1. SEED Da’ fruto no tempo certo …
SEED Prayer handbook
2012. 1~3. January~March
Happy New Year!
Ike Rhyu,
General Secretary
SEE D International
In this 2012, may the glory of our God be the reason for our
thanksgiving and ministries. As we pass the century mark
since the modern evangelical mission history began we often
apply with complexity and confusion those missional principles
the Bible suggests rather with simplicity. The Great Commission
given by the Lord before his ascension is “but you will
receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and
you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and
Samaria, and to the farthest parts of the earth.” The Great
Commission, firstly, calls us to be his ‘witnesses’. A witness is
someone who can give a firsthand account of something seen,
heard, or experienced. ‘My witnesses’ implies that we have
a sole responsibility to testify only regarding the truth about
the Lord. On our to-do-list we should only have things that
reveal our Lord’s life and ministries. ‘To the farthest parts of
the earth’ suggests that we are not only go to the places where
our expertise can shine, but to go with the identity as witnesses
for the Lord to all nations where the power of the gospel is yet
known. We ought to go where nobody goes and even to the
places ruled out by ‘lack of effectiveness’.
Pre-requisite condition to be a missionary is experiencing
‘power’ of the Holy Spirit. In order for us to continuously
carry out our calling as witnesses among all nations we must
have experienced the undeniable power that changed our life
course that is engrained in our being, and also our life must
have continuous communion with the power of the Holy Spirit.
The power is not merely perceived emotionally, logically, nor
intellectually, but the power is clearly encountered and experienced
in a personal way. The lost principle all missionaries of
SEED should rediscover is when the power of the Holy Spirit
comes on us, by the power of the gospel we are called to be
witnesses to the ends of the earth. We would need support.
We would need strategy. Yes, we would need training too.
But, the first and utmost thing is restoring our identity in God.
We are not the owner of world mission. The Lord is. Saying
‘my ministry’ is not correct. We are simply called to serve as
witnesses in ‘God’s ministry’. Mission fields are not the place
where our power is displayed, but the power of our God. It’s
a big problem if individual missionary’s glory or SEED’s glory
shines brighter.
Only God’s glory should shine out. Last year has been the
year of preparation for 2012 keeping us in check with
humility. In this new year, I pray that all our missionaries in 36
countries may serve to reveal God glory and power by gladly
remaining anonymous, thankful and faithful witnesses.
“Da’ fruto no tempo certo”
(He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers.)
⊃ SEED International
1. For 2012 SEED Missionary Conference on June 25-29 in Daejeon Hye Cheon University
2. For the board members and member churches of each country
3. For the launching of SEED CIS and SEED China
4. For multi-ethnic team ministries to begin in all 36 fields
5. For publishing of the book ‘SEED missionary stories’
⊃ SEED Brazil
1. For the formation of SEED Brazil Board among local pastors so that Korean Diaspora community can cooperate with the Board.
2. That through the 5 local pastoral groups, the missional vision of pastors would expand.
3. That there would be unification in the intercessory prayer meetnigs for world missions that are held on Mondays.
⊃ SEED Canada
1. Pray that SEED Canada becomes a sincere servant and caretakre for mission field.
2. Pray that SEED Canada cooperates with partner churches and gives god’s impact on local community.
3. Pray for man power to needed for education and in public relationship, and for stable financial needs.
4. Pray for developing strategic mission fields and dispatch missionaries to the fields.
⊃ SEED Korea
1. Pray for the president, Rev. Young Bok Kim, as he travels around the world for caring and couseling ministries.
2. That the board meeting would be achieved through God’s grace, and that missions may be revitalized through this.
3. Pray for home office staf that they may serve with wisdom and strength from God.
4. Pray for God’s wisdom on fulfilling God’s calling with unity, joy, gratitude, and harmony.
1. For the beginning of multi-ethnic communities in LA and New York
2. For the smooth transition of administration and finances to LA Headquarter office
3. For the first unit of SEED School of Mission inV A office in January
4. For the development of mission internship program for our MK’s living in US
5. For professional board to partner with unreached/unengaged people group strategies of SEED.
Northeast Asia
NA-N(6), NA-C(19), Japan(10), Mongolia(4), Korea(2)
1. For strategy in reaching unreached groups and CPM(church planting movements) in C nation.
2. For the infrastructure of partnership in mission to work with the nationals.
3. For visas and security of M workers.
1. Joseph & Hannah Boo/USA
NA-N/2001/Supporting ministry
1. For multiplication through corporation between team members and ministry partners.
2. For a sufficient amount of financial support to be filled.
3. For both spiritual and physical strength to continue the business.
2. Anna Song /USA
NA-N/2005/Medical mission
1. That God would bless the people of NK with hope of Jesus Christ, and that the Holy Spirit would
call the people through supernatural dreams and revelation.
2. That God would protect the people of NK from the cold winter and provide for their daily needs and food.
3. That God would prepare my next ministry, and prepare and train me for the new task.
4. That My family and I would grow in spiritual maturity and intimate relationship with God.
5. That God would protect our health and provide for each need in the ministry.
3. Stephan & Joy Ma/ Erin,Shua,Lyn /USA
NA-N/2007/Supporing ministry
1. May God in His mercy bless the spiritual revival in N.
2. May God continually bless ministry partners and intercessors.
3. May God anoint the on-going ministry projects.
4. Jason &Joan Lee/ Eugene, Jane /USA
NA-N/2009/Supporting ministry
1. Prayer for people suffering from cold and hunger
2. For God to open doors at kindergarten they will be visiting
3. For people working together to be one, and serve each other in humility
4. For Jane to recover physically and spiritually while spending time with parents
5. Hangyul & JongriohChae/ John, James /USA
NA-N/2009/Supporting ministry
1. For preparation in vegetation farming through organic methods to restore the barren land.
2. For us to help in the Culture Center the faith of women that married Koreans.
3. For us to share Gospel with the people we encounter.
4. For a wise spouse for our first son, and for our second son and spouse would begin graduate school. Also for the healing for my wife’s foot.
