Meeting Agenda
May 1, 2008
10 am
New Version of WebEditPro (WEP)
Debbie Christensen
WEP and Groupwise 7 Upgrade
Debbie Christensen
Distribution of AccVerify software
Rick Peterson
Mobile and Text Alert Project Updates, Recent Code Changes
Rick Peterson
CMA Question and Answer Session
Next Vignette CMA Users Meeting:
September 4, 2008
10 am
Michigan Library & Historical Center Forum Room
e-Michigan Web Development
Phone: (517)241-5780
Revamping Your Site? Classes To Help You Get Started
If you will be doing revisions to your site, before you jump right in and start creating new categories or re-using old categories, you might want some advice on how best to make the transition from the old to the new seamless. eMichigan can help with that. There are a couple of classes that can assist you in your quest for a new site layout.The first is the "Tools & Tips for Upkeep & Revision of Sites" class. The first part of the class covers Accverify and topics related to the upkeep of sites. The second half of the class covers how to make new left navigation categories and move content around while keeping the existing site intact and maintaining the old and new at the same time until the new goes live. There is actual content and categories to play with and areas to do that on the Training Site so you can get a feel for how it works. We actually create new categories, assign page layouts and move content around, create cat to cat associations and add more content.
The second class is the "CMA Site Administrator Workshop". You can bring any topic you want to this class and we can explore that and play with it in that class. We can play with templates you have not had a chance to work with - such as the list with more templates and drop down boxes - on the Training site. We can also look at your specific site and discuss ways to improve it or enhance it. With the benefit of having several site administrators in the room at the same time who all have had experience with the CMA you will get a lot of different ideas.
The classes are not offered very often because there has not been large demand for these classes. However, if there was more interest, the classes can be scheduled more frequently.
- Tools & Tips (whole day) is offered in Jan, May, & September
- Site Admin Workshop (half day) is offered in Feb, May, Aug, Nov
WebEdit Pro - Use of New Version
Last fall eMichigan upgraded WebEdit Pro software to a new version which has several added enhancements, such as Search & Replace (instead of just search), the ability to increase a table’s size not just insert rows & columns to the middle, and the ability to create form fields, to name a few of the more salient features.WebEditPro will provide the follow benefits.
- Generates proper HTML code.
- Gives you the fonts you select.
- Gives you the proper paragraph spacing.
- Is consistent between what you enter directly into WebEdit Pro and what you paste from another source.
- Does not change when you go to edit the content at a later point in time.
SAME:- When you enter text into WebEdit Pro and press Enter, text will automatically be double spaced. THIS IS NORMAL.
- If you want text single spaced – hold the Shift key while pressing Enter.
- Before you copy from another source, make sure all the fonts are what you want them to be.
- Get rid of Smart Quotes from Word. In WebEdit Pro, Search for quotes and apostrophes & Replace with quotes and apostrophes.
- Before you copy from Word, make all your paragraphs single spaced – get rid of the extra Enter/Return between your paragraphs. Don’t worry – they will become double spaced in WebEdit Pro eventually.
- When you paste into WebEdit Pro and it asks if you want to clean up the code, the proper answer is “NO”.
- After you paste something into WebEdit Pro and save the changes, you must immediatelyenter WebEdit Pro again and save the changes again and repeat – do this twice. This will set the paragraph spacing to its proper setting.
GroupWise 7 Upgrades and the CMA
For those who use GroupWise, if you haven’t already received the Groupwise version 7 update, you may be scheduled to be upgraded to version 7 in the future. If you also use WebEdit Pro, there is a recently discovered conflict between some of the default settings in the new version of GroupWise that prevents WebEdit Pro from running. If you are going to be upgraded to GroupWise 7, please inform DIT’s Desktop Services staff prior to the upgrade that you are also a WebEdit Pro user. Make sure you can still use WebEditPro when the Groupwise upgrade is complete.Critique The Meetings!
Let us know what you think. Give us advice for how to improve. Evaluate our User Group meetings. When you get back to your office after the meeting, let us know what you thought. Complete the on-line meeting evaluation form at and we will use your responses to improve future meetings.May 2008 EWD News Page 1