President Goldman called the September meeting of the Borough Council to order in Council Chambers of Borough Hall at 7:30 P.M. this 5th day of October 2009.


Mayor Wall led all present in the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag.


Mr. Clark, Mr. Davis, Mr. Durkin, Ms. Durkin, Mr. Golden, Mr. Hildenbrand, Mr. Madden,Ms. Marlowe, Dr. Montanarom Ms. Pancoe ,Vice President Dobbs& President Goldman. (12)


Solicitor Clarke, Police Chief DiValentino Manager English and Assistant Manager Centola.


Police Chief DiValentino took time to recognize community members and officers who have helped the community in the past several months.

DiValentino started by recognizing members of the Youth Aid Panel for their hard work and dedication to the program. Members of the Youth Aid Panel on hand were Martha Mallory, Jerry West and Linda Osbourne.

The Concordia Lodge of Jenkintown has recently made a donation to the Jenkintown Police Department and two representatives from the lodge were on hand to accept the recognition form Chief DiValentino.

Also, recognized were Sergeant Rick Carson and Officer Frank Jaworski for helping an individual who had gone into cardiac arrest and Officer Sean Perry who was able to dislodge food from an individual who was choking.

Chief DiValentinointroduced Officer Jennifer Wittenberg and Officer Sam Bell who have completed their training and are working part-time for the Police Department. Mayor Wall and Chief DiValentino also swore in Michael Schmidt who will be joining the department as a part-time officer.


Motion to approve the minutes of the September 14, 2009Borough Council Meeting. Councilman Madden moved, seconded by Councilman Clark.

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”


Vice President Dobbs reported the fund expense total for the various funds for the month ofSeptember2009, as listed in the agenda packet.

GENERAL FUND (2 PAYROLLS) ______$105,257.02

FUND 01 GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT______$49,721.17


FUND 03 FIRE TAX ACCOUNT ______$464.00

FUND 05 LIBRARY TAX______$50,000.00

FUND 08 SEWER TAX______$400.00

FUND 09 SOLID WASTE FUND______$22,856.27

FUND 18 STREET TAX FUND______$7,654.19


FUND 60 POLICE PENSION FUND______$14,347.72




Councilman Golden moved, seconded by Councilwoman Marloweto approve the payrolls and invoices for the month of September 2009, as listed in the agenda packet.

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”.


Warren Simpson of 520 Cheltena: Report on the workshop from 9/30. It was a productive meeting and a lot of good ideas came out if it. Residents would like to look at alternative measures with money left over from the county. Also, to step up enforcement and put stop signs up. Mr. Simpson asked that council move to remove the speedhump from Cheltena Ave.

Dave Fitzgerald 510 Cheltena: Would like to concede his three minutes of public comment time to Mr. Simpson so he can continue.

8:00 p.m. Borough Council recessed to executive session

8:10 p.m. Borough Council adjourned from executive session andback into full council. President Goldman announced Council discussed a litigation matter.

Mr. Simpson was granted more time to keep speaking.

Warren Simpson of 520 Cheltena: Asked that speed hump be removed from the project. Residents submitted a petition asking so. 85% of the residents had signed it and of that 85%, 75% were opposed to a speed hump.

The 9 steps recommended in the Traffic Calming plan were not followed by Council. Since the grant was awarded in July 2008 there has been virtually no communication. The postcard sent in July 2009 was mis-leading. Speed humps are opposed by the Fire Co’s and the First Alarmers.

Submitting documentation to Borough Manager about speed hump process.

Submitting a request for production of documents under the Right to Know Act to Borough Manager.

Dave Fitzgerald of 510 Cheltena: Mr. Simpson covered 99% of what I wanted to see. I am requesting residents in this room who are opposed to speed humps stand up.

Kevin Piroit of Cheltena: We live in a representative community. Not sure if this was a fair survey. Why don’t the people want a speed hump? Don’t they care about the safety of the children? Mr. Simpson mentioned using taxpayers dollars, but what he is asking the Borough to do and the time it would take is a huge cost to taxpayers. A traffic circle would be great, but it takes time, up to 3 years. Can a temporary speed hump be an option?

Sally Simpson of 520 Cheltena: There are other families on this street and we all raised our children here. Please don’t say we didn’t think about children.

Dan McDade: 600 Block of Cheltena This is a heavy safety issue

Joe DiCaccio of 419 Newbold: A lot of this could have been avoided if taken different steps.

Carol DiCaccio of 419 Newbold: I have never experienced a speeding issue. This is completely blown out of proportion. Lack of communication ridiculous, I am upset about it. In these trying economic times speed humps will devalue our homes.

Lucy Harp of Newbold Rd: We respectfully asked Newbold to be taken off the list for speed humps and be considered in another round of funding. We requested and encouraged council to have neighborhood meetings and residents asked the vote not to be taken, why weren’t they listened to? Should not move forward with anymore traffic calming until there is a policy. Residents requested delay in vote on Aug 3rd, why wasn’t there a delay?

