This is a survey about how you feel about our school. The research information will be used by our staff to improve the safety and climate of our campus. This survey is anonymous and you will not be able to be identified. Your score will be added with the scores of other parents to see how all parents, as a group, feel about the school. This survey is voluntary and you can withdraw at any time without penalty, however this will not give us a true picture of our school climate. This survey is three pages and should take 5 minutes to complete.
For more information about this survey please contact the site administrator.
1. School Name: ______
2. Please indicate your race/ethnicity:
____ Asian ____ Black ____ Hispanic ____ Native American
____ White ____ Other (Includes mixed race)
3. What is your child’s current grade level? ______
4. What is your child’s gender? Boy or Girl
5. Please indicate your child’s race/ethnicity:
____ Asian ____ Black ____ Hispanic ____ Native American
____ White ____ Other (Includes mixed race)
Respond to each item by checking one box that best shows how you feel.
Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly AgreeThe school rules are fair
Teachers listen to the concerns of parents
Students threaten and bully others in this school
Strongly Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly Agree
Staff/Teachers treat students of all races and ethnicities with respect
This school is safe
The school does a good job communicating with parents
Teachers show respect towards parents
Parents are informed not only about their children’s misbehavior, but also about good behavior
Consequences for breaking school rules are fair
Teachers work closely with parents to help students when they have a problem
Staff/Teachers care about the students
Staff/Teachers treat each other with respect
Staff/Teachers communicate well with one another
I enjoy coming to this school
Students are praised often for meeting school
Please share our current strengths related to school safety and climate
Please share our current weaknesses related to school safety and climate.
Is there anything else you’d like to share about our school at this time.
Adapted from: George Bear, University of Delaware: Delaware Positive Behavior Support Project