Attachment 14A

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Component A – Family-Focused HIV Health Care for Women

Core Services and Required Linkages Chart

Core Program Services Required On-Site

Services / Number of Clients to be Served Annually / Name(s)/Title(s) of Position(s)
Primarily Providing Service / Positions will be
(check one):
Funded by
this grant / In-kind
Comprehensive medical services including:
Adult HIV primary care
Gynecological/obstetrical care
Coordinated with a clinician with HIV expertise, especially for the ARV management of pregnant women
Including reproductive health and preconception care for women of childbearing age and screening for sexually transmitted diseases
Client-centered treatment adherence education
Risk assessment and risk reduction services for HIV, STDs, hepatitis, other chronic diseases and substance use, e.g. drug, alcohol, tobacco
Assessments for mental health, nutrition and wellness programs, e.g., physical activity
Domestic violence/trauma screening
Co-morbid disease management, e.g., hepatitis C, diabetes, cardiovascular disease
Multidisciplinary case conferences
Self-management support and skills building
HIV counseling and testing of family members
Partner services (see service definitions)
Mental health services, such as those that focus on addressing issues of trauma, substance use, disclosure and family issues. Services may include counseling for individuals, couples/partners, families and/or groups. (See Section V. Service Definitions for qualifications.)
Support services necessary to assist women to remain engaged in care, including patient navigation
Medical case management
HIV-related care for exposed infants, e.g., MTCT prophylaxis, diagnostic testing and PCP prophylaxis

Family-Focused HIV Health Care for Women and HIV Health Care and Related Services for Adolescents and Young Adults

RFA # 09-0006

Attachment 14A

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Component A – Family-Focused HIV Health Care for Women

Core Services and Required Linkages Chart

Required Linkages if Services Not On-Site

(Applicant should have linkage agreements on file with these agencies)

Services / Name(s) of Agency(s) or Program(s)
Primarily Providing Service / Provider will be
(check one):
On-site / Linkage Agency
Specialty care other than gynecologic and obstetrical care
HIV prevention programs for family members (including counseling and testing for those family members who choose not to test on-site)
Psychiatric treatment and psychotropic medication management
Community-based case management, including COBRA Community Follow-Up Programs
Clinical trials and appropriate study/treatment protocols
Developmental psychological services for children
Substance use treatment services
Nutritional services
Dental services
Inpatient care
Home health services
Legal assistance including immigration and future care/custody/guardianship services for dependent children

Family-Focused HIV Health Care for Women and HIV Health Care and Related Services for Adolescents and Young Adults

RFA # 09-0006