Carol Shenk of 511 Cheltena: I am one of the few for speed hump. I don’t think it’s the most attractive thing, but we need to think of our children. There is a speeding problem on Cheltena, it is a busy road where other children walk. People my age, with kids in school are for speed humps. Please consider our children.

Tom May of 411 Cheltena: Oppossed to speed hump on Cheltena, the character of the Borough is pretty, but we’re changing that character. Opposition shouldn’t be a surprise. Look at the PennDot handbook and standard traffic, pulled the trigger too quickly.

Joanna May of 411 Cheltena: This is a beautiful community please find another alternative.

Karen Hartman of Cheltena: I brought a visual to show the neighborhood and how it is divided. We are a neighborhood and not a block. On August 3rd I submitted a petition from my neighbors and it was not looked at by council. By my count 32 adults are opposes, 12 are in favor, 4 have abstained and 2 homes are unknown.

Didn’t feel it was proper that now all members were present at the Aug. 3rd meeting.

We would like the hump removed from the list. Would like Kelly (Mr. Simpson) to be considered the representative for the neighbors.

Mary Fitzgerald of 510 Cheltena: I am concerned about the children, but also about the 19 speed humps.

Eric Holt of 426 Vernon: We watch our children and wouldn’t let them in the street alone.


Administration & Finance Committee:

The minutes are at the desk. MMO is on Order of Business and there will be a brief report on Pension Funds.

Public Works Committee:

There are no minutes, minutes were handed out at the September meeting.

Public Safety Committee:

There are no minutes, had meeting before the September council meeting. Chairman Montanaro announced he is stepping down as Chair.

Building, Zoning, & Revitalization Committee:

No minutes. One item for Order of Business. Highlights of meeting were the Zoning Code Review continues and we have Revitalization Coffees coming up on Oct. 13 and 15th.

Jenkintown School District:

It’s college application preparation time. The SAT’s will be held on October 14th. Dr. Wade is presentinga state of the budget to the Home and School Association. As far as flu shots, the school district is following guidelines form the CDC. .

Jenkintown Community Alliance:

Written report in packet.

Multi-Municipal Group:

611 Corridor Group working with SEPTA to try and get funding to improve shuttle service along 611.

Looking into more opportunities with the County Revitalization Board to get money moving into area.

On the 8th, the Hiway will be showing The First Metropolis.

Solicitor’s Report:

Solicitor Clark has no report but requests an executive session.

Mayor’s Report:

Attended several Police Chiefs meetings and is proud of the force and all they do.

Police Chief’s Report:

October 18th there will be an emergency management drill at the train station 6 a.m.-noon.

Manager Report:

Today officially began construction on the parking lot. On Oct 8th there will be a Fire Prevention Night and the First Suburbs Event. Manager English was in Washington D.C. for the First Suburbs meeting.

Attended a stormwater management meeting with 28 municipalities.

There is an item for new business from the county.


1. Resolution 2009-13

Motion: To adopt Resolution 2009-13 distributing the Boroughs 2009 allocation of general municipal pension state aid to the Boroughs Police and Non-Uniform Pension plans.

Vice President Dobbs moved, seconded by Councilman Madden

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

2. Resolution 2009-14

Motion: To adopt Resolution 2009-14 distributing the Boroughs 2009 allocation of state funding to the Volunteer Fire Relief Association.

Vice Presiden Dobbs moved, seconded by Councilman Madden

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

3. Numbering of Buildings Councilwoman Pancoe

Motion: To authorize the administration to advertise to amend Chapter 78-13 of the Borough Code relating to the numbering of buildings.

Councilwoman Pancoemoved, seconded by Vice President Dobbs

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

4. First Suburbs

Motion: To authorize the administration to budget the membership fees to join the First Suburbs Group into the 2010 budget for $500 for the year.

Councilwoman Pancoemoved, seconded by Councilman Golden

MOTION CARRIED, with 11 voting “AYE” and 1 “NAY” (Councilwoman Marlowe)

5. Resolution 2009-15

Motion: To adopt resolution 2009-15 authorizing the Borough Manager to sign the PennDOT 5 year winter traffic services agreement.

Councilman Clarkmoved, seconded by Councilman Durkin.

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”

New Business

6.Cheltena Ave. Speed Hump

Motion: To remove the Cheltena Ave. speed hump from the construction schedule for Fall 2009.

Councilman Montanaromoved, seconded by Councilman Madden.

MOTION CARRIED, 8 voting “AYE” (Clark, C. Durkin, Hildenbrand, Golden, Madden, Montanaro, Pancoe, Goldman) and 4 “NAY” (Davis, L. Durkin, Marlowe, Dobbs)

7. Decorative Corsswalk

Motion: To approve the proposed option for the decorative crosswalks.

Councilman Clarkmoved, seconded by Councilman Hildenbrand

MOTION CARRIED, 11 voting “AYE” and 1 “NAY” (Davis)

8. Adjournment

Motion: To adjourn the October 5, 2009 Borough Council Meeting at 10:30 p.m.

Councilwoman Marlowemoved, seconded by Councilman Davis

MOTION CARRIED, all present voting “AYE”