Governor’s Council on Forestry
Delaware Department of Agriculture
Redden State Forest Education Center
December 11, 2012
Chairman Ditmer called the council meeting to order at 1:05 p.m.
Chairman Ditmer noted there was a quorum present. Those members present were: Chairman Ditmer, Allen Jones, Grace Lowe, Richard Pratt, Peter Martin, George Torbert and Grace Warrington Lowe.
The Delaware Forest Service (DFS) employees present were: Henry Poole, Assistant Forestry Administrator, and Gail Ingram-Smith, Administrative Specialist II.
The Council reviewed the minutes of the October 9, 2012 meeting. Allen Jones motioned to approve the minutes. Peter Martin seconded the motion and it passed by unanimous vote.
Old Business
Still no definitive word from Monique Hampton at the Governor’s office regarding the replacement for Tim Taraila. Chairman Ditmer suggested three names for this position: Bill Jester (landowner), Rich Turner from Dorchester Lumber Co., and Brian Michalski from Hardwood Mills (Rich and Brian are timber buyers and are interested in this open position). Chairman Ditmer is going to draft a letter to the Governor with these suggestions. George Torbert made a motion to go forward with the letter and Grace Lowe seconded and it passed by unanimous vote.
The Council discussed having meetings quarterly, but then decided on keeping the meetings bi-monthly.
Election of Officers
Chairman Ditmer opened up the floor for election of officers. George Torbert nominated Peter Martin Chairman. Grace Lowe seconded and it passed by unanimous vote. George Torbert remains as Vice Chairman.
State Forester’s Report
Henry informed the Committee that George Torbert and Peter Martin’s terms both expire this year. They both wish to remain on the Council.
The forester position at Redden has been filled by Brian McDonald. Brian is from New Jersey and is a graduate of West Virginia University and has experience in the Peace Corps in Mexico. Brian started on December 3rd.
Interviews were held today for Marcia’s old position as Urban Forester.
Henry informed the Council that this year was a very busy fire season nationwide. It began like usual then extended until November. A normal season usually ends in late September or early October. Delaware sent out two Type 2 IA crews, several EQPM, GSUL, and several other single resources to form a crew for the Monongahela National Forest.
Basic classes are going to be held at the fire school on January 5-6 and January 19-20, 2013. Fire camp will be held at Blackbird State Forest in April 2013.
New Radios
The new APX6000 800 MHz radios have come in. Forestry utilized a grant from DEMA to purchase them. Henry mentioned he is waiting for the Division of Communications to coordinate programming.
Forestry Legacy
Henry then informed the Council that the Chesapeake Headwaters FLP proposal was submitted again this year. The NA Mock Panel ranked it 20 out of 23 projects in the Northeastern Area.
Open Space
There are several open space projects on the table. The 87-acre Wilson tract is located near the Jester Tract at Redden State Forest. The two-parcel 22-acre Straughn project is located in between two tracts at Blackbird State Forest. The 70-acre Evans project is located south of the Appenzellar tract at Redden just off of US 113.
Next Council Meeting and Adjournment
Next Council Meeting
The next Council meeting is scheduled for February 12, 2013, at 1:00 pm in the Secretary’s conference room at the DDA. Future meeting dates: April 9, 2013, at the Hagley Museum and Library in Wilmington (Richard Pratt to host; lunch will be served at 12:00 noon).
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 2:28 p.m.
Submitted by,
Michael A. Valenti
Forestry Administrator
cc: Edwin Kee, Secretary of Agriculture
E. Austin Short, III, Deputy Secretary of Agriculture
Governor’s Council on Forestry Minutes – December 11, 2012 – Page 1