Scannable Resumes
What is a Scannable Resume?
A scannable resume is a document that can be read by an optical scanner, which converts the information to data that can be stored electronically. Employers are able to quickly search through these resumes to find which ones list the skills they are looking for in potential candidates. A scannable resume should contain much of the same information as a traditional resume, such as your education, work experience, honors, and relevant skills, but should appear plain and simple. This will make it easy for the scanner to read.
One can convert a traditional resume into a scannable resume by following the guidelines and information below. In addition, ifan employer provides instructions for how to compose a scannable resume for their company, follow those guidelines carefully.
Basic Guidelines
Some employers prefer resumes to be sent as PDF files so that they can easily enter them into their database without any formatting issues. If the employer does not specify if they prefer a PDF or a MS WORD file, you might want to send a version of your resume in both, or contact them to see which type of file they would prefer. Also, when e-mailing your resume, remember to label your attachment(s) with your name.(e.g. JaneJohnson-Resume.doc)
Scannable resumes should look as plain as possible. Use a common font, such as arial, times, or courier, which is easy to read. Scannable resumes should not contain any underlining, horizontal or vertical lines, graphics, pictures, or italics. As with a traditional resume you will want to keep it concise; however, it is permissible to have more than one page for a scannable resume in order to make sure you include all the relevant information. You want the optical scanner to be able to read your resume, so simplicity is the key.
Keywords are words or phrases that are unique to specific fields of work that employers are likely to search for in their resume database. You can either incorporate these words into the body of your resume and cover letter, or you can add a keyword summary section right below your contact information on your resume which should contain 10-20 keywords that are related to your previous experience. For ideas of keywords, check out our resume buzz words handout under our resumes section of our wiki to find some words that are related to your major/field of work: Other places to find keywords include job descriptions, online job postings, professional associations, employer websites, and from professionalsin the field.