SBA Executive Board Meeting #1
Date: June 28, 2014
Time: 10am - noon
Craig - Advisor
Elaine –President
Cassandra – VP
David – Director of Administration
- E-Board
- Vacant positions
- Director of Finance – Oakland Campus student only
- Director of Engagement and Communication
- Both position will be filled by July 13th, 2014
- David will email the students regarding vacant positions
- Require
- 1) statement of intent
- 2) What skill sets can you bring?
- 3) CV
- A mini interview will be offered after narrowing down the candidates based on CV and platform
- Interview will be held on July 12th at 9AM.
- Location TBD
- 30 min time slot
- 20 min interview with 10 min debriefing
- Elect positions
- President-Elect
- VP-Elect
- Director of Admin-Elect
- Director of Finance-Elect
- Director of Engagement and Communication-Elect
- All Elect positions will be reserved for incoming students only
- Two years commitment required
- Election will be postponed until after orientation in August
- Class Rep
- Cassandrawill email the new class rep.
- Each cohort pick their own Class Rep
- Recruit class Rep to help with mixer
- VP (Cassandra) will supervise the class rep and check in with them monthly
- Will include class reps in more future events
- Banner
- David will update the banner to include the new SBA page, SBA Instagram, and SBA email.
- David will set up an SBA Instagram acct.
- Twitter option was discussed and it was determined not necessary.
- Will be printed before the Orientation Mixer
- Craig will be in charge of getting it printed.
- Facebook Page
- Cassandrawill create a new SBA page (which is completed already. You go gurl! Haha)
- Possible incentive if respond to liking the new page is low
- Raffling out gift card, shirt, mug, etc to people who “liked” the page
- Orientation
- Will have a SBA representative at each cohort orientation
- SMU main orientation: Wed, Aug 27th.
- CSPM orientation: Aug 16th
- All other programs orientation: Aug 7th
- Mixer
- Date: Tuesday, Aug 16th
- Time: 5PM or 6PM
- Event: Social gathering in either Green Field or HEC Bectal Room depending on weather.
- Food: Appetizer and desserts
- Drinks: Alcohol, soda, juice, water
- Music: Craigwill reserved speaker. Elaine will have an opening solo.
- SBA banner will be up. Possible raffling.
- SBA Welcome Video - Elaine
- Make a welcome video for SMU/SBA
- Tentative completion date: Sept 2014
- Elaine– draft a script, make a powerpoint slideshow
- Send out to student when they first got accepted
- Interdepartmental Development
- Create a page for roommate finding for students, especially new incoming students.
- Possible hiking trip during orientation
- Fall 2014 Event idea
- Ice Cream
- Date: TBD, probably mid semester (October)
- Misc
- David- Email out CSPM election policy/protocol to possibly be used as a model in other programs
- David- Create a login info sheet on Google Drive for various SBA accounts
- Possibly more SBA gear in the future
***Meeting adjourned at noon with Brazil beating Chile in the World Cup ***