Geneseo Hills Homeowners Association Board meeting . approved minutes

June 15, 2010

Gary Gallens, Gus Stetter, Heidi Gazay, Eddielea Sheets, Chad Weinzierl were present. No guests were present.

The meeting was called to order by acting President Gary at 6:12 p.m.

The minutes of the May meeting were read and corrected. They were then accepted. The Money Market Balance was reported incorrectly. Gus moved to accept the corrected minutes, Heidi seconded the motion.

The June treasurer’s report was read and accepted. Gus moved to accept, Chad seconded.



Water Engineer 610.00

Water System Repairs/Mx 733.00

Chemicals and analysis 239.69

Postage and Billings .44

Real Estate/Income Tax 8.65

Lawn Mowing 125.00

Lien filing fees 31.00




Money Market Interest 30.90


Monthly Water usage/gal877,510

Money Market Balance$40,643.09

Checking Account Balance 3,556.25

Old Business

A discussion was held concerning the purchase of a generator. Gary would ask for bids from several recommended sources to be submitted by the Aug., 2010 Board meeting. There was enough cash in the Money Market account to purchase a generator for Well House 3 to insure that water would be available to residents even when no electricity is available. Even though the EPA requires a back up system, this is not enforced. Gary was asked to request an overview from Farmer’s Electric for an overview of electrical outages from the last five years.

New Business

A discussion was held concerning late water/light payments. Gus reported that there were eight (8) homes for sale in the subdivision.

A letter was received from Tom Sorg, USEPA representative who will be visiting our site on June 17, 2010 with Merle to look at the water filtration system.

Gary and Merle will attend a Drinking Water Workshop in Cincinnati, Ohio August 10, 11, 12, 2010. They will be presenting information about the system. The Board offered to cover some of the related costs. Gary indicated that, since both he and Merle were presenters, all costs were covered by the conference. Gary will provide a report in August. The workshop is being run by Dr. Abe Chin.

A concern was raised by resident, via an e-mail to Gary, about the condition of #34 Wild Rose (Camieux). A brief discussion was held and the Board decided that it was not part of our responsibilities.

The July meeting will be held on July 13, 2010 at Well House #3 at 6 p.m. The meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, Eddielea Sheets