The Design at Business People Book
The idea
We all know it – Design Thinking (DT) always starts with the people doing it. Therefore, we would like to give the PEOPLE within the community a stage to present themselves, and share their stories and learnings around Design Thinking in large enterprises. After writing about“Creative Spaces inside Corporate Environments”, this is our second publicationperfectly fitting to the cornerstones of design-led innovation: “People, Space and Process”.
Who cancontribute?
The book is an opportunity for active community members to share their most inspiring learnings from the corporate world. It is also open for people who are not part of the community (yet), but committed to driving a people-centric innovation approach further and face similar challenges.
The most important criteriaare: you actively apply a design-led innovation approach to your business challenges since approximately 3 years*, and have an interesting story to tell. Whether you are a “Design Thinking Coach”, a “Design Manager”, a “Designer” or any combination of it.
*This is not a strict rule – the quality of your content is most important!
How do we publish it?
We want to produce it as a “real book”, with all it takes like cover, contributors, content overview and so on. Your story will be recognizable as your contribution, amongst others. The book itself is published under Creative Commons Licence.
It will be available as a digital version on, and potentially as a blog series with the individually stories. A printed version is a plus, not must for us.
How to become part it?
Ifyou have an inspiring story to share with the Design Thinking community, the only thing you have to do for the moment is: share it with us online (in English, please). Take the questions more as potential starting points for your story and less as strict questionnaire you have to follow one by one. Please limit your answers in total to 800-1000 words.
What are the next steps?
We are really looking forward receiving your stories September 22,2017.
After that we will review,select and curatethe submitted stories. In case you want to support us in the next steps towards the final publication – please reach out to us!
Jochen, AngelaBettina
Our questions for you
Introduce yourself (150 words)
- Name, age (if you want), official title, company
- Professional background and years of experience
- 3 things about you from outside your job
Personal Experience (250 words)
- Describe the very first moment when you got in touch with Design Thinking. What made it stick?
- How, when and why did your design thinking journey start?
- Tell us about one of the most transforming moments while working with design thinking.
- What was your worst “Design Thinking moment”?
- What are the top three things would do differently when you would have to start all over again?
Design Thinking in your job (300 words)
- What does Design Thinking mean in your Organization?
- How is Design Thinking adopted in your team, company or organization?
- What are your main challenges while doing “Design Thinking” in your team, company or organization?How do you cope with them?
- How did Design Thinking change the way you work on a day to day basis?
An outlook (100 words)
- What are you expecting for the future? What role will Design Thinking play or what is coming next?
Two last sentences (100 words)
- Without Design Thinking my job … (1 sentence)
- Design Thinking is for me … (1 sentence)