4.Structures that have a similar evolutionary origin and structure but are adapted for different purposes, such as a bat wing and a human arm, are called _____.

a. / embryological structures / c. / homologous structures
b. / analogous structures / d. / homozygous structures

____5.Natural selection can best be defined as the _____.

a. / survival of the biggest and strongest organisms in a population
b. / elimination of the smallest organisms by the biggest organisms
c. / survival and reproduction of the organisms that occupy the largest area
d. / survival and reproduction of the organisms that are genetically best adapted to the environment

____6.A pattern of evolution that results when two unrelated species begin to appear similar because of environmental conditions is _____.

a. / disruptive selection / c. / directional selection
b. / convergent evolution / d. / divergent evolution

____7.The average individuals of a population are favored in _____ selection.

a. / directional / c. / disruptive
b. / stabilizing / d. / natural

____8.In _____ selection, individuals with both extreme forms of a trait are at a selective advantage.

a. / directional / c. / disruptive
b. / stabilizing / d. / natural

____9._____ selection favors one extreme form of a trait in a population.

a. / Directional / c. / Disruptive
b. / Stabilizing / d. / Natural

____10.What is the movement of genes into and out of a gene pool called?

a. / random mating / c. / gene flow
b. / nonrandom mating / d. / direct evolution

____11.Upon close examination of the skeleton of an adult python, a pelvic girdle and leg bones can be observed. These features are an example of _____.

a. / artificial selection / c. / vestigial structures
b. / homologous structures / d. / comparative embryology

____12.Which combination of characteristics in a population would provide the greatest potential for evolutionary change?

a. / small population, few mutations / c. / large population, few mutations
b. / small population, many mutations / d. / large population, many mutations

____13.The theory of continental drift hypothesizes that Africa and South America slowly drifted apart after once being a single landmass. The monkeys on the two continents, although similar, show numerous genetic differences. Which factor is probably the most important in maintaining these differences?

a. / comparative anatomy / c. / geographic isolation
b. / comparative embryology / d. / fossil records

____14.Which of the following is not a factor that causes changes in the allelic frequencies of individuals in a population?

a. / stabilizing selection / c. / random selection
b. / directional selection / d. / disruptive selection

____15.When checking shell color for a species of snail found only in a remote area seldom visited by humans, scientists discovered the distribution of individuals that is shown in the graph in Figure 15-1. Based on the information shown in the graph, the snail population is undergoing _____.

Figure 15-1

a. / stabilizing selection / c. / artificial selection
b. / disruptive selection / d. / directional selection

____16.What type of adaptation is shown in Figure 15-4?

Figure 15-4

a. / mimicry / c. / artificial selection
b. / camouflage / d. / homologous structure

____17.The structures shown in Figure 15-5 are _____.

Figure 15-5

a. / homologous / c. / analogous
b. / heterologous / d. / vestigial

Figure 15-6

____18.Which type of natural selection showed in Figure 15-6 favors average individuals?

a. / A / c. / C
b. / B / d. / D

____19.Which type of natural selection shown in Figure 15-6 would favor giraffes that need to reach the tallest branches to eat?

a. / A / c. / C
b. / B / d. / D

____20.The evolutionary history of a species is its _____.

a. / biodiversity / c. / extinction
b. / phylogeny / d. / taxonomy

____21.A system for naming species in which two words are used to name an organism is _____.

a. / binomial nomenclature / c. / cladistics
b. / dichotomous keying / d. / fan diagramming

____22.The placing of information or objects into groups based on certain similarities is _____.

a. / biochemical analysis / c. / phylogeny
b. / classification / d. / speciation

____23.A heterotrophic eukaryote associated with the decomposition of dead organisms is a(n) _____.

a. / bacterium / c. / fungus
b. / herbivore / d. / protist

____24.A group of related classes of plants is a _____.

a. / database / c. / division
b. / kingdom / d. / taxon

____25.The science of grouping and naming organisms is _____.

a. / classification / c. / nomenclature
b. / phylogeny / d. / taxonomy

____26.The method used to construct a hypothetical evolutionary tree is ____.

a. / biochemistry / c. / DNA sequencing
b. / cladistics / d. / statistical analysis

____27.Biologists use ______to create a cladogram.

a. / derived traits / c. / discretionary
b. / behavioral / d. / pedigrees


Match each item with the correct statement below.

a. / phylum / e. / family
b. / order / f. / bacteria
c. / protist / g. / class
d. / kingdom / h. / genus

____28.group of related families

____29.group of related classes

____30.group of related species

____31.group of related genera

____32.eukaryote lacking complex organ systems

____33.group of related orders

____34.microscopic, single-celled prokaryotes

____35.group of related phyla

36.Classify each of the items in Figure 17-1 as a bacterium, protist, or fungus.

Figure 17-1

37.If you observed green material on the surface of a pond, how could you determine whether it belonged to Kingdom Protista or Kingdom Eubacteria?

38.Make a list of the taxonomic categories in order from the largest category to the smallest category. Also include groups below the level of species.

39.On what basis can members of one kingdom be distinguished from those of another kingdom?

40.What are three advantages of using scientific names for organisms?

41.In what way are bacteria and many protists alike?

42.In what way are fungi and plants alike?

43.In what way are protists and fungi alike?

Organism / House cat / Red fox / Dog / Wolf / Gopher / Fly
Kingdom / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia / Animalia
Phylum / Chordata / Chordata / Chordata / Chordata / Chordata / Arthropoda
Class / Mammalia / Mammalia / Mammalia / Mammalia / Mammalia / Insecta
Order / Carnivora / Carnivora / Carnivora / Carnivora / Rodentia / Diptera
Family / Felidae / Canidae / Canidae / Canidae / Geomyidae / Muscidae
Genus / Felis / Vulpes / Canis / Canis / Thomomys / Musca
Species / F. domesticus / V. fulva / C. familiaris / C. lupus / T. bottae / M. domestica

Table 17-2

44.How does Table 17-2 indicate that a dog is more closely related to a red fox than a house cat?

45.At what level does the relationship between gophers and house cats diverge? Refer to Table 17-2.

46.From Table 17-2, which two animals are most closely related? Explain.

47.What is the complete classification of Vulpes velox? Use Table 17-2.