Kindergarten Lesson Plan – Using Table toysClass level: Preschool &/or Kindergarten / Lesson Time: 30 minutes
English level: Beginner / Expected number of students: 5 - 10
Context: Using Science and English to explore and manipulate objects in the environment.
Teaching Materials Needed: Various table toys including shoes strings and large wooden beading blocks, tangram pieces, and Lego and wooden building blocks.
Learning Goals:
Cognitive: Students will classify objects by stringing beads in a pattern.
Social-emotional: Students will follow classroom routines by beginning to put away the ball and sections of building blocks when the clean-up song begins playing.
Physical: Students will control small muscles in his/her hands by constructing models with the Lego pieces.
Learner objectives:
For all students to use English to describe the physical characteristics of table toys to talk about how they are manipulating the table toys. Students should also have the opportunity to interact with the teacher to hear correct English usage and pronunciation. / Teacher aims:
Involve all students in an engaging lesson. Assess student learning.
Expose students to speaking English in a structured learning environment.
Procedure / Phase / Timing
Before class starts, the teacher will need to prepare work stations for each student by placing the materials to be used at each student’s work area.
Ask the students if they have ever seen the table toys before. Ask them what they did with the table toys and if they like using table toys and what colors do they like the table toys to be.
Demonstrating the activity:
Allow the students to use the toys with minimal direction.
If the students do not interact with the table toys the teacher can take initiative by demonstrating the use of the toys and narrating his/her actions.
“The beads can be put onto the string like this. Now you try it.”
“The Legos can be put together like this. Now you try it.”
“The blocks can be used together this way. Now you try it.”
The activity for this lesson:
(1) Allow students to work with the table toys with minimal teacher interaction.
(2) Next ask students questions about what they are doing with the table toys.
i. “I noticed that you placed three green balls onto your string.”
ii. “I can see that you placed five Lego blocks together.”
iii. “It looks to me like you have can place the pieces of the puzzle together in different ways.”
Closing Activity
Review the actions of the study phase.
1. The teacher demonstrates the various actions with the table toys and narrates an explanation of what is being done with the table toys.
2. After each actions and narration the teacher asks the students to describe what the teacher is doing.
3. The teacher can ask the students to repeat the action with their own table toys.
4. The teacher can ask the students each to demonstrate, “What can you do with your table toys”? The students can engage in peer learning by watching each other’s actions. / Engage
Study / 3
4 minutes
17 minutes
6 min minutes