
After school rehearsals take place on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesdays during the regular school year from 2:50pm-5:00pm. Students are encouraged to seek any necessary after school help between the end of the school day (2:08) and the start of marching band, or on Thursday when we do not have rehearsal.


The marching band plays at all varsity football games. These games typically take place on Friday nights. A brief rehearsal will take place after school on Fridays. Occasionally, football games take place on a Saturday during the day or Thursday night (to accommodate the celebration of religious holidays). An exact game schedule will be made available in late May when the 2015 football schedule is released. The football game season typically begins in the first week of school in September and ends in early November.


The marching band annually performs for the Montgomery Veteran’s Day parade. This performance typically takes place on or near Veteran’s Day.


The marching band participates in marching band festivals. These are performances where many marching bands perform and awards are given. The marching band participates in 3-4 festivals a season and these festivals typically take place in October.

Drop off/Pick-up

Each week, a band bulletin will go home giving specific drop off and pick up times. This band bulletin will be posted on the MHS marching band website. These will vary depending upon where the game/competition/parade is. All drop-offs and pick-ups are at Montgomery HS. We take school buses to get to and from our performance venues.

After School Rehearsals

All marching band rehearsals take place after school. Attendance at all rehearsals is mandatory for participation in this activity. The schedule for rehearsals is as follows:

Mondays:2:45 – 5:00 p.m. for instrumentalists and color guard

Tuesdays:2:45 – 5:00 p.m. for instrumentalists and color guard

Wednesdays:2:45 – 5:00 p.m. for instrumentalists. 2:45 – 6:00 p.m. for color guard and


Thursdays:No rehearsal (please schedule doctor appointments, meetings, etc. on Thursdays)

Fridays:2:30 – dress rehearsal for entire band. At the conclusion of the dress rehearsal, students will be released depending upon the time. The schedules on Fridays will vary depending upon the game location and performances that weekend. This information will be listed in the weekly band bulletin.

Summer Commitment

In August there is a mandatory band camp that takes place at Montgomery High School. At this camp, students learn advanced marching techniques, rehearse the music/routine, learn the half-time show, work on team-work and leadership, and spend time getting to know each other and bonding as a group.

Please understand that it is necessary to be present at all band camp rehearsals. We have our first performance in the first week of school which means we must learn the entire show during band camp.

Missing one day of camp is equivalent to missing over a week of rehearsals during the school year!

Band Camp 2015 is August 18th-September 4th. Please refer to the next page for band camp details.

Daily Camp Schedule

Band camp days will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 6:00 p.m. A couple notes about the daily schedule:

●Rehearsals begin promptly at 9:00 a.m., so please arrive with enough time to be ready to start playing by 9:00 a.m. For most students, this means an arrival time no later than 8:50 a.m.

●Rehearsals end at 6:00 p.m. Students will then need time to get inside and put away their equipment. Parents should expect that their kids will be ready to actually leave by 6:10 p.m.

●Students will have a few breaks throughout the day, one of which will be long enough for lunch. Students should eat breakfast before arriving and plan on eating dinner after rehearsal. Having snacks with them would be appropriate for the shorter breaks.

●Students with parental permission may leave campus during the lunch break. Please fill out the driving permission form at the end of this packet.

The 2015 Band Camp Dates

Summer Camp

August 18th-21st _Tuesday – Friday9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

August 24th-28th _Monday – Friday9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

August 31st _ _Monday 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.

September 1st – 3rd _Tuesday- Thursday3:00 – 8:00 p.m.____


●Students will receive a schedule of sectional rehearsals that will take place throughout the summer. These sectionals will take place once every few weeks. All students are expected to attend these sectionals if they are in town (not at camp or on vacation). The importance of sectionals cannot be underestimated. This is a time where the marching and officers can help the younger members to learn their music as well as basic marching fundamentals. The objective is to set students up for success on the first day of camp, and sectionals are the key. Additionally, sectionals are great for building team spirit and bonding with the other members of the section. Many times, the sectional is an excuse to have a pool party or movie marathon.

Summer Rehearsal Policies and Guidelines

●Attendance at band camp rehearsals is mandatory for participation in this activity.

●Students should bring meals with them in a cooler. We do not have available refrigeration.

●Students are REQUIRED to have ample sunscreen

●MARCHING BAND IS A PHYSICAL ACTIVITY!! Students are REQUIRED to have a lot of water for outdoor rehearsals. Soda is NOT recommended for rehearsals. Students may pack it for lunch and dinner, but should have a lot of water or a Gatorade type drink for outside.

