Student Plans

Significant Change to an IEP/IFSP/ISP

A Significant Change to an IEP/IFSP/IIIP/ISPmay be completed when:

the IEP goals have been completed or require modification based on a progress report;

there is a need to add or delete a service based on a progress report or evaluation;

there is a change in the type of site or setting in which the pupil receives special education;

the amount of time a pupil spends with nondisabled peers is changed;

the amount of special education to accomplish the goals or objectives needs to be increased or decreased; or

the team determines there is a need for a conditional intervention procedure. (MR 3525.0210 DEFINITIONS)

Your district may have different processes or limits on significant changes.

Basic Process: An IEP/IFSP/IIIP meeting is created. The date the Significant Change will occur is determined. Make sure it is at least 14 days from whenever you are going to send the PWN and IEP home for a signature. For example: met with parents on 10/10/16. Plan on sending IEP home on 10/17/16. Fourteen days from the date the IEP is sent home would be 11/1/16. 11/1/16 will be the effective date of the new IEP/IFSP with the significant change. It is imperative that this 14-day parent response period be provided.

For historical and reporting purposes, the process is to make a copy of the existing IEP/IFSP/IIIP, end the original plan early and enter the significant change information in the copy of the original plan.

1. Create a copy of the plan

1. / Select student to do a significant change. Make a copy of the plan using the new Effective Date and the same End Date as the original plan. / For example, on the copied plan, type in the New Plan
Effective Date (example: 6/2/2016). The Plan End Date will be the same end date of the original IEP (12/31/16).
2. / Click in the Copy All box, which will automatically check all of the boxes for the IEP. / Note: A warning appears stating that the dates overlap.
This will be corrected when the Original Plan End Date
is ended early.
3. / Click Submit. / The new IEP/IFSP/IIIP will open to the first page.
The Plan Effective Date and Plan End Date will be what
you just typed in.
4. / In the Plan Type field, choose Significant Change to Plan dated: Click on the down arrow and choose the previous IEP or previous significant change (most recent date) / In the Summary of Significant Changes field,
describe the changes to the IEP.
5. / Go through the rest of the IEP/IFSP/IIIP and make the appropriate Significant Changes. / Re-check to make sure the services are correct and the Service start and stop dates fall within this Significant Change IEP’s effective and end date.
6. / Click on Check Completeness. If there are other parts that are not finished, go back and finish them.
7. / Click on Make Pending.
8. / Create a Prior Written Notice explaining the significant change. / Finalize the new plan when you receive a signature or 14 days has passed.
9. / Student Plans will NOT allow you to have two (2) plans that overlap, so you will need to end the original plan early. / End the Original Plan the day before the significant change is effective.

Ending a Plan Early

To end a finalized plan early, use the Plan End Date link. This link is only available on a Finalized Plan.

If the plan was never finalized because the student left the district or parents refused, put the plan into 'Not Implemented' or Inactive status and state the reason.

1. / Click on the bluePlan End Date link.
2. / Change the End Date to the New Plan End Date. / Note that the Plan End Date cannot be changed to make the plan longer than a year.
3. / If there are Services that will be affected by changing the Plan End Date, the Fix Date screen will be displayed. / If there are Services that begin after the Revised Plan End Date, these Services will need to be deleted from the plan that is ending early.

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