Brownie Adventure

Brownie Name

Started Adventure badge on: Finished Adventure badge on:

Keep their Promise Find out about the Promise and
explore what it means to them

Interest badge

An activity with girls from another unit

3 YOU activities 3 COMMUNITY activities 3 WORLD activities

An adventure away from your meeting place

Take part in a pow-wow to help decide what happens at Brownies

Brownie Adventure On

Brownie Name

Started Adventure On badge: Finished Adventure On badge:

Continues to explore what
Promise means to them

New Interest badge

An activity with girls from another section (Rainbows, Guides or The Senior Section)

3 new YOU activities 3 new COMMUNITY activities 3 new WORLD activities

An adventure away from your meeting place and help decide what to do

Put forward ideas in a pow-wow to help decide what happens at Brownies

Brownie More Adventures

Brownie Name

Started More Adventures badge on:

Finished More Adventures badge on:

New Interest badge where they learn something new

Complete Brownies Go For It!

3 new YOU activities 3 new COMMUNITY activities 3 new WORLD activities

An adventure away from your meeting place and help other Brownies while there

Help plan an activity at Brownies