●Students are expected to eat a full meal and hydrate properly. This means eating a hearty breakfast and drinking lots of water well before camp begins. To do otherwise can result is student sickness.

●Students may not be excused to leave a rehearsal early without advance approval by Mr. Kahalehoe. Parents should provide a request via email to Mr. Kahalehoe before the start of marching band camp. Submitting a request does not mean that a student is automatically excused from a portion of marching band camp. Mr. Kahalehoe will review the reason for the absence and determine if it is in line with the attendance policies for band camp.

●Hats and sunglasses are highly recommended

Marching Band Attendance Policy

Attendance at all rehearsals and performances is mandatory. Students who are present for school and absent from band will place their band membership in jeopardy.

PARENTS: Students may not miss any rehearsals or performances. Please keep this in mind when scheduling appointments, travel, and family events. Only in some very rare circumstances are absences excused. Any lateness/early dismissal/absence requests must be communicated in writing (email is fine) to Mr. Kahalehoe at least 24 hours in advance of the date in question. In the note, please provide as much information as possible regarding the request. Upon receipt of the email Mr. Kahalehoe will review the reason for an absence and determine whether it is excused or not. For absences that you know about well in advance, it is best to email Mr. Kahalehoe early (a few days or weeks if possible).

Please understand that this activity is 100% dependent upon teamwork. Due to the nature of how marching band drill and routines work, one person’s absence will have a large effect on the ability of all other students to properly practice their movements. Marching band drill is, very basically, a connect-the-dots that is in motion. When one person is gone, a dot is missing and the shape cannot be connected. This greatly hinders our rehearsal ability, creating a negative result for all students in the band. Material missed in a rehearsal can only be learned in rehearsal. There really is no substitute for missed rehearsal.

Unexcused absences from a rehearsal may result in the removal of that student from the week’s performance. Multiple unexcused absences from rehearsal will result in loss of the varsity letter and/or removal from the band.

Unexcused absences from a performance may result in immediate removal from the band.

As a guideline, the following excuses are considered acceptable/unacceptable:

Acceptable excuses:

●Illness of the student

●Death in the family

●Family weddings

●Religious observances

●Students may be excused from rehearsals for college visitations, but not performances.

Unacceptable excuses:

●Job – give your marching band schedule to your boss WELL in advance

●Studying/homework/group work and review sessions

●Recreational travel (weekend at the shore, family trips, concerts, etc.)

●Celebrations (birthday parties, anniversary parties, reunions, etc.)

●Private lessons (students are highly encouraged to take private lessons but should work with their teacher to schedule the lessons outside of marching band rehearsals/performances).

●Routine doctor appointments (checkups, dental cleanings, etc.). Please schedule these around marching band.

●Membership in other activities with conflicting schedules

NEW to the 2015 Marching Band Handbook

Religious events and celebrations: events such as these are acceptable reasons for an absence. However, since the dates for an event such as this are known well in advance, in order to be excused from a rehearsal or performance, Mr. Kahalehoe must receive written/email notification of such an event before the end of band camp.

Leaving a game early: students can leave a game early only if they are registered to take the SAT or PSAT the next day. Advance notice (more than 1 week) is required as is a copy of the student’s registration form. Students can only leave the game early after half-time of the football game. For home games, this is after our performance and for away games after the home band’s performance.

ACADEMIC HELP: Students may be late to rehearsal if staying after school for extra help with a teacher provided the student demonstrates he/she is having legitimate academic difficulties in the relevant class. The student should let Mr. Kahalehoe know 24 hours before the start of rehearsal, and bring a late-pass from the teacher he/she was with.

STUDENTS: Let marching band teach you how to manage your time. Learn to study in advance and pace your homework assignments. This will be an invaluable lesson for college!! DO NOT WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE WITH YOUR ASSIGNEMENTS!!

Missed Rehearsal Procedures


●If your name is on the absentee bulletin, you are excused automatically.

●If you sign in late, you must be at rehearsal

●If you sign out early, please have a parent or guardian call Mr. Kahalehoe’s office before 2:30. The number is 609-466-7602 x. 6124

●If you have a disciplinary conflict (make-up test, detention, etc.) it is your responsibility to let Mr. Kahalehoe know in advance of the date in question. “In advance” means one day prior to the absence. The notification also must come from the student’s parents or the student.


●Please notify Mr. Kahalehoe in writing at least 24 hours in advance of any predicted absences. While absences are usually not excused, we do understand that once in a while, situations arise that are not within your control.Communication of these circumstances are, however, in your control, so do the right thing and communicate.

