NMPhA 87th Annual Convention
Friday, June 24, 2016
8:00 - 11:30 amNMPhA Council Meeting
Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North Hotel
Noon to Finish Isleta Golf Course, 4001 Hwy 47 SE, Albuquerque, NM 87105
Noon Registration
1:00 pm Golf Tournament Tee-time
6:00 pm Buffet Dinner - Golf Tournament Awards, Silent Auction & Raffle
Saturday, June 25, 2016
7:00 - 8:00 am Past President’s Breakfast– Sponsored by Pharmacist Mutual Companies
7:30 am Pick up name badges - Continental Breakfast
8:00 - 9:00 amGeneral Session – Patient Safety/Opioid Safety CPE +
NALOXONE FOLLOW-UP Mandatory for Pharmacists w/ Naloxone Prescriptive Authority (One Live CE hour per year)
Naloxone Standing Orders Michael G. Landen, MD, MPH & Brianna Harrand, PharmD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-031-L05-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1 Initial Release Date: 6/25/16
The goal of this activity is to update participants on recent legislation about naloxone and how to expand access to naloxone through standing orders. Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Identify what authority allows licensed prescribers in New Mexico to prescribe, dispense, or administer naloxone under a standing order; 2) Review who is authorized to sign standing orders for naloxone; 3) Identify who is eligible to receive naloxone under the New Mexico Statewide Standing Order for Naloxone; 4) Describe how standing orders can increase access to naloxone for New Mexico residents and 5) Describe how using a standing order to dispense naloxone differs from New Mexico pharmacist prescriptive authority for naloxone.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-031-L05-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Identify what authority allows licensed prescribers in New Mexico to prescribe, dispense, or administer naloxone under a standing order; 2) Aid the pharmacist in processing prescriptions and adjudicating claims for naloxone using a standing order and 3) Describe how standing orders can increase access to naloxone for New Mexico residents.
Program Sponsored by New Mexico Department of Health
9:00 – 10:00 amGeneral Session
Look at my spots…Dermatological Pharmacology: AnUpdate& Review
Michael Bernauer, PharmD Candidate
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-032-L01-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/25/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Identify available prescription and OTC dermatological agents available on the market; 2) Identify dermatologicalagents in special populations,including elderly, chronic disease patients, and dosage adjustments; 3) Discuss dermatological agents from a pharmacist perspective includingbarriers common topharmacy practice, patient access barriers, and others; 4) Acknowledge barriers to dermatological agents from a pharmacist perspective including step therapy, prior authorization, and others and 5) Discuss patient case reports and case studies with uniqueness to first line dermatological agents using clinical evidence, primary, and secondary literature sources.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-032-L01-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Identify available prescription and OTC dermatological agents available on the market; 2) Identify dermatologicalagents FDAindication and reasons for use; 3) Discuss dermatological agents from apharmacy perspective includingbarriers common topharmacy practice; 4) Acknowledge barriers to dermatological agents from a pharmacy perspective including reimbursement and third party payer barriers and 5) Discuss patient case reports and case studies with uniqueness to first line dermatological agents using clinical literature sources available.
Program Sponsored by UNM College of Pharmacy
9:00 – 11:00 amPre-Registration Required – Limited to 30 attendees!
Participants are encouraged to bring their own stethoscope.
Blood Pressure Measurement and Monitoring in Contemporary Practice
Joe R. Anderson, PharmD, PhC, BCPS & James J. Nawarskas, PharmD, PhC, BCPS
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-033-L04-PContact Hours: 2.0CEUs0.2Initial Release Date: 6/25/16
Following this application-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1)Explain the American Heart Association methods for proper blood pressure measurement; 2) Review situations and/or actions that would result in inaccurate assessment of blood pressure; 3) Demonstrate the proper technique for assessing blood pressure; 4) Compare and contrast different devices used for patientself-monitoring blood pressure (SMBP) and 5) Counsel a patient in the proper technique for SMBP.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-033-L04-T
Following this application-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1)Explain the American Heart Association methods for proper blood pressure measurement; 2) Review situations and/or actions that would result in inaccurate assessment of blood pressure; 3) Demonstrate the proper technique for assessing blood pressure; 4) Compare and contrast different devices used for patientself-monitoring blood pressure (SMBP) and
5) Recognize instances in assessing blood pressure whenthe pharmacist needs to counsel the patient.
