1.  Clear, clean layout with theme carried through onto the page or spread.

2.  Headings/font are unified with other pages.

3.  Used a template or created an original layout that is organized and clear, based on the pgs. content and the students’ creativity.

4.  I will utilize at least on of the theme related techniquest/tools that the entire staff is using to ensure there is unity throughout the book.

5.  The layout is completed within three days of the spread/pg. being assigned.

6.  No exceptions.

7.  The layout editor and one other editor on staff have approved my pg. before Ms. Lundy on the upcoming Tuesday.

8.  I have made all edits, corrections and adjustments to the pg., by the end of the week or by the upcoming Wednesday.

9.  The pg. inspector tool says this layout is ready to publish or is yellow due to only 1-2 technical errors.


  1. Photos are a mix of candid, planned photos and are not to dark or light, or blurry.
  2. The photos are not only of yearbook staff and there are a variety of different grades, student groups represented. * The photos are clear and not blurry. One can identify who is who. *
  3. The photos do not go over the gutter unless using a template.


  1. All copy is organized and my pg. has copy boxes to the pg., identify people and to show our creativity through surveys and interviews.
  2. The only exception to this rule is if the pg. is a photo collage pg.
  3. Interviews are well planned and thought out to prevent confusion and they relate directly back to the pages meaning and there is at least one question/prompt that addresses or yearbook’s theme.
  4. My copy boxes do not take away from the design of the page and the font/text used is in line with the book’s theme.
  5. I used one of the editing tools in Studio works to create unity between other pgs. And my pg./spread.
  6. All students are identified correctly and their names are spelled right on my pg./spread (NO EXCEPTIONS).
  7. I interviewed a variety of diverse students from each grade to represent the entire population and diversity of the HCA student body.
  8. I edited my copy in a word document before asking at least three people in my group or other groups to revise and peer edit my copy.
  9. There are only 1-2 spelling or grammatical errors, maximum.
  10. I used my time efficiently when interviewing students, staff and teachers.
  11. I did not miss class for no apparent reason.
  12. I only missed up to one class or partial period to complete the entire spread.
  13. If a teacher complains I will not be able to continue the interviews or other work that takes place out of class.
  14. All work will take precedent at lunch or nutrition (NO EXCEPTIONS).
  15. After revising at least once, Amanda will copy edit.
  16. She may not edit in studio works, but in a word document while looking at your page.
  17. If there are any mistakes they will be revised in that document.
  18. Ms. Lundy will complete the revision.
  19. Do not assume that you are done if your page is done.
  20. (This last step is crucial and cannot be skipped) Ms. Lundy has the final say of all copy edits and it is my responsibility to then copy and paste the revised copy into studio works.
  21. All copies must be imputed by day 5 of the pg./spread being assigned after the layout is approved.
  22. All copies must be edited no more than 2 days after it is completed.
  23. Once I complete my work I will get a final sign-off from Ms. Lundy and my editor.


  1. The student took time to come up with a plan for the spread or page that communicates the theme and the book’s overall tone/feel artistically and creatively.
  2. The colors used are reflected in that section of the book after that specific divider.
  3. The content of this page is supported visually as well as through text and interviews.