The College of Naturopathic Medicine
Schedule 20 (formerly Schedule 3)and Restricted Herbs
(Schedule 3 has been re-designated Schedule 20 in the 2012 Human Medicines Act)
These herbs are subject to legal restrictions due to potential toxicity or side effects
External Use onlyLatin name / Common name / Strength / Amount used (max./100ml)
Aconitum nepalis / Wolfs bane / 1.3%
Arnica montana / Leopards bane / 10%
Conium maculatum / Spotted hemlock / 7%
Internal Use
Latin name / Common name / Strength* / Max. dose/week
Atropa belladonna (herb) / Deadly nightshade leaf / 1:10 / 10 ml
Atropa belladonna (radix) / Deadly nightshade root / 1:10 / 6 ml
Bryonia dioica / White bryony / 1:10 / 10 ml
Chelidonium majus / Greater celandine / 1:10 / 50 ml
Chinchona pubescens / Peruvian bark / 1:5 / 50 ml
Convallaria majalis / Lily of the valley / 1:8 / 1:5 / 24 / 20 ml
Datura stramonium / Jimson weed / 1:10 / 10 ml
Ephedra sinica / Ephedra / 1:5 / 50 ml
Gelsemium sempervirens / Yellow jasmine / 1:10 / 5 ml
Hyoscyamus niger / Henbane / 1:10 / 20 ml
Lobelia inflata / Lobelia / 1:8 / 32 ml
Phytolacca decandra / Poke root / 1:5 / 8 ml
Piscidia erythrina / Jamaican dogwood / 1:5 / 8 ml
*If tincture strength is different from above, dose should be adjusted accordingly.
Pregnancy and breast feeding
Do not prescribe herbs to pregnant and breast feeding women unless fully qualified and experienced in this field.
EMMENAGOGUES (stimulate menstruation)
Angelica spp.Juniperus communisCrocus sativa
Leonorus cardiacaCaulophylum thalictroides Mentha pulegium
Cimicifuga racemosa Petroselinum crispumCommiphora molmol
Vitex agnus-castusHydrastis canadensis
ANTHRAQUINONE GLYCOSIDES (potent laxatives which may affect uterine muscles)
Cassia angustifoliaRheum palmatumAloe vera barbadensis
Rhamnus purshiana
Other herbs with potential risks include:
Apium graveolensRosmarinus officinalisArtemisia spp.
Ruta graveolensBerberis vulgarisSalvia officinalis
Chelidonium majusSanguinaria canadensisChinchona spp
Tanacetum spp.Cinnamomum zeylandicum Thuja occidentalis
Dryopteris filix-mas Thymus officinalisGossypium herbaceum
Tussilago farfaraOriganum vulgareViscum album
Phytolacca decandra.
Do not give herbs to breast-feeding women as herbal components pass into breast milk.
Furanocoumarins in some members of the Umbelliferae family may causes phototoxicity if they come into contact with the skin at the same time as sun exposure
Allergies theoretically possible from any plant chemical, butcommon suspects are volatile oils in umbelliferae family and sesquiterpenes in compositae family (chamomile, feverfew).
Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs) in boraginacea family can cause liver damage and should not be used for extended periods or in patients with poor liver function. These include:
Symphytum spp.Tussilago farfaraBorago officinalis
Eupatorium perfoliatumLithospermum officinale