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February 2, 2015


Minutes of Ad Hoc Neighborhood Blight Subcommittee meetingof January 28, 2015

Topic: Criteria, Goals and Structure of Neighborhood Organizations and the vacant property registry.

Location: Conference Room A,4th Floor, Suite 425, 117 West Duval St., Jacksonville, FL

City Attendees: Council Member Bill Gulliford, Paige Johnston (Office of General Counsel),Mary Beth Ridderman (Planning & Development), Rosemary Wesolowski (Planning & Development) Stacey Burch (Planning & Development), Darrell Griffin (Housing & Community Dev.), Robert Campbell (Council Auditor Office), Dan McDonald (ECA), Caleena Shirley (Housing & Community Development)Brian Moser (Regulatory Compliance), Sandra Stockwell (Office of General Counsel), and Stan Johnson

See attached sign-in sheet for additional attendees.

Meeting convened:3:15p.m.

Council Member Gulliford opened the meeting. He revisited the issue ofidentifying how many of the vacant property owners who have been notified to register, have not registered with the Vacant Property Registry. Robert Campbell responded that there was a discrepancy in the number of homes that are in default and those who have complied with paying the fee and going through the registering process. Caleena Shirley stated they will have that number at the next meeting. Council Member Gulliford recommended that a penalty or fine be written into the code for failure to register. Allison Albert suggested language that would prevent a property owner from moving forward with a foreclosure if they have not registered with the Vacant Property Registry would be beneficial. At the next meeting the subcommittee will discussdrafting future legislation on Vacant Property Registry.

Caleena Shirley reviewed the Vacant Property Registry Comparison,which provided a comparison of Broward, Clay, Deltona, Hillsborough, Miami-Dade, Orange Pasco and Duval counties.

Paige Johnston reported that rather than provide a yes or no final decision on the legalities of the potential uses of the Vacant Property Registry funds, the Office of General Counsel will advise the subcommittee of the risks of the potential uses.

Darrell Griffin reviewed possible strategies and uses of the Vacant Registry Funds, which included:

1) Foreclosure Prevention Strategy.

2) Housing and Community Development Strategy

3) Neighborhood Organizational Development, Outreach and Education.

Council Member Gulliford recommended that a specific percentage of the funds be dispersed for each strategy.

Allison Albert provided an overview of Legal Aide’s foreclosure process addressing some of the pros and cons of programs designed to assist home owners going through that process. Dayatra Coles provided additional comments as to the positive benefits of the program. The group discussed the lack of home ownership among Millennials and the challenges of qualifying first time home buyers.

Council Member Gulliford thanked participants andadjourned the meeting.

Meeting adjourned: 4:10p.m.

Minutes: Stan Johnson