- The dysfunctional family was first studied in families in which there was ALCOHOLISM.
- A dysfunctional family does not meet the NEEDS of the family members.
- How does the cost of neonatal care compare to the cost of prenatal care? SUBSTANTIALLY HIGHER
- Children accept and adjust to their parents’ divorce if GOOD COMMUNICATION is present within the family.
- The term used when an individual is sexually intimate with only one partner:MONOGAMOUS
- FAS is caused by alcohol.
- A relationship will last with the following components: communication, commitment, and COMPROMISE.
- An example of an environmental factor is exposure to X-RAYS which may pose as a danger to the developing fetus.
- Alternative health care would include the following: chiropractor, homeopathy, and ACCUPUNCTURE.
- Techniques use by advertisers include humor, testimonial, and BANDWAGON.
- The EPA considers this indoor pollutant in private homes to be a public health threat:RADON
- Health care costs in the U.S. are rising because of high tech equipment, medical law suits, and LONGER LIFE EXPECTATNCY.
- Household hazardous waste includes the following: interactive, corrosive, and FLAMMABLE.
- The health of people as a group or community is referred to as PUBLIC HEALTH.
- The disease emphysema is most aggravated by TEMPERATURE INVERSION.
- Long term disorders are the main cause of death for the ELDERLY.
- When you see a person with a DISABILITY you should ask if they need assistance.
- Arthritis is a disease/condition caused by SWELLING pain and stiffness of affected joints.
- Blood donors must have their blood tested for hepatitis, syphilis, and HIV VIRUS.
- After infection, how long does it take for an individual to develop HIV antibodies?VARIES WITH INDIVIDUAL
- Problems of a LATCH KEY child are fear, boredom, loneness, and low self-esteem.
- The Domestic Violence Act was passed to protect BATTERED WOMEN.
- The cycle of violence includes TENSION PHASE, battering and calming phase.
- During this phase in the cycle of violence, the abuser promises to never abuse again:CALMING PHASE
- The FAMILY HOMES is the most common place for elderly abuse to occur.
- When you are enabling you are always COVERING for the other person.
- The four major indicators used to evaluate relationships are communication, self-esteem, boundaries, and COMMITMENT.
- Two types of malformation at birth are spina bifida and CLEFT PALATE.
- Aerosol spray contains FLUROCARBONS.
- An epidemic is an outbreak of DISEASE that affects many people in a particular area.
- A federal government which covers the cost of health care for people over the age of 65 is MEDICARE.
- An HIV infection is present when HIV ANTIBODIES are declared.
- An opportunistic infection is most common in AIDS patients.
- Exploitation is the misuse of an older person’s FUNDS.
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