Official Name / Bolivarian Republic of VenezuelaArea / 916.445 sq. kms.
States / Federal Republic, consisting of 23 States, a federal district and 72 island dependencies in the Caribbean Sea.
Population / 30.206.307(2014 projection using 2011 Census)[1] (Urban 93%, Rural 7%)
Ethnic Groups / Mestizos (67%), Whites (21%), Blacks (10%), Indigenous people (2%)
Capital / Caracas
Population 3 million (2013)
Other main cities / Valencia, Maracaibo, Barquisimeto, Ciudad Guyana & Mérida.
Time zone / UTC -430 (-)10 hours behind India
Language / Spanish
Religion / Roman Catholic 88%, Protestant 10%, Others 2% (Indigenous Cults, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism etc)
Vice President / Mr. Nicolas MaduroMoros, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. He assumed office on 19 April 2013.
Mr. Jorge Arreaza
System of Government / Participative Democracy with Presidential System.
Membership of
Organizations / UN, IMF, World Bank, OPEC, OAS, NAM, G-15, WTO (G-20), Rio Group, Association of Caribbean States (ACS), Bolivarian Alternative for the Peoples of our America (ALBA) and MERCOSUR (signed the Protocol of Accession in July 2006)
Per Capita
GDP Growth / US$ 397.1 billion (2014)
US$ 13.146,61 (2014)
-2.8 % (2014)[2]
GDP by Sector / Agriculture –5.6%, Industry –14.03%, Services – 65% (2013)[3]
Inflation / 68.4% (November 2013 – November 2014)[4]
UN Cost of Living Index / 160.2 (2014)[5]
Currency / Bolivar Fuerte (Bs.F)
Exchange Rate / 1 US$ = BS.F 6.3 (CENCOEX - Since February 2013 for essential imports)
1 US$ = BS.F 12 (SICAD - for non-essential imports and travelers)
1 US$ = BS. 193.32[6] (SIMADI - last updated 27 March 2015)
Forex Reserves / US$ 22.09 billion (March2015)[7]
Proven crude oil reserves / 296.5 billion barrels (July 2011)
Production / 2.9 million barrels per day (in 2014, as per Minister of Petroleum and Mining)
Proven Gas Reserves / 185.24 trillion cubic feet (August 2010)
Mineral Resources / Aluminum, coal, iron, bauxite, gold and diamonds.
Exports / US$ 80.14 billion (2014) (including petroleum)
Major Export Items / Petroleum & derivatives, aluminium, steel, iron ore, chemicals.
Export destinations / United States, China, Colombia, Netherlands, Brazil, Belgium, Trinidad & Tobago, Chile, North Korea, Mexico, India
Imports / US$32.95 billion (2014)[8]
Major import items / Manufactured products, food items, chemicals, pharmaceuticals, equipment and machinery.
National Bird / The Venezuelan Troupial (Icterusicterus)
National Flower / The Venezuelan Orchid, (Cattleyamossiae)
National Tree / The Araguaney (Tabebuiachrysantha)
International Calling Code / +58
31 March 2015
[1] Source:
[2]Presidential Address on 21/01/2015. Data from Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV) shows decrease in the first three quarters of 2014: First Quarter: 4.8%; Second Quarter: 4.9% and Third Quarter: 2.3%
[3] Source: Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV)
[4]Source: Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV)
[5] United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD)
[6] Source: Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV)
[7] Source: Central Bank of Venezuela (BCV)
[8]Source: Foreign Trade Statistical System, National Institute of Statistics