6. Daniel & Esther Suh/Canada
NA-N/2009/Medical mission
1. May SK and NK unite in Christ.
2. May the Lord bless NK children so that they would grow being healthy and happy.
3. May God provide His strength to continuously help 3 hospitals and 1 kindergarten.
4. May God bless NK leaders to understand Jesus and to open their hearts
5. For the spiritual and physical health of the mission team to joyfully do His mission, and for God to give us wisdom to plan new mission strategies.
7. Moonahn & Young Suh/Hae, Hyun/USA
NA-C/1996/Youth, young adults leaders training
1. Rebuilding Chinese spirit with the Gospel.
2. Planting Christian educational systems.
3. Financial & executive supports for mission teams.
4. Recovering the health of my wife, Jane.
8. Peace & Grace Lee/USA
NA-C/1991/Web ministry, Training ministry
1. Prayer for that the one to one discipleship training be well established, and for BCF training to be prepared in a timely manner among local leaders.
2. Prayer for local family counselings; also, for the safety in the ministries.
3. May O’s family grow maturely in faith in accordance to God’s heart.
9. Wiidae & Sarang Wang(Off-field-Educational Furlough)/Chan Ju,Sung Ju,Jin Ju/USA
NA-C/2004/Training for planting inland churches
1. That the Caleb Team may be able to minister to the BM tribe with commitment, and for the Bible school for youths, and for discipleship of the graduate students.
3. Prayer for JuChan’s study, and that he may adapt to his school.
4.That we may beetter serve continental people through the process of trial and error.
10. Luke & Dogo Lee/USA
NA-C/2006/Pastor training, healing ministry
1. That missionaries of C country would be able to go and deliver the gospel to Muslim regions in the last days before 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.
2. That the Korean company, CIMP, that supports our ministries, may successfully operate.
3. For the raising of future leaders through campus ministry, and for the leaders’ strong faith in Jesus Christ.
4. For the blessing of intercession team leaders so that they may be united by the grace of God.
5. For God’s blessing to be over the health of our three children and three grandchildren.
11. Hwapyung Oh/Korea
NA-C/ 2003 / Itinerant ministry, discipleship
1. May the Lord protect Christians while persecution worsens.
2. May the traveling ministers be filled with the Spirit and the truth.
3. That the Lord may grant lots of trained leaders and ministers on OD Church, and that all its members become strong in faith.
4. That local leaders and believers in the H River region may be able to keep their faith and to fulfill their missions.
12. Jay & Eunice Oh/Samuel,Daniel,Grace/Korea
NA-C/2001/after school program, church support
1. Because of exposure during the move, we ask for safety of staff who still remain there, and that they wouldn’t face persecution.
2. We ask for continual ministry of healing wherever we are, and for us to be able to accommodate and guide non-believers, in order that through fellowship we may bear many fruits and joy.
3. We’d like to run a survey for local companies in the Southeast Asia and hold a seminar.
4. We ask for more efficient execution of administration and human resource management for executives and staffs in the company.
5. We ask for God’s guidance for Sam and Dan who are going for graduate school, and for Grace’s study, and for the revitalization of neighborhood meeting that my wife oversees.
13. Pyung-gang & Sa-rang Kim/Shinhae, Eunhae, Jihae/USA
NA-C/2003/Community development
1. Please pray for four local believers to be able to take over the leadership of the group.
2. Pray that they will have an unquenchable passion to reach out to their 20 million who are living in darkness.
3. Prayer that they would receive a double portion of the Spirit and for them to bear lots of fruits in their lives.
4. Prayer for abundant fruits through chicken farming.
14. Paul &Joyce Kang/USA
NA-C/2007/Leadership training
1. May God provide the seminary’s necessities, and that God’s will be done among the 23 students in the dormitory.
2. May God open the door for discipleship training in five regions.
3. May God provide a safe dwelling place which can be used as a ministry base.
4. May God bless the needs of my son who is in seminary.
15. Timothy & Grace Lim/Joyce, Sarah/USA
NA-C/2006/Leadership training
1.For “Mission Panorama” Seminar to be published by Timothy B Ministries; Introduction to Korean Co. Leaders, Introduction to NA-C Co. Leaders.
2. For the women’s retreat in Shanghai and Qingdao.
3. Men’s Retreat is in great demand, so a group of teachers will start to create a seminar for men.
4. For NA-C Church Leadership Extension Program.
16. David & Helen Chun/Jin, Min/Canada
NA-C/2010/Language training
1. For the building of mission infrastructure with logistics that will help to carry out the new team ministry.
2. For skillful local language acquisition through the language traing course.
3. That local leaders would be raised through music ministry.
4. That we would well adjust to the local culture and language, and that we will stay healthy.
17. Daniel Kim & Mire Lee/Areum, Woram/Korea
NA-C/2009/Language training
1. Prayer for nation and ethnic groups so that churches can be planted peacefully.
2. That cattles can be distributed well to support local churches this year.
3. For focus on intensive training for 10 trainees and one leader.
4. That my children would actively participate the mission project.
18. Heather/USA
NA-C/2009/Missions training, young adults ministry
1. For political stability and economic growth in the country in orrder to spread the gospel.
2. For a big door to open for the unreached people group in Y province under Tibet Buddhism.
3. For the ongoing women’s Bible study, evangelism training, and short-term mission training for ‘A’ church. That this would be a way to equip future missionaries. For the church of Han people to work with smaller tribes for C mission and world mission.