Program Sponsored by UNM College of Pharmacy
10:00 – 10:10 amCoffee Break
10:10 – 11:10 amConcurrent Sessions
Optimal Anticoagulation Therapy: A Prescription for Improvement
George A. Davis, PharmD, BCPS
ACPE#: 0022-9999-15-096-L01-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: July 2015
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe steps involved in performing a validated and balanced risk assessment for thrombosis and bleeding to identify candidates for oral anticoagulation; 2) Review current clinical evidence guiding the selection of oral anticoagulants for individual patients and 3) Describe evidence-based strategies for providing periprocedural management and managing bleeding associated with nonwarfarin oral anticoagulants.
This activity is supported by independent educational grants from Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. and is jointly provided by University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy and Paradigm Medical Communications, LLC.
Optimal Anticoagulation Therapy: An Update for Pharmacy Technicians
Eloy “OJ” Martinez, CPhT
ACPE#:0104-0000-16-034-L01-TContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/25/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Outline anticoagulation therapy management; 2) Define the significance of an optimal anticoagulation therapy and the role of the pharmacy technician; 3) Review new anticoagulation recommendations and guidelines; 4) Review existing and new anticoagulation drug products; 5) Discuss how pharmacy technicians can best assist pharmacists in addressing optimal therapy management and 6) Discuss ways that the pharmacy technician can collaborate with pharmacists and other health care personnel to improve the utilization of optimal anticoagulation therapy.
Program Sponsored by Molina Healthcare of New Mexico
11:10am - 2:00 pmExhibits - Buffet Lunch
1:00 – 2:00 pmNM Pharmaceutical Care Foundation Meeting
2:00 - 4:00 pm Concurrent Sessions
Updated 4/29/2016 Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North
NMPhA 87th Annual Convention
2016 Board of Pharmacy Drug Law UpdateBen Kesner, RPh & Cheranne McCracken, PharmD
ACPE #: 0104-0000-16-001-L03-P / Contact Hours: 2.0 CEUs: 0.2 / Initial Release Date: 1/23/16
To familiarize health care professionals with new and/or changes to state and federal regulation or laws and to promote compliance with existing laws and regulations. At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Identify and describe new drug laws and regulations; 2) Identify and describe changes to existing drug regulation and laws; 3) Identify compliance problem areas in drug laws and regulations;
4) Define the Pharmacist role in compliance with the drug laws and regulations discussed and 5) Identify drug law trends.
ACPE #: 0104-0000-16-001-L03-T
At the completion of this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technicianparticipants will be able to: 1) Identify and describe new drug laws and regulations; 2) Identify and describe changes to existing drug regulation and laws;
3) Identify compliance problem areas in drug laws and regulations; 4) Define the Pharmacy Technician role in compliance with the drug laws and regulations discussed and 5) Identify drug law trends.
Program Sponsored by New Mexico Board of Pharmacy
2:00 - 3:00 pm
Ready, Set, PrEP!(Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis for HIV Prevention)
Renee-Claude Mercier,PharmD, PhC, BCPS-AQ ID, FCCP
ACPE#:0104-0000-16-035-L01-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/25/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Discuss the HIV modes of transmission; 2) Describe the data surrounding the utilization of PrEP and 3) Recommend how to use PrEP appropriately in high-risk population.
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Recognize the side effects of PrEP medication and 2) Review patient assistance methods for obtaining PrEP medications.
Program Sponsored by UNM College of Pharmacy
3:00 – 3:10 pmAfternoon Snack Break
3:10 - 4:10 pm
Drug/Supplement Interactions of ConcernBenjamin Stoops
ACPE#:0104-0000-16-036-L04-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/25/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Reviewthe most commonly used supplements and their indications and 2) Explore the Drug/supplement interactions between these supplements and specific medications.
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Reviewthe most commonly used supplements and their indications and 2) Explore the Drug/supplement interactions between these supplements and specific medications.