Mr. Kahalehoe’s contact information:

BAND OFFICE: 609-466-7602 x. 6124


Discipline Policies

The Montgomery High School Marching Band is an extension of school. Therefore, school rules apply for all rehearsals and performances. Any violation of these rules could result in removal from the activity. The marching band staff will refer any violations of the student conduct policy to the proper school administration. At any point in time, if the marching band staff feels uncomfortable taking responsibility for a student based on his/her conduct, the student will be removed from the marching band.


Have respect for your peers

Have respect for your teachers

Have respect for yourselves

Have respect for the band

If you think about it, all rules and regulations regarding discipline, attendance, level of commitment, effort, and enthusiasm all boil down to how much respect you show and earn.

Being at every rehearsal shows respect to the band because you are working to make it better

Not being at rehearsals or performances shows disrespect to your peers because all of them are held back.

Coming back from water and lunch breaks on time shows respect to your peers that are standing on the field waiting

Having a great rehearsal attitude and work ethic shows respect to the band, your peers, your teachers, and most importantly yourselves, because you are working to improve the experience for everyone.

There is nothing in life more valuable than respect. The more respect you show, the more respect you’ll earn. You only own one thing in life, and that is your name. Live and act in a manner that demands instant respect when people hear your name and you will always be rich.

Rehearsal Dress Code

Only sneakers or comfortable laced walking shoes are allowed. No open heels or toes are allowed.

Marching band members are required to practice in attire that fits appropriately for the activity. The most common problems are:

●Sandals or flip-flops

●Pants that are too loose and fall down while marching

●Pants that are too tight in the legs for proper marching

●Skirts that are too short for marching

●Pants that are too long and get tripped over/dragged in the mud.

The Montgomery High School Marching Band is an OUTDOOR ACTIVITY. The band will rehearse in inclement weather provided there is no lightning/danger to the students. The band will rehearse in very hot and very cold weather. Students are expected to monitor the weather reports and have appropriate attire daily.

All students should keep a pair of old sneakers and a raincoat in their locker throughout the marching band season. Good shoes and pants will not be good for long if worn during rehearsals. Students who tend to dress differently from the above dress code should keep a set of practice clothes in their locker.

Equipment Use

The students of the Montgomery Marching Band have the opportunity to use a lot of expensive equipment. Any damage that occurs to a piece of equipment that is more extensive than normal wear and tear will be charged to the individual who caused the damage.

Curricular Ensemble/Lessons

All instrumentalists in the marching band are required to register for an appropriate curricular music ensemble (symphonic band, symphonic winds, wind ensemble, curricular choir, or orchestra). Color guard members do not need to be part of a curricular music ensemble.

Musicians’ Uniform Code

It is necessary for students to meet the following uniform code in order to be eligible to perform on any given performance day. Students will be inspected after getting dressed prior to the performance.

●Black socks must be worn with your uniform at all times

●A black or white T-shirt and a non-bulky pair of shorts must be worn under the uniform. The T-shirt must have half-sleeves and it must be low enough at the neckline to remain unseen at the jacket collar (most regular Hanes t-shirts meet this criteria).

●White or black thermal underwear should be worn in cold weather. Sweat pants are not allowed, as they trap cold sweat against the skin.

●Shoes are to be cleaned each week. Wipe them down with Vaseline and polish.

●White cotton gloves will be worn with the uniform at all times. These gloves must be purchased from the uniform crew during band hours. They are $4.00 per pair. It is recommended you purchase at least 2 pairs. They MUST be clean.

●No jewelry may be worn with uniforms. This includes rings, earrings, watches, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Please DO NOT get your ears pierced until after marching band is over.

●Sunglasses may not be worn while in uniform accept while in the stands during a football game

●Students are responsible for the maintenance of their uniform. Any lost parts, including the baldric, hat, or plume will be charged to the student. Uniforms MUST be stored at Montgomery High School. Students may not take any part of their uniform home without approval.

Hair Policy


Hair must be in a bun on top of your head. Loose hair must be sprayed and pinned up with bobby pins or clips. No hair may be sticking out of your hat. Hair gel is very helpful.


Hair must not be seen through the front or sides of your hat. Males with long hair must also pin up their hair so none is sticking out of the hat. Hair gel is very helpful.

Color Guard Uniform Code

It is necessary for students to meet the following uniform code in order to be eligible to perform on any given performance day. Students will be inspected after getting dressed, prior to the performance.