I.S.G.A. Teachers’ Gymnastics

Competition Rules Workshop

Sunday 9 October 2016

10.00am – 2.30pm


Castle House School

Chetwynd End, Newport, Shropshire TF10 7JE

Fee £20 per member of staff

Second and subsequent members of staff from the same school £15 each

Payable to I.S.G.A.

This Training Day/Workshop is for teachers, coaches and assistantswho are hoping to take part in independent schools floor and vault gymnastics competitions, ie I.S.G.A., ISA, IAPS and MISGA competitions and aims to bring them up to speed with the new four year rules cyclewhich has just come into operation this term.

It will include gymnasts demonstrating:

  1. I.S.G.A. new Set Floor for Senior Girls from U13 and above.
  2. I.S.G.A. Junior Girls Set Floor, the 4 Piece Girls Set Floor and the Boys Set, all of which have been adjusted in some way or other.

3 The I.S.G.A. new Set Vaults for the 4 Piece Girls competitions.

4 The Boys Voluntary Vaults on lengthways box.

5 Changes to the Boys and Girls Voluntary Floorcode and rules

School taking part in ISA, MISGA and IAPS competition in the coming season, will all be affected by these rule changes.

Tutor: Mrs June WaldenI.S.G.A. Chairman and former Technical Director

Teachers and Coaches should email the form below to Mrs June Walden asap if they would like to attend. This course is open to teachers, coaches and assistants from independent schools taking part in I.S.G.A. and MISGA competitions and also schools whose Head teachers are affiliated to ISA andIAPS Associations.

You will need your own packed lunches. (Tea & coffee will be provided). Bring your own copy of the I.S.G.Arules which you will find on the I.S.G.A. website, and the full ISA rules if you are from an ISA school, (obtainable from June Walden). You are welcome to come in a tracksuit if you want to try out any of the moves! There is a certain amount of parking on the school drive.

I am passionate about encouraging schools to get involved in schools gymnastics competition and believe that the main ingredient for this is enthusiasm and drive and patience to read the rules by the teacher or coach. You can overcome most obstacles with determination and a desire for your children to succeed. We will be working in a small hall/dining room which has only a 10 x 7 metre floor space and a vault run-up of 9 -10 metres. You do not have to have a sports hall to succeed. Where there is a will there is a way!

For further information about I.S.G.A. see website:

Please return this form

I.S.G.A. Teachers’ Gymnastics

Competition Rules Workshop Form

Sunday 9 October 2016

I /we would like to attend the ISGA Workshop at Castle House School, Newport, Shropshire

School Name and Address:

Full Names of Staff who wish to attend :




I am interested in the following competitions: ( Please tick where appropriate)

………. I.S.G.A. 2 Piece for Girls / Boys

………. I.S.G.A. 4 Piece Boys Championships

………. I.S.G.A. 4 piece Girls Challenge Cup

………. I.S.G.A. 5 Piece Premier Girls Championships

………. IAPS Girls Championships (rules as per 5 Piece but Group Sequence not compulsory)

……… ISA Girls Championships

……… ISA Boys Championships

……… MISGA Girls and Boys Championships (Rules mainly I.S.G.A. 4 Piece Girls and Boys)

First member of staff £20 each,subsequent staff from the same school £15 each.

Payable in advanceonly and not on the day.

Please fill in this form and return to both:

June Walden: and to Stuart Dunkley

Payment by cheque made payable to ‘I.S.G.A.’ and sent to:

I.S.G.A. Treasurer: Mr Stuart Dunkley, 50 Oakdale Ave, Stanground, Peterborough, Cambs. PE2 8TA

Or by BACS Payment to I.S.G.A. Bank Account ‘Ref: ‘Wkshop CHS’. plus your School name.

Sort code 208120. Account number 80395803

Total amount £______Payable no later than Thursday 29 September

Schools who want to take part in I.S.G.A. competitions should note that you need to pay an affiliation fee asap(new schools have a reduction). Once this has been paid the Treasurer will issue you with an affiliation number which has to be quoted on all your Entry forms. All forms are on the website: isgagymnastics.org Deadline for the I.S.G.A. 2 Piece and 5 Piece and IAPS Championships is 30 September. I.S.G.A. 4 Piece deadline 21 November. No entries will be accepted after these dates. ISA Championships deadline - 21 October.

ISA schools will find that the I.S.G.A. Girls 2 Piece and 4 Championships mainly share the same rules and the standard is similar. This also applies to the I.S.G.A. and ISA Boys competitions.