Program Sponsored by Pharmaca
Updated 4/29/2016 Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North
NMPhA 87th Annual Convention
4:20 - 5:20 pmConcurrent Sessions
Diabetes Nutrition Education Guidelines for the Non-Dietitian Linda Reineke, RD, CDE
ACPE#:0104-0000-16-037-L04-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/25/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Describe the scope of practice of a pharmacist in providing basic diabetes nutrition education; 2) State when to refer a patient to a Registered Dietitian for MNT (Medical Nutrition Therapy) and 3) Name 3 dietary guidelines of diabetes nutrition therapy from the latest ADA evidenced based guidelines (American Diabetes Association-2014).
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Describe the scope of practice of a pharmacy technician in providing basic diabetes nutrition education; 2) State when to refer a patient to a Registered Dietitian for MNT (Medical Nutrition Therapy) and 3) Name 3 dietary guidelines of diabetes nutrition therapy from the latest ADA evidenced based guidelines (American Diabetes Association-2014).
Program Sponsored by UNMH Center for Diabetes & Nutrition Education
Updated 4/29/2016 Albuquerque Marriott Pyramid North
NMPhA 87th Annual Convention
4:20- 5:20 pm
Preventing Elder Investment Fraud : Assessing Your Patients for Vulnerability to Financial Exploitation Robert E. Roush, EdD, MPH & Don M. Blandin
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-038-L04-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/25/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) List key factors that increase an older person’s vulnerability to elder investment fraud and financial exploitation (EIFFE); 2) Determine when and where to refer patients deemed high risk to appropriate sources of assistance; 3) Describe common financial exploitation schemes and practices and 4) Access web-based educational resources on EIFFE that pharmacy professionals can use in their own practice settings and training programs.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-038-L04-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) List key factors that increase an older person’s vulnerability to elder investment fraud and financial exploitation (EIFFE); 2) Determine when and where to refer patients deemed high risk to appropriate sources of assistance; 3) Describe common financial exploitation schemes and practices and 4) Access web-based educational resources on EIFFE that pharmacy professionals can use in their own practice settings and training programs.
Program Sponsored by New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department
5:20- 6:20 pm - NO CE – “When I’m 65”– (National public television documentary & engagement program exploring how our financial and lifestyle choices today will affect our quality of life in retirement.) When I'm 65 Poster.pdf
Using case studies, engaging animations, and lively expert interviews, When I’m 65 looks at how aspirations and financial planning for retirement have changed. The program’s multi-generational approach will examine how each generational cohort is looking at and planning for retirement. When I’m 65 will also address: • How longer life expectancies are changing how we define “retirement” • Practical, hopeful planning tips for the new “DIY” retirement market • Different priorities for Baby Boomers, Millennials and Gen Xers • Planning financially for 20 or more years of life after a full-time career • Alternative housing and support services
• Bipartisan support of retirement policy changes
Movie Sponsored by New Mexico Regulation and Licensing Department
Sunday, June 26, 2016
7:30 am Pick up name badges - Continental Breakfast
8:00 - 9:00 amGeneral Session
Outpatient Management of Alcohol Use DisorderChristine H. Kreitinger, PharmD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-039-L01-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/26/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Discuss screening and initial assessment of alcohol use; 2) Discuss appropriate use of FDA-approved medications for alcohol dependence;
3) Discuss use of non-FDA-approved medications for alcohol dependence and 4) Discuss the role of the pharmacist in alcohol dependence.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-039-L01-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Discuss screening and initial assessment of alcohol use; 2) Discuss appropriate use of FDA-approved medications for alcohol dependence;
3) Discuss use of non-FDA-approved medications for alcohol dependence and 4) Discuss the role of the pharmacy technician in alcohol dependence.
