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Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on 20th January 2016.


Cllr W BebbingtonCllr C Poole

Cllr L ButtarazziCllr C Radford

Cllr R DraycottCllr J Savage

Cllr R Ewing (Chairman)Cllr J Tassell (Vice-Chairman)

Cllr J LennieCllr G Timson

Cllr B Perkins

Mrs B Snape – Clerk to the Council

Mrs B Blood – RFO/Assistant Clerk

Mrs V Jacques – Glenmore Centre Manager


Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs T Hicks, D Horn, J Poole and M Roberts.


The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed as a true record.


Cllr W Bebbington – CBC & Glenmore Centre

Cllr R Ewing – Glenmore Centre

Cllr C Radford – LCC, CBC & Glenmore Centre

Cllr J Savage – CBC

Cllr J Tassell – CBC & Glenmore Centre


a) Report from Centre Manager – Mrs V Jacques Members had been circulated with a copy of the above report, prior to the meeting.

It was noted that the Christmas Day Lunch went very well and could not have gone ahead without the assistance of the volunteers. Also, Father Michael who says Prayers before lunch is served.

The new boiler has now been fitted and the Centre appears to be much warmer.

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Mrs Jacques was thanked for her report and left the meeting.


2086a) Leicestershire Fire & Rescue Service IRMP Consultation It was RESOLVED to table for information the acknowledgement from Andrew Brodie, Assistant Chief Fire Officer, indicating that the Town Council’s concerns will be included in the overall consultation review to be considered in February.

2086c) Remembrance Day – Glenmore Park Seat Survey Members had been furnished with the survey carried out by the Clerk relating to the seats in Glenmore Park. As there is already an adequate number of 20+ seats, it was RESOLVED that no further action would be taken regarding additional seating for the Remembrance Day Service.

Several Members were of the opinion that you should stand for the Service.


a) KSN Northage & Co – Replacement Radiator It was RESOLVED to accept a cost of £846 to replace a radiator in the extension room of the Community Lounge.

b) CAB Shepshed Outpost – Grant 2016/17 It was RESOLVED to note the thank you letter from David Rodgers for the continued support given by the Town Council to the Shepshed CAB Outpost.

c) Damaged Flower Bed – Market Place Following the recent damage caused by a road traffic incident to a flower bed in the Market Place, it was reported that after a long drawn out process, the Clerk is waiting for confirmation from LCC that they are going to repair the damage.

d) IPI (Independent Playground Inspections Ltd) ALSO Correspondence guidance on outdoor adult fitness equipment and feedback from HAGS-SMP Members had been furnished with a copy of the Annual Play Inspection report carried out by IPI. It was RESOLVED to accept a cost of £660 for Street Scape to carry out all the remedials mentioned in the report.

The IPI report highlights several traps that appear on equipment, most, if not all, were made prior to the new standards being introduced. The standards are not applied retrospectively, however, the Inspector is correct to point them out as he inspects to the current standard.

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With reference to the Basket Swing, the Clerk agreed to follow this up with HAGS-SMP.

e) LCC – Council faces toughest year of savings It was RESOLVED to note this document as received and circulated, prior to the meeting.


a) Balance Sheet 01.04.15 – 31.12.15 and Outcomes April 2015 – December 2015 It was RESOLVED to accept the Balance Sheet amounting to £323870.57 as circulated. It was also RESOLVED to accept the Outcomes as circulated.

b) Accounts for payment and paid accounts It was RESOLVED to accept the accounts for payment totalling £14745.32 and paid accounts totalling £32023.70 as circulated to the meeting.


It was RESOLVED to forward the following items to the Police for discussion at Full Council:-

a) Shepshed currently does not have its own Police vehicle, therefore, is there any intention to replace it.

It was RESOLVED to write to Nicky Morgan MP and the PCC concerning this matter.

b) A memorial clock has been removed from the Community Centre lounge in Longcliffe Road and replaced with an ordinary clock.


None received.


a) Shepshed Lions Club – Food & Wine Festival It was RESOLVED to grant permission for Shepshed Lions Club to hold a Food & Wine Festival in Glenmore Park on Monday 2nd May 2016.

Chairman …………..……………………………………… Date …………………………………………………..