Hover Ridge Board of Directors Meeting
Longmont SeniorCenter
910 Longs Peak Avenue
June 21, 2017 @ 6:30 PM
Determining Quorum: Present: Kathleen Graham, Lynn Karlin, Louise Johnson, Glenda Buzbee, Judy Fritz, Risa Booze and Ruth Newell. Also present: Trio Property Manager, Al Orendorff
Homeowners Present: Jean Breithaupt and Nate Trick
Call to Order at 6:30 p.m.
Approval of May minutes: Modifications/Corrections will be made to the May minutes and then sent out by e-mail to the Board members for approval.
Financial Reports: There is a CD coming due in July which will need to be rolled over. Lynn Karlin moved and Risa seconded that the July CD be moved from Mile High Bank to 1st Bank at that time. Motion passed. In May an additional $24,250 was brought into the “Contribution to Reserves” account.
Covenant Violations: Violations were identified and resolved. No other violations at this time.
Unfinished (Old) Business:
Declarations – Third Amendment: The Declaration changes have been passed, registered and posted on the HOA website.
Insurance: Lynn moved and Risa seconded a motion to change our deductible from $5,000 to $10,000 for the last six months of this year which would give us a savings of approximately $1200. Motion passed.
Concrete: The Board previously passed a motion to accept (from Concrete Specialization Technology) a bid for concrete work on the Hover Ridge property. The original bid was for $10,570, but Al got CST to align the bid with our allotted budget line of $10,000, saving $570. There was a specific request from an owner for concrete replacement. The Board discussed the request, and Ruth moved to respond to the homeowner in writing that concrete is only considered for replacement when it is found to be structurally unsound.
NextLight: The Board will observe if the corrections asked for were made.
Yard damage 9th Avenue: Damage was done from tire tracks that puts deep ruts into the grass. Al will contact Jeff about this.
Community BBQ Picnic: This is being held on Friday, June 23, 2017. Plans are in place, and food has been purchased.
Bushes/Trimming: Al is meeting with 3D tomorrow 6/22 to schedule.
Landscape Refurbishment: Work is being done on landscaping, including replacement of a bush that was mistakenly removed at no charge.
Mulch vs Stone: Louise moved that the mulch in front of the buildings be replaced. Judy seconded the motion. The motion was passed.
Gutter Problems: Pending gutter problems were addressed and fixed.
Painting and Perimeter Fencing: Glenda moved and Ruth seconded a motion to accept the bid for replacement of rotting fence boards and painting perimeter fencing. The motion passed. Because of the extent of fence repairs, no house painting will be done this year. Board replacement cost is $8,660, and painting of the entire perimeter fence is $8,994.
Street Light Replacement: This item was postponed until a later meeting.
Budget Meetings for 2018: The Board set up plans to begin 2018 budget discussions in July, and the Board will establish a budget for Board approval in August/September. Tentatively, there will be Q & A meetings scheduled with homeowners after that. Ratification of the Budget will be scheduled for October.
New Business:
Weeds: SwingleCompanyhas been doing spraying for weeds and attending to other lawn issues.
Guest Parking Signs: Al showed the Board two different designs for Guest Parking signs. Judy moved and Glenda seconded spending $240 for the signs and an additional approximately $25 for the posts. Motion passed.
Pine Tree removal: Al is checking into a bid to remove a pine tree that is harming a patio.
Jim Hendrickson resignation: Jim gave notification that he is resigning from the Board as he is moving out-of-town.
FHA approval: Al is resubmitting the FHA application now that we have changed the Declarations and have had an increase in the Reserves, both of which should help us to meet the requirements for the FHA approval application.
Forum: Owner opportunity to briefly address the Board before adjournment.
A homeowner proposed cleaning the gutters more often, as they are full of pine needles, leaves and other obstructions.
A homeowner expressed concern about the grasses, weeds and general appearance of the Gazebo and central garden areas.
Meeting Adjourned: 8:17 p.m.
Next regular meeting will be July 19, 2017.