Program Sponsored byNew Mexico VA Health Care System
9:00 – 9:10 amCoffee Break
9:10 – 10:10 amConcurrent Programs
9:10 - 10:10 amVACCINE FOLLOW-UP
Mandatory for Pharmacists w/ Vaccination Prescriptive Authority (One Live CE hour per year)
Immunizations: Vaccine-based Alternatives to Monoclonal Antibodies
Bryce Chackerian, MD, PhD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-040-L01-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/26/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Provide background on the emerging field of vaccines for non-infectious chronic diseases; 2) Discuss the pros and cons of monoclonal antibodies and vaccines and 3) Describe our recent work in developing a vaccine targeting PCSK9, a molecule involved in cholesterol metabolism.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-040-L01-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Provide background on the emerging field of vaccines for non-infectious chronic diseases; 2) Discuss the pros and cons of monoclonal antibodies and vaccines and 3) Describe our recent work in developing a vaccine targeting PCSK9, a molecule involved in cholesterol metabolism.
Program Sponsored by University of New Mexico School of Medicine
9:10 - 10:10 am
COPD Update Patricia L. Marshik, PharmD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-041-L01-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/26/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Discuss the Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease guidelines for the management of COPD; 2) Compare and contrast recently approved medications for the treatment of COPD and 3) Compare and contrast recently approved delivery devices used in the treatment of COPD.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-041-L01-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) List recently approved medications used in the treatment of COPD and 2) List delivery devices used in the treatment of COPD.
Program Sponsored by UNM College of Pharmacy
10:20 am – 11:20 amConcurrent Sessions
10:20am - 11:20 pmVACCINE FOLLOW-UP
Mandatory for Pharmacists w/ Vaccination Prescriptive Authority (One Live CE hour per year)
Immunizations: Pharmunize Part II
Amy Bachyrycz, PharmD & Bernadette Jakeman, PharmD, PhC, BCPS, AAHIVP
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-042-L04-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/26/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Review changes toACIP immunization recommendations for 2016; 2) Identify New Mexico immunizationratesforpreventable disease;
3) Identify and Review Preventable Disease Case Studies; 4) Develop a vaccination plan to individual Case Studies and
5)Identify resources to utilize in determining pharmacist prescribed immunizations.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-042-L04-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Develop knowledge of ACIP and other immunization guidelines; 2) Identify New Mexico immunization statusfor preventable diseases; 3) Identifysigns and symptoms ofpreventable diseases and 4) Identify resourcesavailable and utilized regarding immunizations.
Program Sponsored by UNM College of Pharmacy
10:20 - 11:20 am
Pharmacological Management of Treatment-Resistant Depression
Jennifer Lee Kelly, PharmD, MSPharm, MBA, BCPS & Priscilla Van Dyke, PharmD
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-043-L01-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/26/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Recognize the prevalence, risk factors, and clinical features of treatment-resistant depression; 2) Identify first-line treatment strategies for depressive disorders; 3) Describe treatment strategies for patients who do not respond to first-line therapies; 4) Identify evidence-based augmentation strategies for treatment-resistant depression and 5) Evaluate efficacy and tolerability of pharmacological agents used in treatment-resistant depression.
ACPE#: 0104-0000-16-043-L01-T
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacy technician participants will be able to: 1) Recognize the prevalence, risk factors, and clinical features of treatment-resistant depression; 2) Identify generic and brand names of commonly used antidepressants ; 3) Identify common adverse drug reactions of antidepressants; 4) Recognize treatment strategies for patients who do not respond to antidepressants and 5) Recognize evidence-based augmentation strategies for treatment-resistant depression.
Program Sponsored by New Mexico Veterans Affairs Health Care System
11:30am – 12:30 pmGeneral Session
11:30am–12:30 pmPatient Safety/Opioid Safety CPE
Opiate Use Disorder and Opiate OverdoseIrene Ortiz, MD
ACPE#:0104-0000-16-044-L05-PContact Hours: 1.0CEU 0.1Initial Release Date: 6/26/16
Following this knowledge-based presentation, the pharmacist participants will be able to: 1) Review the DSM-5 diagnosis of opiate use disorder; 2) Examine the clinical challenges for New Mexico prescribers of opiates and partial opiates; 3) Examine the growing national opiate overdose as prescription drug misuse problem and the geographical spread and 4) Describe the evolving role of pharmacists in addressing non-standard prescribing, patient abuse and prevention of overdose.