Grow Your Business Sincerely
Have you ever heard the saying “I don’t care how much you know until I know how much you care”?
The key to growing your business is genuinely caring about others. People see through someone who’s transparent. Think about it – haven’t you met people who acted like they were interested in what you had to say? You knew in your heart that they weren’t really paying attention, didn’t you? They had an agenda and it was apparent. You’ve probably been called on by that kind of salesperson. You knew they didn’t care. So, did you really care how much they knew? Or rather, did you connect with the person who paid attention to you? The person who took the time to understand what your needs were, and then, offered a solution.
So, how do you grow your business sincerely?
Be yourself
It takes less effort to be yourself than it does to create a persona. Besides, people can see the mask a hundred miles away. Their guard will be up before you realize it. Why? Because your focus is off. It’s on you (or I should say, on your creation of you) – not on them.
Be genuinely interested in others
Learn all you can about them. Find out if there are ways you can help them; have a positive impact on their day. DON’T sell them. People don’t like being sold – do you? People DO like to feel respected. They want to know you have their best interest at heart. It’s something you can’t fake.
Be a giver
Don’t focus on what you want to get. Focus on what you can give. ‘What goes around, comes around.’ ‘The smile you send out returns to you.’ Sound familiar?
It’s not a numbers game
Effective business growth centers on relationship building. When you are genuinely interested in others, you are building a relationship. When you’re giving, you are building a relationship. You are building trust. Then people realize they can count on you. They know you’ll help them if you can. They, in turn, will want to help you. It’s symbiotic.
You can’t build relationships if your focus is on meeting as many people as possible. Blitzing doesn’t work. Of course, you’ll have loads of business cards. You may even feel like you’ve accomplished a great deal. After the blitzing and card gathering, what do you actually know about these people? What are their needs, likes, dislikes, goals? Do you know how you can help them? Why would they do business with you?
You may not have thought about it, but you really don’t want to do business with EVERYBODY. There are people out there you just aren’t going to click with. As my grandmother used to say, ‘That’s what makes horse races.’ Another reason why growing your business is not about numbers, it’s about relationships.
Have a plan
Plan to meet 1-2 people and learn something about them and their business.
Be prepared with a couple of open-ended questions. Be prepared, but not overly focused. The conversation needs to flow. Once you’ve asked a question, ride it to where it naturally takes you. If you’re busy anticipating asking your next question, you’ve missed their answer!
When it goes well, suggest a next meeting in the near future. Don’t expect to make concrete plans. Just float the suggestion and see where it goes.
Finally, follow up that first meeting with an email, handwritten note, or phone call. Remember, you’re building a relationship. The key word here is building.
Webster’s definition of sincerity is ‘honesty of mind.’ Honesty of mind; being yourself. What could be easier? That’s really what growing your business sincerely and building relationships with substance are all about. You will find that you won’t have to work as hard at keeping your customers because they’ll be interested in partnering with you.
Written by Diane Helbig for Salesopedia