AQUA - Costal zone - program

Friday 29.05.2009 AQUA – Costal zone day 1

Breaks / Start / Duration / Responsible / Activity
07:00 / 03:00 / Registrations
07:30 / 01:30 / Breakfast
10:15 / 00:30 / Szczucka, Godlewska / Opening,
  • Welcome
  • presentation of participants,
  • About the aqua idea

00:15 / 10:45 / 02:00 / Knudsen / Acoustics
  • background theory,
  • Echo sounders,
  • ER60,
  • Calibration,
  • Lobe

01:00 / 13:00 / Lunch
00:15 / 14:00 / 02:15 / Winfield,
Drastik / Biomass estimation
  • Introduction to Sonar5 post processing tool,
  • Conversion and telegrams
  • Fish abundance estimation theory
  • SGA and SOP. Software guided analysis - standard operation procedure. Analysis cells, Threshold and threshold models
  • From abundance to biomass with regressions and species database
  • Single echo detection, tracking and on axis calibration

00:15 / 16:30 / 02:15 / Schmidt, B
WG / Baltic fish and Zooplankton
  • survey presentation
  • Study calibration data
  • Study data from Baltic survey,
  • Presenting results

01:00 / 19:00 / DINNER

Saturday 30.05.2009 AQUA - Costal zone day 2

Breaks / Start / Time / Responsible / Activity
07:30 / 01:30 / Breakfast
09:00 / 00:05 / Godlewska / Good morning
00:30 / 09:05 / 02:10 / Winfield,
Kruss / Macrophyte
Working groups
11:45 / 02:00 / Balk / Noise
  • Presentation of noise phenomena
  • Influence on echograms,
  • Avoiding noise before recording
  • Suppressing noise in recorded data

01:00 / 13:00 / Lunch
14:00 / continued / Balk / Noise
00:15 / 14:45 / 02:00 / Knudsen,
Balk / Multi frequency
  • Theory
  • Case studies
  • MF software processing methods
  • Separating fish and plankton

17:00 / 02:00 / Knudsen, Schmidt B.
WG / Presenting the surveys behind the data sets
  • Initiating the tasks for the Working groups.
  • Working on the Baltic data set and provided data sets.

19:00 / DINNER

AQUA – Deep lake - program

Monday 01.06.2009 AQUA – Deep lake day 1

Breaks / Start / Duration / Responsible / Activity
07:00 / 02:00 / Registrations
07:30 / 01:30 / Breakfast
09:00 / 00:30 / Godlewska / Opening, presentation of participants, Aqua idea
00:30 / 09:30 / 02:00 / Knudsen / Acoustics
12:00 / 02:30 / Winfield,
Drastik / Biomass estimation
  • Introduction to Sonar5 post processing tool,
  • Conversion and telegrams
  • Fish abundance estimation theory
  • SGA and SOP. Software guided analysis - standard operation procedure. Analysis cells, Threshold and threshold models
  • From abundance to biomass with regressions and species database
  • Single echo detection, tracking and on axis calibration

01:00 / 13:00 / Lunch
00:15 / 14:00 / continued / Biomass estimation
00:15 / 15:45 / 03:00 / Godlewska / Lake Pluszne survey
Working group
01:00 / 19:00 / DINNER

Tuesday 02.06.2009 AQUA – Deep lake day 2

Breaks / Start / Time / Responsible / Activity
07:30 / 01:30 / Breakfast
09:00 / 00:05 / Godlewska / good morning
00:30 / 09:15 / 02:10 / Winfield / Macrophyte
11:45 / 02:00 / Balk / Noise
  • Presentation of noise phenomena
  • Influence on echograms,
  • Avoiding noise before recording
  • Suppressing noise in recorded data

01:00 / 13:00 / Lunch
14:00 / continued / Balk / Noise
00:15 / 14:45 / 02:00 / Knudsen,
Guillard / Multi frequency
  • Theory
  • Case studies
  • MF software processing methods
  • Separating fish and plankton

17:00 / 02:00 / Knudsen / Presenting the surveys behind the data sets
  • Initiating the tasks for the Working groups.
  • Provided data sets.

19:00 / DINNER

AQUA – Shallow water - program

Wednesday 03.06.2009 AQUA – Shallow waters day 1

Start / Duration / Responsible / Activity
08:00 / 01:00 / Breakfast
09:00 / 00:10 / Godlewska / Good morning - program - difference from deep lake -context of the workshop
09:15 / 1:20 / Balk / Horizontal fixed applications
  • Counting and behavior
  • Disturbances of the beam
  • Cross filter detector
  • ray tracing
  • beam mapping
  • max range detection

10:30 / 1:15 / Drastik / Horizontal mobile survey
  • Presenting a survey
  • Equipment mounting and transducer aiming versus, avoidance
  • Abundance estimation, differences from vertical
  • From abundance to Biomass with de-convolution and regression

11:45 / 02:00 / Experimental work
13:45 / 01:00 / Lunch
14:45 / 02:00 / Experimental work
17:00 / 02:00 / Experimental work
19:00 / 01:00 / Dinner

Experimental work, Wednesday 03.06.2009

A-Boat / B-EK60 / C-DIDSON / D-Data lab 1 / E-Data lab 2
Group / Group / Group / Group / Group
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Provided / Provided
4 / 5 / 1 / 2 / 3
2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 1
EK60 / Boat + DIDSON

The data labs work with provided data and data recorded at the different stations.

Thursday 04.06.2009 AQUA – Shallow waters day 2

Start / Duration / Responsible / Activity
08:00 / 01:00 / Breakfast
09:15 / 0:30 / Godlewska / Acoustics and the water framework directive
09:45 / 0:45 / Balk / Pitfalls in horizontal applications
  • Waveguides,
  • refraction and reflection
  • ray-tracing
  • beam mapping

10:30 / 00:15 / Coffee
10:45 / 1:30 / Drastik/Tuser / Didson What is it - How does it work
| / Schmidt and Langkau / DIDSON experience and projects
| / Balk / Analysis of DIDSON data
12:15 / 01:00 / Lunch
13:15 / 02:00 / Experimental work
15:15 / 15 / Coffee
15:30 / 02:00 / Experimental work
17:30 / 1:30 / Finishing presentations of favorite results
Summing up
19:00 / 01:00 / Dinner

Experimental work Thursday 04.06.2009

A-Boat / B-EK60 / C-DIDSON / D-Data lab 1 / E-Data lab 2
Group / Group / Group / Group / Group
5 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Provided+EK60 / Boat+DIDSON
3 / 4 / 5 / 1 / 2
Provided + EK60 / DIDSON + Provided

The data labs work with provided data and data recorded at the different stations.