Yeppoon Golf Club Inc47thAnnual General Meeting
TAKE NOTICE that the Annual General Meeting of this Association will be held at the Clubhouse on Sunday 8th November 2015 at 9 am. The Business to be transacted at this meeting will be:
- Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meetings
- Receipt of the Officers Reports;
- Receipt of the Financial Accounts for the period ended 30th June 2015 and if thought fit, the adoption thereof;
- Receipt of the Auditors Report upon the books and accounts for the same period;
- The appointment of an Auditor;
- Election of Patron
- The election of Management Committee Officers
- Please note there is no nomination for sec/ treas. These are statutory position and for the club to continue they must be filled.
- Discussion of any business raised in the appropriate manner, including the following:
Moved: M.Slade (2045) Seconded: M. Golightly (319) THAT
RULE 7 (Annual Membership Fees, Green Fees and Competition Fees) be changed to read:
(1) All Annual Fees shall be determined by a majority of Members, on advice and recommendation from Management Committee, at a Special General Meeting of Members called in May each year for such purpose.
(2) Renewal of Membership shall be payable by 30 June each year. A Member who has not paid his/her annual membership or entered into an agreement to do so by 1 July, shall be deemed unfinancial.
(3) (a) The fees payable for playing on the course, whether in a competition round or otherwise and to be referred to as "green fees", shall be determined on a per game basis from time to time by Management Committee after meaningful cinsultation with a cross-section of Members.
(b) The fees payable on the course, whether in a competition round or otgherwise and to be referred to as "annual green fees", shall be determined from time to time by the Management Committee after meaningful consultation with a cross-section of Members.
(4) The fees payable for playing in a competition in respect of the various costs and expenses associated with the conduct of competitions on the course, shall be determined from time to time by the Management Committee after meaningful consultation with a cross-section of Members.
(5) Unchanged
Moved Kerry Rodda; Seconded Lola Hargreave
RULE 17 (1) Be changed to read:-
The management committee of the association consists of a president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, greens director, captain and vice-captain, a veteran’s representative and a ladies representative and any two other members the association members elect or appoint at a general meeting.
Lola Hargreave